Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Is Volume really your friend

Created by Macaha > 9 months ago, 25 Jan 2015
NSW, 282 posts
27 Jan 2015 6:28AM
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Cobra said..
Ok I will play with this one,, I think the golden rule here is in LISTENING TO YOUR SHAPER.
i could say going to a shaping bay, is like going to a brothel .
Just because you go there a lot dont mean your good at it


VIC, 3829 posts
27 Jan 2015 8:39AM
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Yeah volume is pretty important and you do see a lot of guys riding shorties with too little volume but then you also see a lot of guys that are struggling with too much width at the rail line and a lot of boards that just seem to have the volume distributed in really weird places...

QLD, 3808 posts
27 Jan 2015 7:52AM
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I love having guys in the water around me surfing boards with too little volume, more waves for me.

QLD, 1332 posts
27 Jan 2015 8:11AM
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I love having guys in the water around me semi-floating boards that don't have enough surface area, more waves for me.

QLD, 21884 posts
27 Jan 2015 8:18AM
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Well I discovered yesterday that my 906 x 23 x 3 1/8 board is the perfect blend best surf in over a year.Its loves a mid to going high tide wave anything lower there is a better board to ride.All in the rocker.

QLD, 515 posts
27 Jan 2015 8:59PM
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vanders1 said..
I love having guys in the water around me surfing boards with too little volume, more waves for me.

Thats what happens when too many people take advice from the local 16 yo shreader that works at the local board store.

WA, 9675 posts
27 Jan 2015 7:01PM
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Locky24 said...
vanders1 said..
I love having guys in the water around me surfing boards with too little volume, more waves for me.

Thats what happens when too many people take advice from the local 16 yo shreader that works at the local board store.

Or listens to all the board experts in the carpark.... Never shaped a board in their lives,I catch way more waves than them.......and they still want to tell me I'm riding the wrong board

QLD, 3808 posts
27 Jan 2015 9:58PM
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chrispy said..

Locky24 said...

vanders1 said..
I love having guys in the water around me surfing boards with too little volume, more waves for me.

Thats what happens when too many people take advice from the local 16 yo shreader that works at the local board store.

Or listens to all the board experts in the carpark.... Never shaped a board in their lives,I catch way more waves than them.......and they still want to tell me I'm riding the wrong board

Yeah the last conversation I had with the shaper resulted in him suggesting I don't reduce the volume as much as what I was suggesting, who am I to argue.........

9106 posts
27 Jan 2015 8:25PM
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Tractorguy said..
Everyones all over this but IMO Yeh it is when your 3 digits in weight and 6' 3 the extra volume /weight helps with entry speed. If your surfin points and you have a touch more time and you have a need for speed the more the better. You surfin challenging beach break then less volume through the tail , square/pin depending off your taste, square for me, and a bit lighter all over. same length. each to their own anyways eh.

Good post

QLD, 21884 posts
27 Jan 2015 10:31PM
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vanders1 said..

chrispy said..

Locky24 said...

vanders1 said..
I love having guys in the water around me surfing boards with too little volume, more waves for me.

Thats what happens when too many people take advice from the local 16 yo shreader that works at the local board store.

Or listens to all the board experts in the carpark.... Never shaped a board in their lives,I catch way more waves than them.......and they still want to tell me I'm riding the wrong board

Yeah the last conversation I had with the shaper resulted in him suggesting I don't reduce the volume as much as what I was suggesting, who am I to argue.........

Guilty of been a carpark expert venue was the coffee club and if I recall the conversation we were discussing a more HP board than your current Whalebone.
A couple questions
When was the last time the shapers saw you surf?
Your a hell of a lot lighter than you were when your current WB was made for you?
Whats the difference in volume and dims between your HL verses the HL?
Vanders time to go wild IMHO

I know you love your Whalebone but your a totally different guy than you were back then.
Your a tall bugger908 x ? x ? would be a good start and as I said pull the tail in as well as the nose.
I'd be happy if SDR named this new model The Fang Machine

Expert advise maybe not but those questions need to be asked.

WA, 2353 posts
27 Jan 2015 11:16PM
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Yesterday I lent a bloke a board after seeing his a week ago. Today he bought a different but very similar board off me (the one I sold was a different shapers take on the first one). After surfing these two boards over the last two days he now reckons he has been riding the wrong volumes (too little) for many years. He is now paddling onto the waves and surfing rather than flopping around as a bit of green swell passes him by.

13831 posts
27 Jan 2015 11:44PM
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Nice work tD -paid for the newie

WA, 2353 posts
28 Jan 2015 12:11AM
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Bit of it anyway. She Who Must Be Obeyed was pretty happy. Only another 32 in the shed to go.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
28 Jan 2015 6:19AM
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thedrip said..
Bit of it anyway. She Who Must Be Obeyed was pretty happy. Only another 32 in the shed to go.

Sounds like you need to do a quiver shot for us

WA, 9675 posts
28 Jan 2015 8:00AM
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Macaha said...
vanders1 said..

chrispy said..

Locky24 said...

vanders1 said..
I love having guys in the water around me surfing boards with too little volume, more waves for me.

Thats what happens when too many people take advice from the local 16 yo shreader that works at the local board store.

Or listens to all the board experts in the carpark.... Never shaped a board in their lives,I catch way more waves than them.......and they still want to tell me I'm riding the wrong board

Yeah the last conversation I had with the shaper resulted in him suggesting I don't reduce the volume as much as what I was suggesting, who am I to argue.........

Guilty of been a carpark expert venue was the coffee club and if I recall the conversation we were discussing a more HP board than your current Whalebone.
A couple questions
When was the last time the shapers saw you surf?
Your a hell of a lot lighter than you were when your current WB was made for you?
Whats the difference in volume and dims between your HL verses the HL?
Vanders time to go wild IMHO

I know you love your Whalebone but your a totally different guy than you were back then.
Your a tall bugger908 x ? x ? would be a good start and as I said pull the tail in as well as the nose.
I'd be happy if SDR named this new model The Fang Machine

Expert advise maybe not but those questions need to be asked.

I have not laughed so much in ages

QLD, 21884 posts
28 Jan 2015 10:31AM
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Chrispy sometimes you have to put your hand up

I await a reply

13831 posts
28 Jan 2015 8:35AM
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Macaha said..
Chrispy sometimes you have to put your hand up

I await a reply

Get a Mango up you champion

WA, 2353 posts
28 Jan 2015 10:00AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
thedrip said..
Bit of it anyway. She Who Must Be Obeyed was pretty happy. Only another 32 in the shed to go.

Sounds like you need to do a quiver shot for us

A lot aren't worth seeing. Badly creased, fins missing etc. I only have that many because I have only sold 3 boards since 1985. Getting 25% of the original purchase price always did my head in.

QLD, 3808 posts
28 Jan 2015 8:38PM
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Macaha said..

vanders1 said..

chrispy said..

Locky24 said...

vanders1 said..
I love having guys in the water around me surfing boards with too little volume, more waves for me.

Thats what happens when too many people take advice from the local 16 yo shreader that works at the local board store.

Or listens to all the board experts in the carpark.... Never shaped a board in their lives,I catch way more waves than them.......and they still want to tell me I'm riding the wrong board

Yeah the last conversation I had with the shaper resulted in him suggesting I don't reduce the volume as much as what I was suggesting, who am I to argue.........

Guilty of been a carpark expert venue was the coffee club and if I recall the conversation we were discussing a more HP board than your current Whalebone.
A couple questions
When was the last time the shapers saw you surf? Probably over a year but Macca filled him in on my style.
Your a hell of a lot lighter than you were when your current WB was made for you? True but to be honest I'm not feeling like the current one is restricting me and given current circumstances allow me to surf only once a week if I'm lucky I enjoy the easy paddle and wave catching ability the extra volume provides.
Whats the difference in volume and dims between your HL verses the HL? Significantly thinned rails, 1/4" narrower, 1/4" thinner, updated concaves.
Vanders time to go wild IMHO As discussed over coffee, small changes at a time.

I know you love your Whalebone but your a totally different guy than you were back then.
Your a tall bugger908 x ? x ? would be a good start and as I said pull the tail in as well as the nose. After riding my 9'6 the other day then changing to the 10' hotlog it just felt right length wise. Maybe I'll road test your 9'8 and see how it feels.
I'd be happy if SDR named this new model The Fang Machine Where did that come from?????

Expert advise maybe not but those questions need to be asked.

QLD, 21884 posts
28 Jan 2015 8:48PM
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Thanks mate I was interested of how you see and feel it with your boards.

On the fang thing I just made that up, Fang as in fly

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Jan 2015 9:04PM
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indeed, small changes at one time as discussed over coffee.

its a good move vanders.

funny enough my evo 2 doesn't go as well at the alley as it does at rainbow when there is a bit of size.

can't work it out. maybe because of the different shape of the waves

QLD, 21884 posts
28 Jan 2015 9:08PM
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Maybe the alley dose not pack the same punch weight for weight
Different tide,swell angle blah blahOr just maybe you surfed sh-t
for once

VIC, 8020 posts
28 Jan 2015 10:19PM
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I've got nothing to add!
You guys have it sorted!

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Jan 2015 9:19PM
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Macaha said..
Maybe the alley dose not pack the same punch weight for weight
Different tide,swell angle blah blahOr just maybe you surfed sh-t
for once

nar noticed it a few time when its bigger alley.

I suppose its a rougher type of wave. angle and all that stuff too

and its not bad be any means.

still got my share

QLD, 21884 posts
28 Jan 2015 9:24PM
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Simondo said..
I've got nothing to add!
You guys have it sorted!

Same here mate I'm just making it up as I go

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Jan 2015 9:57PM
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Simondo said..
I've got nothing to add!
You guys have it sorted!

whats the matter.

you usually post a picture of a mct board thats got nothing to do with the topic.

are you ok. feeling all right.

lets know if we can help out

QLD, 3808 posts
28 Jan 2015 10:08PM
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Macaha said..
Thanks mate I was interested of how you see and feel it with your boards.

On the fang thing I just made that up, Fang as in fly

Ok gotcha on the 'fang' now

Regarding boards, honestly I think there is still so much work I need to do in regards to technique, Lacey has been great with tips and assistance (don't tell him I said that), I guess it's easier to focus on modifying my technique when I'm on a board that I'm totally comfortable on, I can just focus on the changes I need to make and not have to deal with the challenges of a board that doesn't give you that 'fits like a glove feel'. Once I can get a handle on better technique I reckon the benefits of what you're suggesting will become more apparent and likely useable. Just my thoughts.

QLD, 21884 posts
28 Jan 2015 10:28PM
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Gotta and yep have a go on my 908 x 23 1/4 x 3 1/8 when it comes.

SA, 1739 posts
28 Jan 2015 11:01PM
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vanders1 said...
Macaha said..
Thanks mate I was interested of how you see and feel it with your boards.

On the fang thing I just made that up, Fang as in fly

Ok gotcha on the 'fang' now

Regarding boards, honestly I think there is still so much work I need to do in regards to technique, Lacey has been great with tips and assistance (don't tell him I said that), I guess it's easier to focus on modifying my technique when I'm on a board that I'm totally comfortable on, I can just focus on the changes I need to make and not have to deal with the challenges of a board that doesn't give you that 'fits like a glove feel'. Once I can get a handle on better technique I reckon the benefits of what you're suggesting will become more apparent and likely useable. Just my thoughts.

Wait, so what your saying is focus on the technique instead of the board. Thats not consistent with this room.

10979 posts
29 Jan 2015 9:57AM
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Like that old saying.

A Tradesman never blames his tools..


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Is Volume really your friend" started by Macaha