I miss you.
I can’t add to the carver skateboard thread cos its too old, but here’s some wisdom from Skip Frye: “Skateboarding will absolutely keep your legs in shape. I had put all my skateboards away for many years, but then one day a little while back, I picked up one of those Carver boards, rode it around for a bit, and the next time I surfed I could pop right to my feet. Now it’s part of my routine. Let me tell you, the legs really go as you get older. But my legs feel like they’re five years younger just because I’ve been riding skateboards.”
It’s not a Warthog, it’s a Water Hog.
Admit it, that the Sea Plane was just a bad idea.
I reckon a few of us have taken a break from this place. Then thought about it. Decided to come back and play, but to not invest too much emotion in it all. I hope you do too.
C'mon mate. You are funny and you know heaps about surfing. (That sets you apart for starters)
Can't wait for the new name and new post numero el uno.
Bring it.
Why does this post seem half as short as the one I though I read twice?
He will.be back. I've done it.
Oops... I cut and pasted and pasted
I do miss him, but i mainly wanted to have a crack at him for contradicting me in a skateboard thread six months ago.
Not that I'm petty or anything.
Yeah Mac I only started the thread cos I know that even when you quit posting it's hard not to keep reading. Thought I might try to poke the bear (in a nice way).
I respect that Lacy had to take a break. I posted after thinking a few times... "Lacy would have something interesting to say about that." There's an inner sanctum in here that can often make thread a bit irrelevant if you aren't in it (like he was) but i realise that's because there is a core group of good mates who keep this place ticking over. Without that core group, we'd all be in the SB thread talking about firewires.
When the artist formerly known as Lacey talks fins and boards and stuff, he's MVP most days -- for my money anyway.
Before I was McGuane? Fair question, but we start fresh to leave all that stuff behind.
Farked if I know mate hahahaha I've been informed I'm the Asea apparently
but then suddenly I'm really farking Lacey
I get a dose of the arse plague for 24 hours and all youse lot lose the farking plot
Cobra please post some farking Porn
Darth I can understand your bored and its like watching paint dry in the SB room,but please try be polite.
Skip Frye, 2015: Ninety percent of the surfing public uses too much fin. Big fins just increase a board’s drag. If you get rid of that extra fin area, you’re going to trim so much faster and blast through sections. Over the years my fins have gotten smaller and smaller.
Lacey, 2013: excuse me but i reckon you guys are over finned. i mean i'm riding a 666 with sunny sides and a 5 1/2 centre. even a lot ten ft 666 have less then that. even a 12'6 or 14' 666 a 9" fin is fine. i've seen sdr cw boards with nifty smaller fin setups. are you guys not using your rails enough.
It's all about sharing the love and the knowledge, man.