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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Dear Mark (AKA Lacey)

Created by McGuane > 9 months ago, 6 Apr 2016
VIC, 3829 posts
8 Apr 2016 12:11PM
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Macaha said..

Tux said..
Did Lacey leave or something?

Having a well deserved rest Tux,he has put in a massive amount of work so he is just putting his feet up and keeping an eye on things from afar
He will be back at some stage,we hope!

I must have missed the traditional cracking of the ****s post followed by the usual check out my new board post

QLD, 21949 posts
8 Apr 2016 12:31PM
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Nah there was non of that Tux

VIC, 3829 posts
8 Apr 2016 3:13PM
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Macaha said..
Nah there was non of that Tux

So he just up and left...poor form

QLD, 21949 posts
8 Apr 2016 3:18PM
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Tux said..

Macaha said..
Nah there was non of that Tux

So he just up and left...poor form

Nah the Greenroom brains trust (not me )agreed with Lacey that he take a break,all good

9106 posts
8 Apr 2016 3:56PM
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Macaha said..

Tux said..

Macaha said..
Nah there was non of that Tux

So he just up and left...poor form

Nah the Greenroom brains trust (not me )agreed with Lacey that he take a break,all good

somebody that posts as much as lacey needs a break,,lacey will see that and feel better for it

QLD, 5544 posts
8 Apr 2016 6:07PM
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This is 3pages now for Lacey to come back he hasn't responded so in other words work it out for one self

8266 posts
8 Apr 2016 5:12PM
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mitchbat said..

Unfortunately the shortboard room is heavily populated with WA crew most of which, like myself are a little frustrated from lack of surf hence the occasional bad attitudes. I enjoy reading through you guys' posts as I get to hear about people actually surfing rather than just random banter. I'll be scouring the East coast in a couple of weeks so with any luck I might have some surfing to talk about myself.

Nice dude, yeah I got off work early today. Raced home to check the local coz wind was light offshore & really did expect a grovel. But I watched for almost 10 mins & didn't see a wave break on my local before the call of the beer overtook me. I remember last year was a late starter for consistency also, but once it got going wasn't too bad. Soon I reckon, it will have plenty for those with all bases covered.

Let us know how your trip goes mate ...are you doing a bit of exploration up or down the East coast or chilling in a town or two

Sounds cool man, I'm frothing for a trip somewhere but flat out till June 18...I really wanna do a run between Lennox & Newy. Havn't seen that stretch yet

WA, 397 posts
9 Apr 2016 5:08AM
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^^^ill keep you posted mate. We're traveling from Sydney to Noosa in a motorhome and have 3 1/2 weeks. I have the family in tow so it won't be all surfing but hopefully I can squeeze in at least one a day.

QLD, 21949 posts
9 Apr 2016 11:23AM
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Instragram is where you'll find this guy if your missing him that much,look him up and you can see what he is up too!

WA, 883 posts
9 Apr 2016 11:04AM
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I heard Lacey was doing a voluntary stint up in Bali with Deus helping them set up some some type of Paleo/Yoga cafe whilst he grows his beard and gets some Tats done?

8266 posts
9 Apr 2016 4:43PM
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mitchbat said..
^^^ill keep you posted mate. We're traveling from Sydney to Noosa in a motorhome and have 3 1/2 weeks. I have the family in tow so it won't be all surfing but hopefully I can squeeze in at least one a day.

Very cool man, that is going to be one epic trip at a great time of year. We did Lennox to Noosa or really Lennox to Coolangatta, Caloundra to Noosa in July & loved it...looking forward to being jealous...haha...I mean hearing about the holiday. Such a great stretch of coast

QLD, 2286 posts
9 Apr 2016 7:02PM
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Surf69 said..
I heard Lacey was doing a voluntary stint up in Bali with Deus helping them set up some some type of Paleo/Yoga cafe whilst he grows his beard and gets some Tats done?

Yep that's true.

I have just returned after having converted into a bearded Paleo/ Yogi monk. It's amazing, in one week I grew a beard that is 15" long and now I only wear a robe. No shoes, no undies, I only eat food that is available to pick or catch. No shops in this diet only what you can hunt or gather.

I am not into the Deus thing because you can't eat what they make, and if you do the full PaleoYoga thing you become pure. Nothing that is not available from the sea or land. No shaving, no haircuts, no undies, no shoes, no mortgage, man this is way cool.

If I come across Lacey I will pass on your regards.


10980 posts
9 Apr 2016 5:10PM
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Hope you remembered to bring your board home ET???

Someone is going to leave their kid at the beach over there soon..

QLD, 2286 posts
9 Apr 2016 7:21PM
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SP said..
Hope you remembered to bring your board home ET???

Did You miss this one??

Someone is going to leave their kid at the beach over there soon..

Your not saying that Lacey has turned into a little puppy are you SP.


QLD, 21949 posts
9 Apr 2016 7:23PM
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E T said..

Surf69 said..
I heard Lacey was doing a voluntary stint up in Bali with Deus helping them set up some some type of Paleo/Yoga cafe whilst he grows his beard and gets some Tats done?

Yep that's true.

I have just returned after having converted into a bearded Paleo/ Yogi monk. It's amazing, in one week I grew a beard that is 15" long and now I only wear a robe. No shoes, no undies, I only eat food that is available to pick or catch. No shops in this diet only what you can hunt or gather.

I am not into the Deus thing because you can't eat what they make, and if you do the full PaleoYoga thing you become pure. Nothing that is not available from the sea or land. No shaving, no haircuts, no undies, no shoes, no mortgage, man this is way cool.

If I come across Lacey I will pass on your regards.


ET have you ever eaten at Deus,seen a live band,walked into the bike build shed or maybe dropped in and said hi to Victor the Deus glasser you should check it out if you get a chance,Deus were onto it and the rest followed like sheep,have you seen a surfer or surf store with a old bike used for show classic case of sheep.

WA, 9675 posts
9 Apr 2016 5:45PM
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Hey mac it's ok when people make fun of stuff. I know you love them and all but come on man,they are more wank than a soggy sao convention. Whether they were first or last in the great hipster scam,they are a easy target to mock

I do think there bikes look cool and I like there comps

QLD, 21949 posts
9 Apr 2016 7:51PM
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chrispy said..
Hey mac it's ok when people make fun of stuff. I know you love them and all but come on man,they are more wank than a soggy sao convention. Whether they were first or last in the great hipster scam,they are a easy target to mock

I do think there bikes look cool and I like there comps

Mate they were cool until they sold out and started selling to DJ's and stuff!

9106 posts
9 Apr 2016 5:52PM
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Macaha said..

chrispy said..
Hey mac it's ok when people make fun of stuff. I know you love them and all but come on man,they are more wank than a soggy sao convention. Whether they were first or last in the great hipster scam,they are a easy target to mock

I do think there bikes look cool and I like there comps

Mate they were cool until they sold out and started selling to DJ's and stuff!

QLD, 2286 posts
9 Apr 2016 7:53PM
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Ummm, sorry but I was trying to be funny. Not critical.

I thought it was funny.


QLD, 21949 posts
9 Apr 2016 7:54PM
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E T said..
Ummm, sorry but I was trying to be funny. Not critical.

I thought it was funny.


No need to apologise don't go doing LL on me I couldn't cope with another

484 posts
9 Apr 2016 6:34PM
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While we are this MIA caper, where is Daneli? He was good value...

10980 posts
9 Apr 2016 6:46PM
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Macaha said...
E T said..
Ummm, sorry but I was trying to be funny. Not critical.

I thought it was funny.


No need to apologise don't go doing LL on me I couldn't cope with another

You must really miss him..

You talk about him all the time.

9106 posts
9 Apr 2016 8:43PM
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I liked that fella Weiry

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
10 Apr 2016 12:42AM
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chrispy said...
Hey mac it's ok when people make fun of stuff. I know you love them and all but come on man,they are more wank than a soggy sao convention. Whether they were first or last in the great hipster scam,they are a easy target to mock

I do think there bikes look cool and I like there comps

Hey Chrispy come visit me. I will take you there kicking and screaming for some late Sunday arvo beers. I would be very surprised if you did not love the joint. In fact the night is on me if you do not walk out loving what they have done. Mac is on the money. It's an amazing setup. It's pretty much porn all over - from the stuff on display to the workshops out the back. Everything covered that you love. And I have not even talked about the amazing drinks, food or chicks

You need at least two Sunday's though in Bali - as you must visit single fin as well Mac also knows about that place and many more

LL would freak at what they have done there. It's pure heaven (the opposite of the Dragons) and their prices match ! But well worth spending a bit of time and coin there - with the right people obviously

WA, 9675 posts
10 Apr 2016 1:36AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
chrispy said...
Hey mac it's ok when people make fun of stuff. I know you love them and all but come on man,they are more wank than a soggy sao convention. Whether they were first or last in the great hipster scam,they are a easy target to mock

I do think there bikes look cool and I like there comps

Hey Chrispy come visit me. I will take you there kicking and screaming for some late Sunday arvo beers. I would be very surprised if you did not love the joint. In fact the night is on me if you do not walk out loving what they have done. Mac is on the money. It's an amazing setup. It's pretty much porn all over - from the stuff on display to the workshops out the back. Everything covered that you love. And I have not even talked about the amazing drinks, food or chicks

You need at least two Sunday's though in Bali - as you must visit single fin as well Mac also knows about that place and many more

LL would freak at what they have done there. It's pure heaven (the opposite of the Dragons) and their prices match ! But well worth spending a bit of time and coin there - with the right people obviously

That's cool.ted

QLD, 21949 posts
10 Apr 2016 5:00AM
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McGuane said..
While we are this MIA caper, where is Daneli? He was good value...

When you start mentioning names like that you need to PM Mme your old name

9106 posts
10 Apr 2016 7:25AM
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While we are at it,,,,,,,,,,,,,What happened to Vanders

251 posts
10 Apr 2016 8:02PM
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I got a quick question about fins.....Sorry ,its for a Sup ,.But Lacey is the fin guy .......Who do I ask now ??

9106 posts
10 Apr 2016 8:07PM
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Rabbs said..
I got a quick question about fins.....Sorry ,its for a Sup ,.But Lacey is the fin guy .......Who do I ask now ??


WA, 9675 posts
10 Apr 2016 8:09PM
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Cobra said..

Rabbs said..
I got a quick question about fins.....Sorry ,its for a Sup ,.But Lacey is the fin guy .......Who do I ask now ??


could n ot be any worse....am2 mate


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Dear Mark (AKA Lacey)" started by McGuane