The bloke with the sunnies on his head looks like he is drinking TEA and FFS buy Lance a beer will ya.
Pffffffffffffff it's Fluoro Friday and Freda Fluffyberger has her pink bloomers out for the Obstetrcian's house call
Don't know that I could show them too much but I sure as Sh!t got some good waves
just tucking into a chicken and vegi pie now
The afternoon sesh at A was a bit of a disaster. Still some swell but too much wind catching the nose. I'm too buggered as well as too inept for late takeoffs
And the Obelisk had two Scandinavian Berry Pickers giggling on the bank close in .... true to form the handsome James Brolin look-a-like prick of a thing geez
Mate I wondered where the Collaroy Fabio of a thing had got to - so at the end I eased off a wave and here's two chickies right next to Fabio giggling away like schoolgirls on this little bank .... unreal this bloke he's the Greenroom's Alvin Purple
Went out just after dark & scooped up some nice waves good long rides mostly - wind backed off finally thank Christ .... lubbly farken jubbly
The Obselism has nicked off south to both Heads & we hope he scores some love
Got some at Scotts head, tried the point but all I got was a wet arse so I took a broken one in, it carried me over to a beach. Soon as I saw it I said "stuff the point, I'm staying here" I scored heaps and had them all to myself Long rides too, I wasn't on the nose rider, but 5 little piggies managed an appearance