Vanders - I thought we were keeping that spot secret Ripper of a shot. Well done. It really is a super spot that one. One of my all time favs. I see that view most morning when I go for a surf ahhhhh
Feck I miss that place every day Ted .... give it a big sloppy kiss for me mate , find the nearest smoking hot chickybabe and tell her I love her true
Not beach but bush, sunset out near St George Qld I took at the end of a days hunting.
Taken with iPhone panorama.
Unreal photos guys. Haven't seen many city ones Ted or panoramas Vanders!
Is that the sun or the moon mick?
ohh nice beach that one. So you have moved south then. Lucky you. If you can handle the cold then you have a smorgasbord of waves ! Lucky man. Hope you are getting lots. Aramoana is one of my favs of all time. Post some pics next time its firing - no danger of crowds down that way
A bit of photography question
Discovered my Nikon AW100 or whatever it is has a panorama mode - only tried it once hand held, and the resolution is crap, but the effect is good, and I would like to try more of this. Does anyone know how / why these panoramas work, and why the resolution has been dropped back to less than 1/6th of a standard photo?
Any help appreciated - I would like to do the panorama thing but at high quality.
Great shots lad keep them coming.
But I Can't believe no one has posted a naked chick photo In this thread yet.
This must be the most on topic post in the history of the LB room