Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Interesting threads

Created by Ted the Kiwi > 9 months ago, 17 Jun 2014
Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
21 Feb 2016 8:32PM
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Rip Curl using 'slave labour' in North Korea

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
21 Feb 2016 8:38PM
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Got to say I like this song

WA, 6913 posts
21 Feb 2016 6:01PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
Got to say I like this song

The Catholic scum should be burnt.. See the church is now launching a enquiry to find out who leaked the info that Pell is being questioned by police..

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
22 Feb 2016 10:28PM
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This story has more legs by the look of it. Given the **** others have coped for doing Similar things surprised the put lash has not been bigger

WA, 1403 posts
22 Feb 2016 8:08PM
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The surf industry has lost the plot. Crazy ??

13831 posts
22 Feb 2016 8:17PM
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They simply put out a invite to tender at a price - Prince Fatullah & his band of merry meerkats could be the manufacturers for what it matters sadly

10979 posts
24 Feb 2016 2:06PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
This story has more legs by the look of it. Given the **** others have coped for doing Similar things surprised the put lash has not been bigger

Yeah very bad...

This is funny...

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
25 Feb 2016 10:03AM
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Yep that sorted out the men from the boys. Well done Drip

QLD, 21900 posts
1 Mar 2016 3:30PM
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QLD, 21900 posts
2 Mar 2016 6:15AM
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Flip side of the resent swell.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
3 Mar 2016 4:34PM
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I like the paddle out invasion on finals day idea

The first post here is well worth a read

The inlaws live in a beautiful part of the world. Whilst the surf can get world class at times it is mostly just fun, and uncrowded. Which is more than fine. In factsome locations are so uncrowded that it is like surfing in a different era. One spot i call 1972 due to the fact that it reminds me of a scene from morning of the earth. Crystal clear zippering walls with barely a soul out- generally one or two others. This coupled with the verdant tree lined headland and sand bottom makes it a pleasure to surf , as opposed as it is to the unforgiving desert and limestone/ coral reefs i'm used to.
But i had never visited during the holiday season...till now. This tranquil lineup had transformed to a seething mass of humanity. All manner of craft coating the formerly pristine line up. As this spot has somehow slipped the radar of the herd, the crew consisted mostly of dads and kids and the less than commited crew. And the line up worked. Somehow it was fun and egalitarian and everyone got a slice of the pie.
Whilst not exactly morning of the earth anymore the vibe was great. I surfed for six hours straight,like a grom. Ball rash from so many run arounds, nipples like i had taken a cheese grater to them. Even toked on a joint at around the three hour mark that a couple of crew were burning on the jump off rock. Life was good.
Then i noticed a new face in the lineup, with a couple of cronies in tow , talking in an exaggerated volume and jostling the take off spot. With a sweep running down the point and a jump rock granting access to pole position, Loud Mouth was berating anyone entering the lineup, loudly proclaiming how snakes jumping staight to the take off position would not be tolerated and how they would be dealt with. The accused being mainly mid teen lidders. The good feeling permeating the lineup rapidly evaporated , but who gives a **** ? I was surfed out and ready for one to shore. Just make it a good one eh ? No hurry, the walk up the beach was gonna make my thighs bleed anyway.
So i waited in pole position, a few meagre sets passed before my wave came. I started
to paddle noticing Loud Mouth paddling furiously from his recent entry off the jump rock declaring possesion. Whatever ****stick, i'm going. So i went. Loud Mouth went too, i faded and Loud Mouth and myself went over the falls as one.
He came up swearing blue murder.
"You dinged me board! on the beach ****" he said. First time i'd ever heard it in real life. Still did not really give a ****. Surfed with many tools over many surfs and knew a blow hard when i heard one. Caught the next whitewash, my session was corrupted and i was spent anyway.
Loud Mouth caught it too and a weird tension was between us as we exited the water, metres apart. I could plainly see the bitter contempt and rage on his face, but i could also see doubt as i had inadvertently called his bluff by coming in even though it was not for his benefit. We walked up the beach a few steps before he addressed me as the **** that ruined his surf. I told him where he stood in my eyes
What happened next seemed to occur in the blink of an eye. He dropped his board on the sand and so, it seems, did i. I was expecting more front , instead Loud Mouth punched me fair in the face.
Let's get this straight. I'm no fighter. I have not been in a sober fight since primary school, and the pissed scuffles were just that, scuffles. But i do like to stay fit. And a favoured way of fitness for me is hitting a heavy punching bag, the height and range of which was exactly the same as this pricks face. I wore the punch and before even i knew what had happened my right fist shot out and connected with Loud Mouth's mouth.
It was only a jab but the cocksucker reeled,backed off and took stock. This was not part of his plan. I was as suprised as he was. I know i'm not a coward but i had never fronted another man face to face and this was new territory. I still wasn't angry, hours of surfing and exertion had mellowed me and given me a bit of distance from the pain and affront of being physicaly assaulted.
So we stood there for a period , wordless. Loud Mouth seemed hesitant, his bitterness satisfied after spreading his hate so obviously and his two dimensional bullying bravery vanishing after his chosen victim did not roll over pleading mercy.
For a further few seconds relative normality remained. Without agreement we both took a step back and picked up our surfboards. In retrospect i see this as a point of reflection for us both, the slandering continued, by now he had assumed the role of unapologetic local valouriously facing down the invasion of neophyte blow in invaders, i was still processing just what had happened, from mellow and happy to dragged into a whirlpool of bitterness and spite. For seemingly the first time since reaching the beach i realised what was happening. I looked around at the at the beach that i was so accustomed to being empty and saw the holiday crowds, the families formerly enjoying a festive summer day staring in open mouth shock at what was happening before their eyes.
That was when the madness set in. I looked at the blue sky and the white sand and realty, or unreality, set in. I started to blather, i could not tell you for certain what i was saying but it was lost mans dribble refering to the beautiful day and how this **** had destroyed it with malicious intent. He started to walk along the beach cursing me over his shoulder, i think he saw in me something that i was not consciously aware of myself and his desire for confrontation was gone.
We walked in lock step along the beach as though to jump back off the point, myself slightly behind, fermenting, when we reached his friends. His bravado reappeared, turning to face me he addressed his friends, a half dozen guys and girls staked out against the wire guarding the dunes, he described my crimes as a blowin, an unwelcome abhorration, i saw the girls sneer as i raved about being from somewhere else, somewhere where people are judged on their merits in the surf. I recollect displeasure on their faces when they realised i wasn't from a city with inferior waves to theirs.
Then the red mist came over me
It was the assumed resentment of the women that really got me.
The smug superiority of some small minded no- one **** moll that set me off. I turned to face Loud Mouth in front of his ****ing piece of **** friends and with every ounce of will ,energy and misdirected anger from every point of my life i drove my fist into that ****'s putrid face and punched him to the sand.
I was standing over Loud Mouth's form bellowing that he was an imposter king presiding over a weak, gay wave, raising my fist for another blow when i realised my hand was broken . Then i heard a lady screaming and i was back in my head, concious of what i'd done , aware of where i was.
Loud Mouth was not cowering , but all fight had left the man. He was submissive but i was not gracious. Thank **** i did not have a gun cause if i did i would have shot the ****. The only thing that stopped me from kicking him till he twitched was some chick throwing herself over his prostrate form.
I looked up to see four hundred sets of eyes willing me in gaol. I walked towards the path that led to the carpark, unrepentent, as i approached my car a smiling mother said to her young son "look at that mans face honey! " , i stared at her and tried to fathom what type of person would be so insensitive to anothers situation.Then i told her to "shut the **** up , mole," and walked to my car.
Looking in my cars rear view mirror i saw that Loud Mouth's initial punch had broken my nose. I straightened it suprisingly easily and drove one handed to the hospital where the nurses shook their heads with scepticism and unabashed disgust as i lied to their faces and told them i had broken my hand and nose in a wipeout.
I can't say i moved on and put this bull**** behind me so easily. The fact that i'm still talking about it now reveals the truth.
In fact i went into a fair spiral of hatred towards my fellow man and society in general following this little episode. I pretty much bailed on humanity till the holidays ended. Then i would cruise the short streets of 1972 with my fish killing baton at hand only half deluding myself that i was'nt looking for Loud Mouth, the man that pretty much single handedly robbed me of my love of the human race.
Of course i got over it. But it took me a whole lap of this awesome land to come to grips with the act of a single ****wit. And that was a few years ago.
The lesson i've learnt ? Don't humour some clown that wants to bring you down to their bitter level or, as a wise fella has told me since- Never get into a mud slinging match with a pig cause you both end up covered in ****- only the pig likes it.

QLD, 21900 posts
3 Mar 2016 4:37PM
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Good read Scotty thanks Ted.

10979 posts
3 Mar 2016 3:05PM
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Great read Ted...

WA, 9675 posts
3 Mar 2016 3:15PM
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SP said...
Great read Ted...

Yep nice find.

2350 posts
3 Mar 2016 4:01PM
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Macaha said..
Good read Scotty thanks Ted.

I'm sure it was Mac.
Ted, that's huge

QLD, 1332 posts
7 Mar 2016 6:22PM
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Groovy 25 min (or so) film from Rythm.
Fish, longboards, finless surfing....enjoy.

10979 posts
1 Apr 2016 6:43AM
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what do we reckon???

1. Fancy Fins.Look, I think really nice fins are beautiful, too. There are tons of gorgeous designs and colors. And if I wasn’t paying back Uncle Sam for more stuff than I care to admit, I’d buy a slew of them. But me and Sam got **** to work out. And until we do, I’ll buy cheap fins.The thing is, unless you’re putting Jordy Smith-levels of torque into your wraps, nice fins probably matter very little. You certainly can manage without dropping well over a Benjamin to get the ideal blend of stiffness, flex and sex appeal.They don’t always look as steezy, but you can cop a thruster set for less than half the price of mainstream brands. Yo, if you do notice a difference in performance, stop reading this article and start competing on the WQS. I want to see you at Sunset next winter.

2. Brand New Surfboards off the Rack.That new stick the mags are giddy over? Please. Like I said, I got Uncle Sam on my back. That’s why I camp out on Craigslist where, at this very moment, loads of people with maxed out credit cards are selling barely-used, designer boards in your exact dimensions. There are plenty of chumps out there silly enough to pay retail — that’s why you don’t have to. Buy ‘em, sell ‘em, trade ‘em. Wax ‘em, then axe ‘em. They’re easier to try out and ditch than a Tinder date.

No. 3. Leash Strings.Pretty much everything out there advertised as a surfboard leash string is a ripoff. Even sold in packs, they usually cost between 50 cents and a $1 per string, and can actually cost way more if you’re looking to get something stronger for longboards or SUPs…For reals?I think it’s good practice to change your leash string frequently. (I mean, unless you want your board to take a solo trip to the rocks.) But when strings cost somewhere between a Snickers and a latte, you can see why so many hang around until they’re sun-bleached and ratty.Enter good old parachute cord. The stuff is stupid cheap, found in any hardware store and usually stronger than the low-grade nylon cord that passes for leash strings. One quick search turned up 100 feet of cord in a zillion colors for less than $9. Free shipping, too! The beauty of having a long roll is this: You can cut your strings to your desired length, meaning you can double it over for extra strength on your SUP, or tailor the length to perfectly fit the rail saver on your leash. When you have 100 feet of it, you won’t think twice about switching out an old string. Plus, fun colors!

2350 posts
1 Apr 2016 8:12AM
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9106 posts
1 Apr 2016 2:31PM
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I've been doing that with leash sting for for years. that way i get the right size string for my board + i change the string every year,costs nothing.

10979 posts
2 Apr 2016 5:49AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

Rip Curl using 'slave labour' in North Korea

Interesting news this morning from rip curl on this..

Good to see one of the major surfing companies addressing the issue..

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Apr 2016 2:20PM
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April fools SP? That would be my take on it

10979 posts
2 Apr 2016 1:05PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
April fools SP? That would be my take on it

Yeah, I thought that at first..

Either way, it's good they are doing something ot at least it keeps them in the spotlight for it..

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Apr 2016 5:27PM
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Yeah I think that was the idea behind that - give them a good public whack !

WA, 9675 posts
7 Apr 2016 3:40AM
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skip to the two minute mark if you want,but i like the lead up. Some gold right here. Thanks Osho

10979 posts
8 Apr 2016 5:32PM
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Giving away the WA secret spots...

WA, 6913 posts
9 Apr 2016 12:50PM
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This could upset a few locals

WA, 883 posts
9 Apr 2016 1:24PM
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Understandably far from a positive response in feedback from the surfing community.

WA, 883 posts
9 Apr 2016 1:47PM
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To be honest the majority are pretty cool with the whole thing.

The producers etc have been very engaging with the local community and they're using a lot of locals and local goods and services in heaps of ways, so its a good vibe generally.

A great example is Aido Shepherd (excellent South Coast shaper) was commissioned to build 6 or 8 boards that are going to be used in the film.

I'm sure there may end up being a couple of grumpy bums, but they would be the type who would whine about 100 days in a row of perfect surf with only 10 people out, as being not enough and too crowded,... but that's the exception rather than the rule.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Interesting threads" started by Ted the Kiwi