ahh ok cheers, looked a bit like the car i bought in sth africa in the late 70`s a peugeot 404
found it to be a great car and very reliable too, cheap as chips.
That reminds me of just how finicky lovers of certain car makes can be, I was once talking to a Peugeot fanatic and made the mistake of pronouncing it like "Purr Joe", it was like I had just insulted his religion, he looked at me in disgust and uttered "it's Pew Joe".
That may have been the other way around, I can't remember for sure because all I was thinking at the time was "you must be mistaking me for someone who gives a flying fark"
I should try to remember the wrong way to say it so I can keep doing it whenever I talk to one. Just like a Navy guy I knew years ago who worked down in the engine rooms all his life.
When him and his mates were below, it was all "starboard, Port, bow and stern" as soon a a sailing officer came within ear shot it was all "Right, left, pointy end and blunt end".
The sailing officers knew what they were doing and tried their best to ignore it.