Forums > Surfing Longboarding

10'+ Boards, let's see em..

Created by vanders1 > 9 months ago, 23 Dec 2016
WA, 9675 posts
17 Jan 2021 4:38PM
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damned67 said..
So, in terms of the plan shape, this Cruz, the Tea Tree and the ITP would be virtually indistinguishable.

Comparing rocker between the Tea Tree and the ITP, the ITP is much flatter and the Tea Tree has a more nose rocker. This Cruz looks like a perfect blend of the two - flatter than the Tea Tree and more nose rocker than the ITP.
I love how flat the ITP is, but the lack of rocker in the nose makes it easy to perl/pearl.

While I clearly need to get some decent surfs on the new board, it really does come across as a perfect bled of the two.

And why do I seem to have a thing for 'high performance nose riders' when I can't nose ride (or 'high performance' surf)?
Takayama says/said the ITP is '2/3rds nose rider, 1/3 performance longboard', or at least I think it was Takayama.
For me, I think the '2/3rds nose rider' gives it great stability and the '1/3 performance longboard' keeps it loose on the tail, where I tend to surf from, lending to great maneuverability. At least, that's my thoughts.


I was going to ask why buy a noserider when you don't noseride...but you asked Mac for advice ...problem solved

Did you tell Josh you didn't noseride when ordering?

How does the grey go with wax in the sun? ...I am going to offload a board because it has a black tail and the wax melts like a snowflake ...side note . It seems to melt more in the board bag than in the surf yes tail buried underwater,but how does the black melt and not the rest of the board in a cover ? Has me ****ed

Josh always has nice looking boards, and yours is another example of what he sells

Also a great selling point for why not to buy pop out crapola...check the deck

Forgive all the curious questions and thoughts,but I have a life and still enjoyed all your thoughts

539 posts
17 Jan 2021 5:51PM
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Hey Chrispy,
Josh and I talked about the 'nose riding', or lack thereof. It is something I want to do, just not skilled enough.
I also love running down the line, maybe a turn or two... but love speed and trim. Whenever I try to nose ride, it's pretty much when the wave is pretty much done and I've had my fun with it. So not very successful.
And these noserider x performance boards seem to sit with what I like, or how I like to surf. Stable and tight forward, loose on the tail. Both the ITP and the Cruz seem to like going rail to rail (at least within my level of ability). Or something like that.

I've only surfed the board twice now, so too early to comment on the grey colouring and the wax. Doesn't seem too much different to other boards I own.

Took the board for a surf today at my usual spot. Waves were a bit better than they were at Noosa the other day.
The board certainly has that 'magic sauce'. Even attempted and made some turns today that were a new level for me - but whether that's specifically the board, or the board giving my the confidence to give it a shot, who knows?

Love the board - even the fin set up that I was initially questioning. I still fell like the centre fin could lose a little base and surface area, but I also easily walked forward up the board (front foot in the red section - I know it's a long way from nose riding, but I'm getting there).

I might move the centre back an inch or two, see if that changes much.

Either way, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed surfing it today!


WA, 9675 posts
18 Jan 2021 4:03PM
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damned67 said..
Hey Chrispy,
Josh and I talked about the 'nose riding', or lack thereof. It is something I want to do, just not skilled enough.
I also love running down the line, maybe a turn or two... but love speed and trim. Whenever I try to nose ride, it's pretty much when the wave is pretty much done and I've had my fun with it. So not very successful.
And these noserider x performance boards seem to sit with what I like, or how I like to surf. Stable and tight forward, loose on the tail. Both the ITP and the Cruz seem to like going rail to rail (at least within my level of ability). Or something like that.

I've only surfed the board twice now, so too early to comment on the grey colouring and the wax. Doesn't seem too much different to other boards I own.

Took the board for a surf today at my usual spot. Waves were a bit better than they were at Noosa the other day.
The board certainly has that 'magic sauce'. Even attempted and made some turns today that were a new level for me - but whether that's specifically the board, or the board giving my the confidence to give it a shot, who knows?

Love the board - even the fin set up that I was initially questioning. I still fell like the centre fin could lose a little base and surface area, but I also easily walked forward up the board (front foot in the red section - I know it's a long way from nose riding, but I'm getting there).

I might move the centre back an inch or two, see if that changes much.

Either way, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed surfing it today!


Secret sauce is the best sauce..well almost

Stoked you are loving it,and so good your first custom is a dream that makes you smile

Confidence or the board...mmmm if something feels great it will give you confidence,. Like a great haircut on a Friday night lol...but the board still needs to work which it is

On the noseriding bit. I was the biggest shuffler in the world and it was ugly(and not really effective big problem with shortboarders i was told) I would watch asea surf and be envious how he moved effortlessly, amongst a few oz champs

Best tip I got was to forget about surfing the wave or blowing it,just go straight to the nose and it will all come together worked

I still can't hang ten and be perched on the nose,I have plenty of excuses why I can't . But it was the best tip I ever got ,as I was like you and would wait for the end of the wave to try and it was always a failure as the wave was spent . Blew a lot of waves ,but now I can cruise it up and down and not look like a kook shuffling

Looking forward to the next update with lots of waves under your belt

Froth on grom

539 posts
19 Jan 2021 3:40PM
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Ha! Hard to think of my fat, aging ass as a frothing grom, but....
i know I need to 'sacrifice' a bunch of waves, back-to-back preferably, to sort out nose riding... but you know what those waves are also good for? Trimming n turning and having fun. So, yeah, maybe am a little bit of a frothing grom.

NSW, 412 posts
19 Jan 2021 8:00PM
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If your looking in Melbourne . I reckon that's cheap

QLD, 59 posts
19 Jan 2021 7:21PM
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Great looking board damned67
Here are a few pictures of my new 10 footer
10/25@84 litres Bert's latest all round shape (Novalova)
Great weight and very manoeuvrable for its size

SA, 1739 posts
19 Jan 2021 8:33PM
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beachandbush said..

If your looking in Melbourne . I reckon that's cheap

I reckon thats pretty beat up for $1000 bones.

7 posts
26 Jan 2021 2:23PM
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this is so goog

WA, 9675 posts
26 Jan 2021 3:11PM
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Adam33 said..
this is so goog

I don't mind a bit of goog of myself

506 posts
27 Jan 2021 9:39AM
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"Ten feet and one inch of foam, three wooden stringers and an ample serving of resin-tinted fiberglass make up Tyler Warren's take on a classic noserider. Warren's approach to log building is informed by masters like Terry Martin and Donald Takayama, with clean lines and lift-generating curves in all the right places. "

QLD, 3570 posts
27 Jan 2021 4:17PM
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Greeney said..
"Ten feet and one inch of foam, three wooden stringers and an ample serving of resin-tinted fiberglass make up Tyler Warren's take on a classic noserider. Warren's approach to log building is informed by masters like Terry Martin and Donald Takayama, with clean lines and lift-generating curves in all the right places. "

can't help but compare it to this ...from SBW, similar shape and solid construction ....


NT, 891 posts
27 Jan 2021 9:04PM
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margeaux said..
Great looking board damned67
Here are a few pictures of my new 10 footer
10/25@84 litres Bert's latest all round shape (Novalova)
Great weight and very manoeuvrable for its size

Sick Margeaux.
He's one of my favourite shapers the big fella and I reckon that thing'll go.
It almost looks like there's some involvement cues goin' on with the wider hips toward the tail.
Nice one man.

SA, 1739 posts
28 Jan 2021 9:53AM
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bazz61 said..

Greeney said..
"Ten feet and one inch of foam, three wooden stringers and an ample serving of resin-tinted fiberglass make up Tyler Warren's take on a classic noserider. Warren's approach to log building is informed by masters like Terry Martin and Donald Takayama, with clean lines and lift-generating curves in all the right places. "

can't help but compare it to this ...from SBW, similar shape and solid construction ....


You would crush Tyler Warren to compare one of his boards to a SBW board..

WA, 9675 posts
28 Jan 2021 8:40AM
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McHenry said..

bazz61 said..

Greeney said..
"Ten feet and one inch of foam, three wooden stringers and an ample serving of resin-tinted fiberglass make up Tyler Warren's take on a classic noserider. Warren's approach to log building is informed by masters like Terry Martin and Donald Takayama, with clean lines and lift-generating curves in all the right places. "

can't help but compare it to this ...from SBW, similar shape and solid construction ....


You would crush Tyler Warren to compare one of his boards to a SBW board..

I think it more laughable bazz is trying to tell us that the construction of the whorehouse is as good as Tyler...

QLD, 3570 posts
28 Jan 2021 11:49AM
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So the Forum Wrecker and **** stirrer is back in fine form ....

More comparing the shape , which seems pretty similar ...
the construction seems to be pretty solid but blank quality who knows .

PU foam / 6 + 6 + 6oz 3/4 patch to tail deck / 6oz + 4oz not too bad for 800 odd bucks

And if you happen to walk from Kirra to Duranbah on a peeling day SBW mals are popular , most probably because they are affordable .

WA, 9675 posts
28 Jan 2021 9:56AM
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bazz61 said..
So the Forum Wrecker and **** stirrer is back in fine form ....

More comparing the shape , which seems pretty similar ...
the construction seems to be pretty solid but blank quality who knows .

PU foam / 6 + 6 + 6oz 3/4 patch to tail deck / 6oz + 4oz not too bad for 800 odd bucks

And if you happen to walk from Kirra to Duranbah on a peeling day SBW mals are popular , most probably because they are affordable .

Oh here is Mr grumpy,yes I am the forum wrecker...only the insecure wankers think that. So blah blah blah

You made an outrageous claim on comparisons on quality sbw quality is ****e ...bahahaha enjoy yourself bazz

Yes people buy them on price,you get what you pay for. Have you ever surfed or held a Tyler bazz ?

Edit I just won an award for positivity

VIC, 2869 posts
28 Jan 2021 1:15PM
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bazz61 said..

Edit I just won an award for positivity

Consistant positivity it was...

QLD, 3570 posts
28 Jan 2021 12:36PM
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Well I give you credit for acknowledging the fact your the Forum wrecker and enjoy your fictitious ward .....!!

WA, 9675 posts
28 Jan 2021 10:58AM
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bazz61 said..
Well I give you credit for acknowledging the fact your the Forum wrecker and enjoy your fictitious ward .....!!

Your comprehension skills are as useless as your personality bazz ..enjoy the day mate

WA, 9675 posts
28 Jan 2021 10:59AM
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Nozza said..

bazz61 said..

Edit I just won an award for positivity

Consistant positivity it was...

I actually did get an award for positivity at the nursing home I volunteer at

Not half as good as the Jan 26 one though nozza. But it was nice all the same

QLD, 3570 posts
28 Jan 2021 1:11PM
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"I actually did get an award for positivity at the nursing home I RESIDE at"
Fixed it for ya ....

WA, 9675 posts
28 Jan 2021 11:18AM
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bazz61 said..
"I actually did get an award for positivity at the nursing home I RESIDE at"
Fixed it for ya ....

So your jokes are as good as your personality and have scored the trifecta ...bravo you winner bazz

9106 posts
28 Jan 2021 11:51AM
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Bhahahaha Bazz61 the kiwi living in Australia wishing happy invasion day.
two days later calling sh!t stirring out.

QLD, 21946 posts
28 Jan 2021 1:59PM
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God help anybody who steps out of line in here

9106 posts
28 Jan 2021 12:05PM
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Macaha said..
God help anybody who steps out of line in here

Short memory by midnight oil.

WA, 9675 posts
28 Jan 2021 12:07PM
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Macaha said..
God help anybody who steps out of line in here

Hypocrisy is our greatest luxury, you know a bit about that mate

Funny thing is, bazz made an outrageous claim, two people laughed at how stupid it was, bazz had a cry,called me names ...and yeh I'm da bad guy...

Anything else Mac?

WA, 9675 posts
28 Jan 2021 12:09PM
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Cobra said..
Bhahahaha Bazz61 the kiwi living in Australia wishing happy invasion day.
two days later calling sh!t stirring out.

Stop it cobra ,bazz might cry,and nobody would want that as he offers so much to the forum .

QLD, 21946 posts
28 Jan 2021 2:10PM
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Cobra said..

Macaha said..
God help anybody who steps out of line in here

Short memory by midnight oil.

Great band mixed with rum no good

QLD, 21946 posts
28 Jan 2021 2:12PM
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chrispy said..

Macaha said..
God help anybody who steps out of line in here

Hypocrisy is our greatest luxury, you know a bit about that mate

Funny thing is, bazz made an outrageous claim, two people laughed at how stupid it was, bazz had a cry,called me names ...and yeh I'm da bad guy...

Anything else Mac?

Nah I'm going for a award

WA, 9675 posts
28 Jan 2021 12:16PM
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Macaha said..

chrispy said..

Macaha said..
God help anybody who steps out of line in here

Hypocrisy is our greatest luxury, you know a bit about that mate

Funny thing is, bazz made an outrageous claim, two people laughed at how stupid it was, bazz had a cry,called me names ...and yeh I'm da bad guy...

Anything else Mac?

Nah I'm going for a award

I hope so ...kindness is coolness, let's be the coolest

I will.print some up for everyone


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"10'+ Boards, let's see em.." started by vanders1