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laceys lane said..
Heres the thing. If you only test a selected group of high risk people, arent the stats of those infected and recovered skewed.
For all i know i might have had it and recovered without me or anyone else being the wiser????

Of course they are not a representative of the entire population. They may not even comparable period on period due to the changing testing regime..
Until recently the testing was pretty much defined to a select group. Broader now. So on both sides there is likely more cases that weren't tested and also a high number of test that are positive cause they were targeted.
Stats are wonderful and informative. You just need to understand how the numbers are arrived at and what they actually represent.
Unemployment next.
Unemployment number will be seriously skewed.
Job keeper payment and people being stood down means people will still be classed as employed.
Also people aren't looking for work which means a reduced participation rate.
The other factor is peope whose hours have been reduced won't be captured either so the headline number might look OK I've seen predictions of an increase from 5% ish to 7.5 - 10% but the real impact will be much higher as the reduction in household income will not be represented in the unemployment number