Have a close look at that bottom & both those blocks - that aint a run of the mill no farken way that's a hand made job
Where and when as I'm a nomad and will pass by if im in the area also I want to share a room with that bloke 2nd from the left in the photo such a handsome hunk
Oldmal,the one on the left in front of him is actually more of handsome fella but unfortunately not in that shot
Well I might but first I must ask some pertinent questions of thee my son
.... Under the Beergarden constitution ... paragraph 13 section 4a .... and sometimes referred to as the Greenroom rule of foreskin
.... exactly how much does that Tockley of yours weigh ???? .... for you see the constitution decrees that posession of a Todger of anything more than 1 kilogram and/or exceeds 12 inches and pertains to 4 inches circumference automatically entitles thee to nomination for the position of President OR at least the denomination of Lord of the Pies OR in the case of obct , gains you life membership to the Bowlo and exclusive use of the ceremonial 23cm soup ladle spanking implement
what is thee answer my son ???