Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by Cobra > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2020
WA, 9675 posts
17 Apr 2020 1:17PM
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Did find a fun time burner with this

9106 posts
17 Apr 2020 1:21PM
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SP said..

Cobra said..

Cobra said..

Maybe china invented Covid 19 and the antidote and now china is back to business as usual with no competition

Hahahaha Mick I think the CIA are reading my post,,

Well if trump keeps pulling the US out of the UN, WHO etc only one country with a big enough economy to step in..

But is it up to USA/ trump and US dollars to financially prop the UN, (that doesn't do its job) when others pay cents.

9106 posts
17 Apr 2020 1:22PM
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chrispy said..
Did find a fun time burner with this

Love it lol
And the score ?

10979 posts
17 Apr 2020 1:25PM
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Cobra said..

SP said..

Cobra said..

Cobra said..

Maybe china invented Covid 19 and the antidote and now china is back to business as usual with no competition

Hahahaha Mick I think the CIA are reading my post,,

Well if trump keeps pulling the US out of the UN, WHO etc only one country with a big enough economy to step in..

But is it up to USA/ trump and US dollars to financially prop the UN, (that doesn't do its job) when others pay cents.

I dont think it is a financial decision.

I see an idealogical question of who drives the direction of these organistaion and hence world politics and policies. China or the West? Is the US leaves that voice of the west will be slowly eroded. Europe doesn't have the numbers or clout to drive it.

9106 posts
17 Apr 2020 1:31PM
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SP said..

Cobra said..

SP said..

Cobra said..

Cobra said..

Maybe china invented Covid 19 and the antidote and now china is back to business as usual with no competition

Hahahaha Mick I think the CIA are reading my post,,

Well if trump keeps pulling the US out of the UN, WHO etc only one country with a big enough economy to step in..

But is it up to USA/ trump and US dollars to financially prop the UN, (that doesn't do its job) when others pay cents.

I dont think it is a financial decision.

I see an idealogical question of who drives the direction of these organistaion and hence world politics and policies. China or the West? Is the US leaves that voice of the west will be slowly eroded. Europe doesn't have the numbers or clout to drive it.

Could talk about this for hours. Yes great points. But I can hear the quivering voices saying.... the US bully stamp and flex. No win in my books.

9106 posts
17 Apr 2020 1:34PM
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Yes it is financial. They supply the clout, a UN force costs a lot of money. They not JUST supply for US needs and wants.

QLD, 1332 posts
17 Apr 2020 3:35PM
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Cobra said..

Cuttlefish said..

Cobra said..
so considering a month ago we were looking at 3.6% mortality to a prediction of around 5.5 to 5.9%
i think they have a fair idea of where we are at.

How's those stats looking now?

Cobra said..
so considering a month ago we were looking at 3.6% mortality to a prediction of around 5.5 to 5.9%
i think they have a fair idea of where we are at.

i don't count in 000.00.00 because i TRY counting using my own brain.
So go get your calculator and if you think the calculations of the predictions above
are so far different than bellow, you post it champion.

We were discussing Australia old man. Not the rest of the world. You were touting the percentage as what we had to look forward to. You were dead wrong.

9106 posts
17 Apr 2020 1:38PM
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chrispy said..
Did find a fun time burner with this

Still got that Scotty Cameron?

9106 posts
17 Apr 2020 1:42PM
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Cuttlefish said..

Cobra said..

Cuttlefish said..

Cobra said..
so considering a month ago we were looking at 3.6% mortality to a prediction of around 5.5 to 5.9%
i think they have a fair idea of where we are at.

How's those stats looking now?

Cobra said..
so considering a month ago we were looking at 3.6% mortality to a prediction of around 5.5 to 5.9%
i think they have a fair idea of where we are at.

i don't count in 000.00.00 because i TRY counting using my own brain.
So go get your calculator and if you think the calculations of the predictions above
are so far different than bellow, you post it champion.

We were discussing Australia old man. Not the rest of the world. You were touting the percentage as what we had to look forward to. You were dead wrong.

QLD, 1332 posts
17 Apr 2020 3:48PM
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Deflection. Still dead wrong with your scare mongering motivated by your self preservation instinct not from any empathy for your fellow human beings. Keep on not surfing!

WA, 9675 posts
17 Apr 2020 1:49PM
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Cobra said..

chrispy said..
Did find a fun time burner with this

Still got that Scotty Cameron?

Yep amongst a few others now,i still go back to it...still have the nikents as well(did get a custom set not long ago..not long after i sold the m1s

The putting mat is addictive,best score 1 under,most have been four over lol

A few mates bought one and we have been competing on a live feed . The banter has stepped up now we are into day two of playing it

Is was putt 18 or playing cornhole

WA, 9675 posts
17 Apr 2020 1:54PM
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Cuttlefish said..
Deflection. Still dead wrong with your scare mongering motivated by your self preservation instinct not from any empathy for your fellow human beings. Keep on not surfing!

People who are doing the right thing should be applauded for those figures because if it wasn't for those people, cobras statistics would be correct in Australia...

If we relied on all the ither ****wits to do the right thing we would be like does also help that we are an island...but hey you are smart and know all this

Thank goodness they closed down the markets and stopped a lot of dodgies slinging cheap imported asian goods at them ..good times

do you want us all to be ****ed ?

10979 posts
17 Apr 2020 2:48PM
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Cobra said..

SP said..

Cobra said..

SP said..

Cobra said..

Cobra said..

Maybe china invented Covid 19 and the antidote and now china is back to business as usual with no competition

Hahahaha Mick I think the CIA are reading my post,,

Well if trump keeps pulling the US out of the UN, WHO etc only one country with a big enough economy to step in..

But is it up to USA/ trump and US dollars to financially prop the UN, (that doesn't do its job) when others pay cents.

I dont think it is a financial decision.

I see an idealogical question of who drives the direction of these organistaion and hence world politics and policies. China or the West? Is the US leaves that voice of the west will be slowly eroded. Europe doesn't have the numbers or clout to drive it.

Could talk about this for hours. Yes great points. But I can hear the quivering voices saying.... the US bully stamp and flex. No win in my books.

America.. **** Yeah. World Police.

Someone has to be the dick.

QLD, 21884 posts
17 Apr 2020 4:54PM
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9106 posts
17 Apr 2020 2:58PM
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chrispy said..

Cuttlefish said..
Deflection. Still dead wrong with your scare mongering motivated by your self preservation instinct not from any empathy for your fellow human beings. Keep on not surfing!

People who are doing the right thing should be applauded for those figures because if it wasn't for those people, cobras statistics would be correct in Australia...

If we relied on all the ither ****wits to do the right thing we would be like does also help that we are an island...but hey you are smart and know all this

Thank goodness they closed down the markets and stopped a lot of dodgies slinging cheap imported asian goods at them ..good times

do you want us all to be ****ed ?

NO the numbers are correct. i was talking about the WORLD numbers...mate veggie is a try hard.
i was talking of the world figure quoted from a infectious group ....and i will GO BACK and find it.
and after his pathetic attempt at basic math the numbers still haven't changed much.
you see there is history with the Veg and me, he posts sits there then changes or deletes and then crys.

But Ask his beliefs on Swedens covid 19 model with their 1,333 deaths ,,Sadly i thought australia with only 63 deaths was good.
Wait till he compares NZ who is just under half of swedens population that has TOTAL shutdown
Stage 4 with only 11 Deaths.

So take your pick ,,,

jobs and do as you want with 1,333 deaths out of 10 million people swedens model

or no job and restrictions with 63 deaths from 25 million million australians

9106 posts
17 Apr 2020 3:00PM
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Cobra said..

Cuttlefish said..

Cobra said..
it is so so so ****n early with numbers.
if you look at the death toll verse contracted cases ,last i looked was running just under 5% was lower at start.
why do people say,,,, influenza kills thousands a year and we don't stop the country...
.stop thinking this is influenza FFS influenza A & B runs about 1%. influenzas are a runny nose compared to this.
people stay at home and stop looking for bull**** reasons to leave your home. **** i would hate to see how their self entitled kids behave .

Where do your stats come from and for what country?
Latest stats from Australia:
7 News gave the figure of 5103 cases with 23 deaths so far.

I'm crap at maths but isn't that 0.451 percent?

world mate, forget aussie stats gee we are nearly two months behind the northern hemisphere.
umm 936,438 covid cases with 47,251 deaths. you do the math. it Started off lower think i remember was 1.8%
its early days.
other thing you have to remember Cuttle what were our numbers infected two weeks ago to now. + that's why every case now will have a result in three weeks. who has that crystal ball, very sad.

ok you won,,,, you MADE me go find My post back in April the 2nd. can't find yours ,,you must of deleted it.

my post above starts with..........WORLD MATE, forget aussie stats.

then you questioned my source of info, so i told you LANCET infectious deseases from march the 1st 2020.
Here you go again,,, your ol game plan ,,, TRY to shame mock insult taunt... then delete.
you get it totally wrong you basically Fn kook it.
but ill play ****head and i mean full blown 100% ****head

watch this...NO DELETE.

9106 posts
17 Apr 2020 3:50PM
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This guy is a classic love the end on the didg.

VIC, 2842 posts
17 Apr 2020 6:41PM
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What I don't understand, or one of the many things I don't understand, is with the world economy tanking they say the governments are going to be in debt.
Australia they are talking a generation to pay it off.
If all the world economy is going negative, and all the governments are going in to debt, who are everyone borrowing from?
I've got about $6,000 in the bank, but that's not going to go far when spread across the world.
Are we borrowing from aliens?, dolphins?, the bloke up the road with the Porsche Boxter and the Tesla (I bet he hasn't got $6 grand)
I actually understand very little when I think about it.
Maybe taking my life advice from a surfing forum isn't a good thing.

WA, 9675 posts
17 Apr 2020 4:59PM
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Nozza said..
What I don't understand, or one of the many things I don't understand, is with the world economy tanking they say the governments are going to be in debt.
Australia they are talking a generation to pay it off.
If all the world economy is going negative, and all the governments are going in to debt, who are everyone borrowing from?
I've got about $6,000 in the bank, but that's not going to go far when spread across the world.
Are we borrowing from aliens?, dolphins?, the bloke up the road with the Porsche Boxter and the Tesla (I bet he hasn't got $6 grand)
I actually understand very little when I think about it.
Maybe taking my life advice from a surfing forum isn't a good thing.

I love this post and have asked the asked the same questions to other humans ...only to receive blank stares as if i was the alien lending money

Advice is always better on Facebook nozza

NSW, 1301 posts
17 Apr 2020 7:16PM
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We will all be paying the massive debt with extra taxes, slugs to super and increased conditions and taxes to lump sum withdrawals, increase in GST will be first cab off the rank and America will go to war with China.Start getting off the grid and being more self sufficient, grow your own food,if you don't have a big yard containers and sprouts, get chooks,solar power, slowly stock up to negate all the inevitable price hikes across the board.

VIC, 2842 posts
17 Apr 2020 7:19PM
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chrispy said..

Nozza said..
What I don't understand, or one of the many things I don't understand, is with the world economy tanking they say the governments are going to be in debt.
Australia they are talking a generation to pay it off.
If all the world economy is going negative, and all the governments are going in to debt, who are everyone borrowing from?
I've got about $6,000 in the bank, but that's not going to go far when spread across the world.
Are we borrowing from aliens?, dolphins?, the bloke up the road with the Porsche Boxter and the Tesla (I bet he hasn't got $6 grand)
I actually understand very little when I think about it.
Maybe taking my life advice from a surfing forum isn't a good thing.

I love this post and have asked the asked the same questions to other humans ...only to receive blank stares as if i was the alien lending money

Advice is always better on Facebook nozza

Don't do Facebook.....
Pretty sure if I did I'd do something not allowed pretty quickly.
Maybe if we budget carefully, my $6 grand will see us out.
Or Cobra might be able to get a refund on the money he spent on building materials, tide us over for a bit longer.

VIC, 2842 posts
17 Apr 2020 7:21PM
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Ricardo1709 said..
We will all be paying the massive debt with extra taxes, slugs to super and increased conditions and taxes to lump sum withdrawals, increase in GST will be first cab off the rank and America will go to war with China.Start getting off the grid and being more self sufficient, grow your own food,if you don't have a big yard containers and sprouts, get chooks,solar power, slowly stock up to negate all the inevitable price hikes across the board.

But who do I send my $6 grand to?

10979 posts
17 Apr 2020 5:22PM
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Simple layman explanation.

They issue bonds.
Investors buy the bonds and we pay them interest from our tax dollars.

QLD, 21884 posts
17 Apr 2020 7:22PM
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Good post Nozza, why can't the rulers of each country meet shake hands and call all debt off due to the virus, suspend trade like the share market or ok here's another print money , properly the dumbest thing I've ever posted

8266 posts
17 Apr 2020 5:23PM
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Nozza said..
What I don't understand, or one of the many things I don't understand, is with the world economy tanking they say the governments are going to be in debt.
Australia they are talking a generation to pay it off.
If all the world economy is going negative, and all the governments are going in to debt, who are everyone borrowing from?
I've got about $6,000 in the bank, but that's not going to go far when spread across the world.
Are we borrowing from aliens?, dolphins?, the bloke up the road with the Porsche Boxter and the Tesla (I bet he hasn't got $6 grand)
I actually understand very little when I think about it.
Maybe taking my life advice from a surfing forum isn't a good thing.

That would be the IMF m8..."internaional monetary fund". Basically what they do is provide financial support to failing economies to pay their debts. When the countries continue to experience financial difficulty the IMF says ok righto, well you have those assets, we'll take those. Some say it ties into C19, but there's no way conspiracy theories could be true is there

10979 posts
17 Apr 2020 5:27PM
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Macaha said..
Good post Nozza, why can't the rulers of each country meet shake hands and call all debt off due to the virus, suspend trade like the share market or ok here's another print money , properly the dumbest thing I've ever posted

Most debt isn't held by other countries.
A **** load is held by superfund actually. That conservative option is mainly gov and corporate debt..

This shows the last bond issue..

10979 posts
17 Apr 2020 5:31PM
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Macaha said..
Good post Nozza, why can't the rulers of each country meet shake hands and call all debt off due to the virus, suspend trade like the share market or ok here's another print money , properly the dumbest thing I've ever posted

Printing money increases the money supply. That devalues what is In circulation leading to Inflation. Goods become dearer cause people have more money. This devalues the purchasing power.
Have a look at Venezuela or zimababwe they both did this..

Buying bonds back kinda does the same thing but with less Inflation as the gov doesn't spend it therefore not putting pressure on prices

8266 posts
17 Apr 2020 5:33PM
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SP said..

Interesting. Great post.

I think it will be much worse and slower to recover than 2008. Resources aren't booming, local economy is not as strong. Dollar is weak to name a few reasons.

The app is an interesting one. On one hand it will alert you quickly if you have been in contact with someone who is infected but obviously the tracking of people is a bit Orwellian. But I guess they can do it now anyway through phone companies and mobile location services anyway so are we really losing a freedom?

It's a ****ed up situation and one that is not easily solved.

Love the journalist quote at the end. The best government is one that governs less. I. E people do the right thing and society functions without over the top laws and Interference from government in their day to day lives. Shame there are a lot of self driven people who don't put society first and gov needs to step in. I think they wanted to lock it up to give themselves time to assess. Gotta be a very stressful situation for the pollies and the experts.
A wrong call probably means lives lost. Italy etc probably put the fear of a worse case scenario in the front of their mind.

Will be Interesting to see how it rolls along in the next period.
Hopefully the flattening if the curve means people can return to some normality in there day to day lives. Locking people up for long times with draconian measures can only lead to social issues which are a lot harder to solve them economic ones.

Absolutely, I agree...on the economy. The degree of difficulty of bouncing back depends on how we go from here.

The App, no. I will give it a miss. I know a thing or 2 about infection control. I don't need farkwit pollies to over police me to protect my health.

VIC, 2842 posts
17 Apr 2020 7:33PM
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MickPC said..

Nozza said..
What I don't understand, or one of the many things I don't understand, is with the world economy tanking they say the governments are going to be in debt.
Australia they are talking a generation to pay it off.
If all the world economy is going negative, and all the governments are going in to debt, who are everyone borrowing from?
I've got about $6,000 in the bank, but that's not going to go far when spread across the world.
Are we borrowing from aliens?, dolphins?, the bloke up the road with the Porsche Boxter and the Tesla (I bet he hasn't got $6 grand)
I actually understand very little when I think about it.
Maybe taking my life advice from a surfing forum isn't a good thing.

That would be the IMF m8..."internaional monetary fund". Basically what they do is provide financial support to failing economies to pay their debts. When the countries continue to experience financial difficulty the IMF says ok righto, well you have those assets, we'll take those. Some say it ties into C19, but there's no way conspiracy theories could be true is there

I could understand if Australia was going bad, America good, we say "Don, we need some cash""
If this relies on ?nstitutional Investors buying government bonds at 1% interest over 10 years, I think we might find the institutional investors have just got smashed on the stock market, and my $6 grand is looking about the best option.
Did anyone see the last sketch on Mad As Hell on Wednesday? Much funnier than anything else around


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Lockdown" started by Cobra