Meant to mention, if you are interested in this type of board send Tom a question from his web site
He's far more qualified to articulate the boards qualities than me
Thanks for the reply GWat.
Sound like an interesting board and they look amazing...
I have a glass Wegener. Very nice board to surf and would love to trade up for a wood one.
Got a few pics to load but I'll start with these one's,they're from the big Quiksilver shop in Hawaii.The shop owner told me these stories about them,true or not I don't know but he seemed to be a genuine bloke!...
a hand painted Jerry Lopez,painted by the man himself
The Gerry Lopez board that was used in Big Wednesday and riden by him in the movie,the bloke told me he reckons it would be worth around the 40k mark,mmm?
Thanks AI they had some of those boards when I was there a few years back,keep the photos coming is you have time.
A couple from Big Wave Daves Surf Shop.Beautiful Gordon and Smith triple stringer,2nd from top(would have loved to bring that back)
Nice flamed Pearson Arrow 3rd from top
Other boards below where Waldens!...
A rack of Donald Takayamas,prices where ranging from 1300 to 1550 US Dollars.These where in KOA Boardsports Shop at Waikiki!...
Great work AL. Bringing back a few memories.
Good to see someone was smart enough to take a camera.. Iphones are rubbish for taking board photos...
Now how is your new one going???