Love to ride your board Lfish that would be a real treat,maybe we can hock up one day,mid week if that works.
So Prawnhead hows it looking this morning? a few feet and clean and offshore? Looks like conditions should build a bit over the next few days. I am going to bail from work early and make a mad dash this arvo - so should be there for beers around the fire this evening and the dawnie in the morning.
I'm just down t woollies now doing my final bit of shopping, I could leave now, but I think I'll be better off if I just hit the fart sack early and leave between 2 & 3.
You're all a pack of bastards..... Have a good wknd boys, You should get some decent waves, tomorrow morning is looking the pick 3ftish of swell and westerly till lunch time.
Is 3.5 hrs each way To far to drive for a day trip?
Coastalwatch report for port
Short Forecast
Long period S groundswell inconsistent 1 - 2ft early, building to 2 - 3ft during the afternoon and potentially 3 - 4ft south facing beaches late in the afternoon. Grading to 2 - 4ft across open beaches depending on exposure. WIND: Early SW 5 to 15 knots tending S to SE to 10 to 15 knots during the day.
S groundswell 3 - 4ft south facing beaches, grading to 2 - 3ft open beaches. Inconsistent in the upper range and easing during the afternoon. WIND: Early WSW 5 to 15 knots tending light NW to N during the afternoon.
S swell 1 - 3ft max south facing beaches, fading during the day. Mixing in with background E swell at around 2ft open beaches. WIND: Early WSW 5 to 15 knots, tending S to SE 10 to 15 knots during the day.
Inconsistent E swell around 2ft open beaches, residual S swell 1ft south facing beaches, E windswell increasing during the afternoon. WIND: SSW 5 - 15 knots tending SSE 10 to 20 knots during the morning and stronger E during the afternoon.
Seems road trips are happening over west 2?..
for those who don't go to the SB forum here's the link. It is a classic.
Edit... I'll just paste it
I'm packed
Well the boards are strapped on
I guess I had better do something in the way of food shelter and clothing
Oh, BTW, as I was packing the boards, I had an aromatic sensual experience.
No I don't dropped perfumed farts you nobs mine stink real bad
it was the wax.
I'll start another thread about it.
I've got some custom made local WA wax - smells like ripe coconuts , I keep a block near the DogPupbed , nice I like it
Okydoky, Lfish is up there, Ted should be there by now, I'm all nice and tucked up in my jimmyjams with the clowns faces, I have my favorite teddy at my side and I'm off to the land of nod.
No more road trip promised, next time we will have a trip report thread, for better or for worse.
So have we arrived safe boys
Whats the weather doing
Whos hang over
Whats the swell doing
Pictures would be nice for us poor soles at work
No phone service there Mac, so guess is we might get an update later if the go into Creso.I'd guess surf would be 3ft, wind not to bad but not perfect, id guess pretty good waves with less than 5 in the water..
my other prediction is OBCT has embraced the dark arts and loving the new found glide of Teds GFs 666
they would be getting surf as the swell is marginally larger than yesterday and has more east in it....but they are also getting wet a*ses as it has been drizzling rain since yesterday on and off ..
i canned it as i don't normally use a tent , 3-4 beers sitting at home in the warm took care of the rest..