Gotta be magnets or witchcraft..
I don't even know what to call that turn.. Off the top fin blow 180 What the ****..
Great surfing..
I thought a couple of his more standard off the tops were more impressive to be fair. No doubting his commitment or knowledge of those waves he was pulling into. You get a good smack when you farrrrk those up. Boy has big balls and a really nice top turn. His tube riding skills are top notch - ultra casual.
Thinking about your quiver now Mac?
not sure if this is a pisstake, but anyway
I think this bit about sanded and polished hulls may be correct, I never finished that home made board of mine fully because I did not think it would ever work.
Yesterday I gave the bottom finer wet sand and then a polish and I'm sure when I took her out in the arvo she was faster.
I left the top as is because it holds wax really well.
Yeah pretty sad news. When he posted that pic of himself last month it freaked me out. Full legend in the big stuff. He was the man for a long while there.
No mate thats crazy stuff,thanks for the warning Vanders wants a road trip down there he wants to show Lacey a few things.
Don't look at me, I didn't do it
I can account for every second of my time when the incidents occurred.
And this ice pick I'm holding is just for dislodging a particularly tenacious booger i have lodged in my left nostril
if you watch that vid a few times its clear what the problem was..........the wave never broke. The reason it never broke was that they both had pink boards.
Simple. If not the wave would have peaked nicely and they could have each gone there own way