Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Greenroom Roadtrip 2018.

Created by surfanimal > 9 months ago, 5 Jan 2018
NSW, 1488 posts
13 Jan 2018 4:44PM
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thePup said..
Well I might but first I must ask some pertinent questions of thee my son .... Under the Beergarden constitution ... paragraph 13 section 4a .... and sometimes referred to as the Greenroom rule of foreskin .... exactly how much does that Tockley of yours weigh ???? .... for you see the constitution decrees that posession of a Todger of anything more than 1 kilogram and/or exceeds 12 inches and pertains to 4 inches circumference automatically entitles thee to nomination for the position of President OR at least the denomination of Lord of the Pies OR in the case of obct , gains you life membership to the Bowlo and exclusive use of the ceremonial 23cm soup ladle spanking implement

what is thee answer my son ???

Classic Pup..

13831 posts
13 Jan 2018 1:55PM
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Oh my misguided son .... sails , cheap sordid shortboarder's and/or hipster's legropes & idle satisfaction are the devil's tools I now have to ask thee .... in accordance with and to the Greenroom Department of Unusual Irregularities .... paragraph 13 section 5b ..... if thee have ever willingly bent over & copped a German Metwurst up the old Val Doonican my son ???? .... this includes the magnificently aged 6 month vintage 350 gram varieties AND the mass produced 400 gram super sausage ???

What be thee answer my son ???

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
13 Jan 2018 5:10PM
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You certainly sound like a character Hugh.Anyone is most welcome to go on the roadtrip mate sounds like it could be fun to have you there

13831 posts
13 Jan 2018 2:15PM
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Before thee pass into alcoholic perdition my son .... one last question .... as per the Greenroom Directorate paragraph 13 section 5g .... otherwise referred to as the Beergarden Boardwhore Act of 1969 .... have thee ever had the wild inclination to Felch Elton John OR the whimsy to allow Tony Abbott to sit on your lap (in his Budgy Smugglers) and grant the Cabbage-eared knob gobbler permission to whisper sweet nothings into your lugs OR had a deathwish similar to participating in a 12 hour sex romp with Pauline Hanson or Rebel Wilson ????

What be thee answer my son

13831 posts
13 Jan 2018 2:38PM
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hmmmmmmmm ..... well ...... no self respecting fully paid up Beergarden Barfly would entertain the thought of allowing his 3 legged one-eyed Schnapps addicted Dog to munt Pauline Hanson let alone Rebel Wilson for anything longer than 1 , possibly 2 , minutes of terminal velocity vinegar stroking my son Lest the poor miserable bastard suffered Mange of the Pork Helmet

I shall deliberate on thee credentials my son

13831 posts
13 Jan 2018 3:03PM
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ah In my erstwhile opinion .... that crustacean odour thee have encountered would have eminated from the butt crack holsters thee scraped off Ms Wilson before thee sadly munted the horrid thing my son tell me my son have thee ever sniffed a high quality leather or suede bike seat after a smoking hot chick jumped off it ?????

13831 posts
13 Jan 2018 3:34PM
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Think nothing of it my son the only other reason for that stale crustacean odour could be that the 1384 Pubic Lice (aka Crabs) you inherited from Pauline are busy attempting to inhabit the shells of said Prawns you peel ..... alas I have to inform thee that thy one-eyed trouser Mullet is a photoshop and cannot be relied upon my son for it is widely known fact that any poor bastard who bee bop a leulaa'd Pauline would have his Tockley shrivel into something that resembled a 3 day old Franga hanging in a Gladstone Mangrove branch

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
13 Jan 2018 6:46PM
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HuuughJorgan said..
Oh thanks Al G,what's the G stand for mate GrogCould be fun alright mate,couldn't think of anything better son,surfin,grog,pervin at sheilas,tucker how good does it getDo you love grog

Much love Hugh xxoo

hahaha Hugh or can I call you Hughey,yeah mate I don't mind a drink or two.Yeah it will be a good time mate can't wait to meet you

13831 posts
13 Jan 2018 4:09PM
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My son I can only hope thee get good use out of that armature because when your Missus finds out what you've done on her phone and sees this scripture she'll rip the other one off & most likely bung it up your soon to be worn out old Val Doonican and surely deprive thee of copulation rights one can only hope the soon to be lack of copulation grants is worth thy skulduggery

NSW, 1488 posts
13 Jan 2018 7:10PM
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Stop it're killin' me..

13831 posts
13 Jan 2018 4:18PM
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'brokes when the big sloppy arsed bitch travels southward into our Lord's Garden I shall make incursion early in the morning into the soupy arsed Jezabel's cabin & run amok

13831 posts
13 Jan 2018 4:25PM
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Ah the good old Val Doonican Elton John's silk purse the brown mancave that is suddenly legal to wed costing the taxpaying punter a squllion in the process the vessel of brown rope & ill winds and that most of queensland emanates from

NSW, 316 posts
13 Jan 2018 8:01PM
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Hugh do you swing both ways

QLD, 21887 posts
13 Jan 2018 8:44PM
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Best post ever haha

13831 posts
14 Jan 2018 2:05PM
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hmmmmmm well I have consulted The Asea .... a.k.a the Prez .... Soothsayer of the Holy Trinity of Pastry - the humble Steak & Kidney Pie .... boardwhore & slutbag gannit of Kirra .... Dropknee Turn extra-ordinaire .... Rum Pig .... among numerous other pontifications .... Pieface has indicated he is somewhat impressed by thee credentials my son although there was some consternation surrounding thee "Chop Chop pfff pfff how's yer mother-in-law" dalliance with Rebel Wilson my son & it was hoped thee bathed theeself in Dettol for 3 hours or at the very least 98 RON Unleaded Petrol

13831 posts
16 Jan 2018 1:10PM
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Well obct goes right .... and Vanders goes left .... and usually it's either me or Lance stuck bang in the middle of you

13831 posts
16 Jan 2018 1:52PM
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Yes they are great mates Hugle .... and it takes 10 sherbets each to find out exactly who dropped in on who at any given point in time

QLD, 2286 posts
16 Jan 2018 4:26PM
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Huugh Jorgan said..
Oh gooday Macaha,That's a good name son,Did ya get that name after that place in HawaiiI'm a newy here mate,are you going on this roadtripIt will be farkin grand to meet up with like minded blokes,"oops" and sheilas if there is anyI love this place,do you love grog and pervin at sheilas

Much love Hugh xxoo

I think I love you Hugh. Farken hilarious, I laughed so much I nearly threw up.

I have been absent with leave for a bit so didn't see you join up.

Good to have you on board.


13831 posts
20 Jan 2018 5:50PM
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NSW, 316 posts
22 Jan 2018 5:22PM
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If you blokes weren't so kinky I'd think about teaming up for the trip as I've said before I'm a roamer can be anywhere if it suits

13831 posts
22 Jan 2018 2:46PM
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oldmal said..
If you blokes weren't so kinky I'd think about teaming up for the trip as I've said before I'm a roamer can be anywhere if it suits

Well it might just be an opportune moment for you to step up Old Malagon .... Lacey is too soft to get past Currumbin Creek so we have one vacancy

NSW, 316 posts
22 Jan 2018 6:00PM
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thePup said..

oldmal said..
If you blokes weren't so kinky I'd think about teaming up for the trip as I've said before I'm a roamer can be anywhere if it suits

Well it might just be an opportune moment for you to step up Old Malagon .... Lacey is too soft to get past Currumbin Creek so we have one vacancy

Pup no go mate 3 of us hippies

QLD, 3570 posts
22 Jan 2018 5:14PM
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thePup said..

oldmal said..
If you blokes weren't so kinky I'd think about teaming up for the trip as I've said before I'm a roamer can be anywhere if it suits

Well it might just be an opportune moment for you to step up Old Malagon .... Lacey is too soft to get past Currumbin Creek so we have one vacancy

Lacey ..pffft..can't even write a surf report out let alone a RT...

13831 posts
22 Jan 2018 3:18PM
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oldmal said..

thePup said..

oldmal said..
If you blokes weren't so kinky I'd think about teaming up for the trip as I've said before I'm a roamer can be anywhere if it suits

Well it might just be an opportune moment for you to step up Old Malagon .... Lacey is too soft to get past Currumbin Creek so we have one vacancy

Pup no go mate 3 of us hippies

Macaha is the only Hipster so far signed up Old Malagon but I have doubt as to his obtaining the correct measure of fitness required to compete at the prescribed levels of performance so .... what do you bring to the Beergarden table Malcolm

NSW, 316 posts
22 Jan 2018 8:23PM
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thePup said..

oldmal said..

thePup said..

oldmal said..
If you blokes weren't so kinky I'd think about teaming up for the trip as I've said before I'm a roamer can be anywhere if it suits

Well it might just be an opportune moment for you to step up Old Malagon .... Lacey is too soft to get past Currumbin Creek so we have one vacancy

Pup no go mate 3 of us hippies

Macaha is the only Hipster so far signed up Old Malagon but I have doubt as to his obtaining the correct measure of fitness required to compete at the prescribed levels of performance so .... what do you bring to the Beergarden table Malcolm

Nothing much really me and two out there longboarders who have got style and grace anyway were off to munch out on goodies see you in the green room

13831 posts
22 Jan 2018 5:31PM
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oldmal said..

thePup said..

oldmal said..

thePup said..

oldmal said..
If you blokes weren't so kinky I'd think about teaming up for the trip as I've said before I'm a roamer can be anywhere if it suits

Well it might just be an opportune moment for you to step up Old Malagon .... Lacey is too soft to get past Currumbin Creek so we have one vacancy

Pup no go mate 3 of us hippies

Macaha is the only Hipster so far signed up Old Malagon but I have doubt as to his obtaining the correct measure of fitness required to compete at the prescribed levels of performance so .... what do you bring to the Beergarden table Malcolm

Nothing much really me and two out there longboarders who have got style and grace anyway were off to munch out on goodies see you in the green room

Geez style AND grace so how do you know obct & Vanders

QLD, 21887 posts
22 Jan 2018 7:40PM
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oldmal said..
If you blokes weren't so kinky I'd think about teaming up for the trip as I've said before I'm a roamer can be anywhere if it suits

Spoken like the great Asea

13831 posts
22 Jan 2018 5:48PM
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Macaha said..

oldmal said..
If you blokes weren't so kinky I'd think about teaming up for the trip as I've said before I'm a roamer can be anywhere if it suits

Spoken like the great Asea

hmmmmmmm I smell 2 Steak n Kidney Pies , 3 sauces & 4 Rumbo chasers

QLD, 3809 posts
22 Jan 2018 7:57PM
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At the very least I'll take photos, but hoping I'll be able to participate by then.

NSW, 5510 posts
23 Jan 2018 7:47AM
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Macaha said..

oldmal said..
If you blokes weren't so kinky I'd think about teaming up for the trip as I've said before I'm a roamer can be anywhere if it suits

Spoken like the great Asea

Mac wish I was old mal not married travelling the coast and by the sounds of him he travels with more than one filly good luck to him


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Greenroom Roadtrip 2018." started by surfanimal