Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by Cobra > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2020
QLD, 21882 posts
5 Apr 2020 10:56AM
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Cobra said..
so the cops are kicking people off beaches for sun baking (collecting skin cancers)
and its kosher to walk around markets with others.
so is this markets thing ticking the box of gaining essentials ?
i thought we had to stay home?

Mate those hippy Vegans gotta eat

8266 posts
5 Apr 2020 9:08AM
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Cobra said..
mick PC you are bored.

No swell : (

QLD, 1332 posts
5 Apr 2020 12:01PM
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Macaha said..

Cobra said..
so the cops are kicking people off beaches for sun baking (collecting skin cancers)
and its kosher to walk around markets with others.
so is this markets thing ticking the box of gaining essentials ?
i thought we had to stay home?

Mate those hippy Vegans gotta eat

Great way for the big supermarket conglomerates to **** off the small fry competition.
At open air markets they can have stalls spaced out to make it far safer than having people milling in aisles in air conditioned supermarkets where anyone who has coughed has sprayed their germs around and onto packaging. Of course who knows how many people have touched a package, tin, bag of stuff before you in that supermarket?
Talking to a Woolworths long time staff member who packs for them but also has a weekend market stall this morning.
They have completely abandoned their catalogue specials now and are charging full price for everything.
The government and media have everyone so scared that people aren't going to the fresh produce markets any more even though it is perfectly legal to do so and consequently the number of stall holders have also plummeted which means those who go to sell are also struggling to make it worthwhile.

251 posts
5 Apr 2020 11:06AM
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So true about supermarkets.
Hundreds of people breathing every single day in there, in a space that never gets any fresh air flow.

And they're more expensive than ever.

I was at Byron farmers market last Thursday.
They limit the numbers , no seating so people buy their food and leave.
Also the prices are cheaper.
F...k Woolies.

WA, 60 posts
5 Apr 2020 11:33AM
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Everyone's working from home these days..

WA, 9675 posts
5 Apr 2020 12:07PM
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Rabbs said..
So true about supermarkets.
Hundreds of people breathing every single day in there, in a space that never gets any fresh air flow.

And they're more expensive than ever.

I was at Byron farmers market last Thursday.
They limit the numbers , no seating so people buy their food and leave.
Also the prices are cheaper.
F...k Woolies.

Yeh i would be feeling a hell of lot safer at the farmers markets than i would breathing in the dodgy crookermarkert air

So ok for crookermarkets,not so farmers markets lol

Once again the big problem is human behaviour....humans are selfish idiots

QLD, 1332 posts
5 Apr 2020 2:40PM
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626 posts
5 Apr 2020 2:00PM
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Everyone is banging on about the potential deaths and social responsibility.

And I get that for the here and now. But what I do not get is the incredible financial cost of the current action. All without a scrap of consideration to the flow on effect and down stream costs attached to the economic damage.

The current action will damage our economy. But we are much better positioned to recover and suffer less lose of life than third worlds.

The initial cost of life to these economies will be devastating. But it will pale in comparison to the loss of life caused through economic hardship in the wake of the damage done to all countries economies.

If I was a tin foil hat person I would subscribe to some form of manipulation of response. Just too many convenient things being rolled out. For instance in WA we suddenly have a fleet of police drones deployed, where did they come from? And yet not enough ventilators?

Maybe too much spare time on my hands to be drawing lines that do not exist?

And as much as I am not a fan to Trump I gotta wonder if he is right stating we don't want the cure to be worse than the disease. And his current take of his admis actions beening all about saving lives.

Maybe he is looking at the bigger picture and evaluating the cost of economic loss and the effect on lives vs letting this thing run it's course and working around it?

If history teaches us anything it is that anytime we as humans try to define an outcome against nature we generally suffer loss in the long term.

Strange days indeed.

9106 posts
5 Apr 2020 2:40PM
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Cuttlefish said..

Macaha said..

Cobra said..
so the cops are kicking people off beaches for sun baking (collecting skin cancers)
and its kosher to walk around markets with others.
so is this markets thing ticking the box of gaining essentials ?
i thought we had to stay home?

Mate those hippy Vegans gotta eat

Great way for the big supermarket conglomerates to **** off the small fry competition.
At open air markets they can have stalls spaced out to make it far safer than having people milling in aisles in air conditioned supermarkets where anyone who has coughed has sprayed their germs around and onto packaging. Of course who knows how many people have touched a package, tin, bag of stuff before you in that supermarket?
Talking to a Woolworths long time staff member who packs for them but also has a weekend market stall this morning.
They have completely abandoned their catalogue specials now and are charging full price for everything.
The government and media have everyone so scared that people aren't going to the fresh produce markets any more even though it is perfectly legal to do so and consequently the number of stall holders have also plummeted which means those who go to sell are also struggling to make it worthwhile.

Open air lookout last night in Brisbane was shutdown by police. What's the difference. The other thing about the footage of crowds at these markets was ****n NOBODY had bags of goods nothing zip. Everyone that walks out of a supermarket has goods. NO they were tyre kicking sugar coat it as much as you like. Do I feel for the small guy yeah sure. But we are talking about people tyre kicking and not staying at home.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
5 Apr 2020 4:50PM
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9106 posts
5 Apr 2020 3:06PM
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a pandemic is on, so they visit the markets with hundreds of people to buy fresh produce 3 potatoes 4 oranges 4 apples and a cheap necklace. If guilty go stand in the dunce corner.

QLD, 1332 posts
5 Apr 2020 5:27PM
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Cobra said..

Cuttlefish said..

Macaha said..

Cobra said..
so the cops are kicking people off beaches for sun baking (collecting skin cancers)
and its kosher to walk around markets with others.
so is this markets thing ticking the box of gaining essentials ?
i thought we had to stay home?

Mate those hippy Vegans gotta eat

Great way for the big supermarket conglomerates to **** off the small fry competition.
At open air markets they can have stalls spaced out to make it far safer than having people milling in aisles in air conditioned supermarkets where anyone who has coughed has sprayed their germs around and onto packaging. Of course who knows how many people have touched a package, tin, bag of stuff before you in that supermarket?
Talking to a Woolworths long time staff member who packs for them but also has a weekend market stall this morning.
They have completely abandoned their catalogue specials now and are charging full price for everything.
The government and media have everyone so scared that people aren't going to the fresh produce markets any more even though it is perfectly legal to do so and consequently the number of stall holders have also plummeted which means those who go to sell are also struggling to make it worthwhile.

Open air lookout last night in Brisbane was shutdown by police. What's the difference. The other thing about the footage of crowds at these markets was ****n NOBODY had bags of goods nothing zip. Everyone that walks out of a supermarket has goods. NO they were tyre kicking sugar coat it as much as you like. Do I feel for the small guy yeah sure. But we are talking about people tyre kicking and not staying at home.

You have never displayed an ounce of empathy for others on this forum. Never hestitated to slag or disparage others at will. Now all of a sudden you're white knighting for the Australian people.
I smell a rat.
Could it be your motives are not as selfless as they would appear to the casual observer? Maybe you're squarely in the high risk zone yourself and even have an underlying medical condition to boot? **** scared of dying are you?

9106 posts
5 Apr 2020 3:37PM
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Apparently Dr Brad Robinson feels the same as me.

hey what would he know about infection control. And stop complaining at least he has a job dealing with death.

anyhow gotta go surf with me mates, surfs on and we're not working for some stupid reason...

9106 posts
5 Apr 2020 3:39PM
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Cuttlefish said..

Cobra said..

Cuttlefish said..

Macaha said..

Cobra said..
so the cops are kicking people off beaches for sun baking (collecting skin cancers)
and its kosher to walk around markets with others.
so is this markets thing ticking the box of gaining essentials ?
i thought we had to stay home?

Mate those hippy Vegans gotta eat

Great way for the big supermarket conglomerates to **** off the small fry competition.
At open air markets they can have stalls spaced out to make it far safer than having people milling in aisles in air conditioned supermarkets where anyone who has coughed has sprayed their germs around and onto packaging. Of course who knows how many people have touched a package, tin, bag of stuff before you in that supermarket?
Talking to a Woolworths long time staff member who packs for them but also has a weekend market stall this morning.
They have completely abandoned their catalogue specials now and are charging full price for everything.
The government and media have everyone so scared that people aren't going to the fresh produce markets any more even though it is perfectly legal to do so and consequently the number of stall holders have also plummeted which means those who go to sell are also struggling to make it worthwhile.

Open air lookout last night in Brisbane was shutdown by police. What's the difference. The other thing about the footage of crowds at these markets was ****n NOBODY had bags of goods nothing zip. Everyone that walks out of a supermarket has goods. NO they were tyre kicking sugar coat it as much as you like. Do I feel for the small guy yeah sure. But we are talking about people tyre kicking and not staying at home.

You have never displayed an ounce of empathy for others on this forum. Never hestitated to slag or disparage others at will. Now all of a sudden you're white knighting for the Australian people.
I smell a rat.
Could it be your motives are not as selfless as they would appear to the casual observer? Maybe you're squarely in the high risk zone yourself and even have an underlying medical condition to boot? **** scared of dying are you?

Hey Nostradamus don't give up your veggie job. Keep surfing.

9106 posts
5 Apr 2020 3:52PM
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Macaha said..

Cobra said..
so the cops are kicking people off beaches for sun baking (collecting skin cancers)
and its kosher to walk around markets with others.
so is this markets thing ticking the box of gaining essentials ?
i thought we had to stay home?

Mate those hippy Vegans gotta eat

And just like that he was gooone.

251 posts
5 Apr 2020 3:55PM
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Cobra said..
a pandemic is on, so they visit the markets with hundreds of people to buy fresh produce 3 potatoes 4 oranges 4 apples and a cheap necklace. If guilty go stand in the dunce corner.

I can only speak of the food markets I've been to lately Cobra.

If they were full of people just there to socialise, Iike they normally are, I wouldn't go there.

All the hippy trinket markets were canceled more than a month ago in Byron.
Only fresh food markets now.

And we bought 2 weeks worth of food so we're all good.

9106 posts
5 Apr 2020 4:05PM
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Rabbs said..

Cobra said..
a pandemic is on, so they visit the markets with hundreds of people to buy fresh produce 3 potatoes 4 oranges 4 apples and a cheap necklace. If guilty go stand in the dunce corner.

I can only speak of the food markets I've been to lately Cobra.

If they were full of people just there to socialise, Iike they normally are, I wouldn't go there.

All the hippy trinket markets were canceled more than a month ago in Byron.
Only fresh food markets now.

And we bought 2 weeks worth of food so we're all good.

Hey Rabbs I know nothing of BB markets just the one shown on the news last night filled with tyre kickers the same one Dr Brad Robinson felt passionate venting about, like I said our produce markets closed weeks ago.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
5 Apr 2020 6:07PM
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Any shops ive been to in my area people are doing the deal. They all look a little like how i feel going there - Worried.
Although some i must say go out of their way to say hello. Its almost like snapping out of some kind of trance

NSW, 5510 posts
5 Apr 2020 6:20PM
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Close all Gold Coast beaches due to the ****wits who are abusing the advice

8266 posts
5 Apr 2020 4:28PM
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Your masters must be stoked with how well their propaganda is working. Your almost ready for the next stage of restrictions. A little more fear & you'll be begging. Please government, give me less freedom

9106 posts
5 Apr 2020 4:38PM
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laceys lane said..

Any shops ive been to in my area people are doing the deal. They all look a little like how i feel going there - Worried.
Although some i must say go out of their way to say hello. Its almost like snapping out of some kind of trance

Worse place in the OZ ATM Lacey is the hardware shops fn people everywhere, when possible I've been getting delivery's through Bunnings trade cost about $60 delivery for a truck load. It's not about people just a massive lineup, did get a email off them saying theres a tradies only time in the morning.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
5 Apr 2020 6:42PM
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Cobra said..

laceys lane said..

Any shops ive been to in my area people are doing the deal. They all look a little like how i feel going there - Worried.
Although some i must say go out of their way to say hello. Its almost like snapping out of some kind of trance

Worse place in the OZ ATM Lacey is the hardware shops fn people everywhere, when possible I've been getting delivery's through Bunnings trade cost about $60 delivery for a truck load. It's not about people just a massive lineup, did get a email off them saying theres a tradies only time in the morning.

They are doing that every morning to 9am down here.
I really feel for the older trade counter ladies. You know. The ones you want to go to because they know their stuff They look like zombies they are so scared

251 posts
5 Apr 2020 5:01PM
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Cobra said..

Rabbs said..

Cobra said..
a pandemic is on, so they visit the markets with hundreds of people to buy fresh produce 3 potatoes 4 oranges 4 apples and a cheap necklace. If guilty go stand in the dunce corner.

I can only speak of the food markets I've been to lately Cobra.

If they were full of people just there to socialise, Iike they normally are, I wouldn't go there.

All the hippy trinket markets were canceled more than a month ago in Byron.
Only fresh food markets now.

And we bought 2 weeks worth of food so we're all good.

Hey Rabbs I know nothing of BB markets just the one shown on the news last night filled with tyre kickers the same one Dr Brad Robinson felt passionate venting about, like I said our produce markets closed weeks ago.

That Bris market should be closed If they run it like that.

QLD, 3570 posts
5 Apr 2020 7:43PM
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asea said..
Close all Gold Coast beaches due to the ****wits who are abusing the advice


laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
5 Apr 2020 7:56PM
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bazz61 said..

asea said..
Close all Gold Coast beaches due to the ****wits who are abusing the advice


Im looking at a fb goldie post and many are saying , due todays effort, the beach and surf tap will be turned off.
One chap even said a long throwers pk the barbecue s were getting a workout

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
5 Apr 2020 8:42PM
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Some are saying restrictions 90 days. Or October. Morrison 6 months.
One expert is saying 18 month to 2 years

QLD, 1332 posts
5 Apr 2020 8:57PM
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So we possibly have up to 18-24 months of house bound hodads berating real surfers for surfing on a surfing forum. Beat it to Bunnings for more house improvement crap and piss off home to watch endless re-runs of the Block.

9106 posts
5 Apr 2020 7:07PM
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laceys lane said..
Some are saying restrictions 90 days. Or October. Morrison 6 months.
One expert is saying 18 month to 2 years

Still all crystal ball stuff atm .18 months holly hell, but makes sense if no vaccine. you'd hate to be the PM atm.couldnt believe AFL or Was it NRL talking July start up, I thought your tripping.

9106 posts
5 Apr 2020 7:08PM
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Cuttlefish said..
So we possibly have up to 18-24 months of house bound hodads berating real surfers for surfing on a surfing forum. Beat it to Bunnings for more house improvement crap and piss off home to watch endless re-runs of the Block.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Lockdown" started by Cobra