i don't know if i should laugh or cry.
Where would you end up if you swam from your local??
This is a good write up on surfboard design..
Over the coming months Swellnet and Jesse Watson at Black Apache Surfboards have set themselves a goal: to take all the mystery out of your surfboard.In a series of weekly articles Jesse will shine a light on each feature of your surfboard until no corner of it is left in darkness.He'll also offer other insights along the way, such as having honest expectations and how to read from the same page as your shaper.http://www.swellnet.com/news/design-outline/2016/02/16/boarding-school-part-1-relative-perception
Thanks SP that is why I love seabreeze Id never have stumbled on those articles otherwise fantastic interesting read gets you thinking about where surfboard design will go, I think asymetrical shapes will come to the fore rather than being an alternative.thanks for the link
why are you in a gay brothel??
This is funny, some one is very grumpy..
Those boaties still suck Mac
Loved this line SP
but now the amount of jerk offs that are 10 day suppers, and SUP, because they can't or couldn't surf any other way is sickening. These 'loose stools' have no idea about surfing etiquette and reckon they're good surfers because they are on these fun boards that give them an unfair advantage They snake, drop in and my personal favorite surfing up where the lip is breaking in a straight line in poo stance.
He didn't hold back...
Hope everyone has been keeping up on this story.
Worlds largest surfer DUI, loses hand.. Threatens cops, pleads insanity etc etc...
I enjoy thread like this,not too serious,its interesting to read others views.
Wow Tux - love the call !
I would hate to see surfing at the Olympics - but I guess it will happen one day - I mean why the farrrrk are Golf and Tennis there? Surely the majors are the more important trophies in those sports - but we can easily guess why - its money. No doubt surfing is feeling the same. But realistically are these blokes representing all surfers or just their immediate self interest? The only upside I can see is that we get there before the 666 mob if you were that way inclined. Personally rather it never happened.
The author to this thread was the first SB member I met.
Any idea to the 2,000 red thumb person