Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Midlength Room

Created by AndyrooMac > 9 months ago, 17 Aug 2018
QLD, 21882 posts
28 Nov 2018 5:17PM
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laceys lane said..

Nozza said..

SP said..

Nozza said..

I'd get her a 7ft ish foamy. Unless she can already get up and turn she is better buying something to learn on and not worry what looks cool. A Nsp like minimal around the same length is a good alternative.

Sure in 6 - 12 months and she'll be ready to get something else but the foamy will help her progress as they are built for it. Long fish or Mids aren't really learners boards. Flat rockers etc aren't great for learning on.

Thanks. I have an NSP (I think) soft top we get when she was about 15. Not sure of the length.
I'm going to retirieve it from the rafters of the garage to get her started again.

Some good advice there

Sp. Can you have a talk to mac too

Lacey I'm next level,I have a foamie its just covered in fibreglass

TAS, 1925 posts
28 Nov 2018 6:37PM
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SP said..

Nozza said..
Looking for help.
My 24 year old daughter wants to get a surfboard.
She thinks she wants a midlength.
She wants to cruise and carve rather than do radical maneuvers.
She is 171 cm tall and 60 kg.
She has surfed occasionally, but is far from expert.
Expert snowboarder, good balance.
Any suggestions as to where she should start looking, size and style wise?

I'd get her a 7ft ish foamy. Unless she can already get up and turn she is better buying something to learn on and not worry what looks cool. A Nsp like minimal around the same length is a good alternative.

Sure in 6 - 12 months and she'll be ready to get something else but the foamy will help her progress as they are built for it. Long fish or Mids aren't really learners boards. Flat rockers etc aren't great for learning on.

Totally agree with that, I would be using the fish as the step up from a foamy...

I guess it depends on what level she's at...

If she's already standing up and trimming then the fish, if she's not then foamies are awesome

VIC, 2838 posts
28 Nov 2018 8:35PM
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Probably stupid question - are foamys and soft tops the same thing?

SA, 1739 posts
28 Nov 2018 9:00PM
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I believe so.

Check out the Catch Surf ones, they look cool and have heaps of volume.

WA, 9675 posts
28 Nov 2018 7:16PM
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I should say skip to ... but I dont remember

TAS, 1925 posts
29 Nov 2018 9:44AM
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Nozza said..
Probably stupid question - are foamys and soft tops the same thing?

Totally but there are different quality ones for sure in terms of how they are shaped with the rails etc as well as the material they use for the bottom of the board... The Catchsurf ones are rad as Mchenry and there are other pretty good ones these days... super easy and forgiving to surf.

If she's at that level I would 100% get her to do some private lessons, you can seriously save yourself years of the frustration of learning and unlearning bad habits, if I had my time again I definitely would... One of the local ladies here had been surfing for ages but she always kinda struggled, she did 6 lessons with local legend Jonno and improved like 1000% in no time, surfs real good now. The surf school dude/dudette would probably have some great advise on a softy to get started as well.

VIC, 2838 posts
29 Nov 2018 11:22AM
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She's had a couple of lessons in the past, but good idea.
A friend in Torquay has a couple of boards she can borrow and try after getting going on the soft top.
And my friend's wife is a good friend of Corey Graham, so I think she will be well sorted.

TAS, 1925 posts
29 Nov 2018 12:36PM
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Nozza said..
She's had a couple of lessons in the past, but good idea.
A friend in Torquay has a couple of boards she can borrow and try after getting going on the soft top.
And my friend's wife is a good friend of Corey Graham, so I think she will be well sorted.

Oh nice... maybe vicariously get her a board shaped then Keep us up to date if you do

VIC, 3829 posts
29 Nov 2018 3:32PM
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Catch surf logs are awesome...I love my wife's one more than she does

SA, 1739 posts
29 Nov 2018 8:29PM
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Yeah would love one of those 9' Catch Surf logs! They look like so much fun and great well(apparently)!

QLD, 1332 posts
30 Nov 2018 1:38PM
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chrispy said..

I should say skip to ... but I dont remember

Man I enjoyed watching that...thanks for posting it!

TAS, 1925 posts
30 Nov 2018 8:31PM
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Terry Fitzgerald at Bells, 1972.

TAS, 1925 posts
1 Dec 2018 4:12PM
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AndyrooMac said..
New addition to the quiver is this beautiful custom 8'4" mini glider by Tim Clarke.

Just couldn't be happier with how this has come out and even more excited to get her in the water.

The board takes elements from my beloved Ryan Lovelace ThickLizzy, from a classic Klemm Bell tracker but mostly from Tim listening to what I love about my fave boards and how I want to surf on different waves and crafting something to suit.

Super impressed with his knowledge about design and skill with the planer/sander/laminate job...

Tim also hand made the fin which is a cracker...

Really stunning board, so stoked...

This board just continues to impress.

Today I surfed chest high cross shore at the local beachy, I normally wouldn't have gone out but a 2 week surf drought and I was surfing anything. The banks are pretty good atm but the wind was making it pretty tricky... but mann, so much fun on this board, gliding in deep and early and just racing down the line and making sections I think i'm definitely not going to... so effortless, such beautiful trim and just had a blast!!!

I've had a bunch of surf on it now and it replaces the log when its small and not really noseriders but then I've had her out in hectic OH beachies and she just keeps surprising me... I reckon I could go shorter, maybe 7'8" or less and she'd be a one board quiver...

I'm tempted to get a 7'2" for bigger days but I really want to keep the quiver at 4 boards... maybe the fish might go... hmmm

Unreal board though and the perfect board to compliment Lizzy

VIC, 2838 posts
1 Dec 2018 6:52PM
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Lessons and soft tops - ppppfffffftttttt.
Louise the daughter was having lunch in Torquay on Friday with Loretta, my friend Drew's wife.
And Corey walks past.
So they get talking, back to his shop, he questions Louise about what she has done, what she wants to do.
Result is an order for a 6'ish Fish with extra foam in the middle for float and more rocker (I think)
Louise sorting colours, but something like this.
Hand / eye logo will be on the deck.

Twin fin.
And he'll squeeze it in before Christmas and Louise's trip up the east coast.
Will still retrieve the soft top for her for pre delivery.
My friend Drew is wondering why his last board took 12 weeks in the dead of winter....
Will keep you posted.

QLD, 21882 posts
1 Dec 2018 6:27PM
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Yeah this blokes who mentioned soft tops don't even listen to them again.joking boys

TAS, 1925 posts
1 Dec 2018 8:39PM
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Nozza said..
Lessons and soft tops - ppppfffffftttttt.
Louise the daughter was having lunch in Torquay on Friday with Loretta, my friend Drew's wife.
And Corey walks past.
So they get talking, back to his shop, he questions Louise about what she has done, what she wants to do.
Result is an order for a 6'ish Fish with extra foam in the middle for float and more rocker (I think)
Louise sorting colours, but something like this.
Hand / eye logo will be on the deck.

Twin fin.
And he'll squeeze it in before Christmas and Louise's trip up the east coast.
Will still retrieve the soft top for her for pre delivery.
My friend Drew is wondering why his last board took 12 weeks in the dead of winter....
Will keep you posted.

Nice one, I'll send my deets so Corey can send me my finders fee

I reckon the fish is a good call So easy to surf but then you can push them hard and progress...

I have a mate and he keeps trying other boards but he's just addicted to the feel of a fish, and he's a bloody good surfer, ...

I reckon a fish is a great first non foam board to add to the quiver. I hardly surf mine now but that's because I prefer the rail line off a mid, the drawn out turn... But every now and then when I just want an easy session, just paddle pop up and turn, I'll grab the fish... So fun...

Can't wait to hear how she goes

TAS, 1925 posts
5 Dec 2018 11:53AM
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Nice watch, I like the story behind the boards

TAS, 507 posts
6 Dec 2018 9:22PM
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Just shows that broadly anything works fine.

10979 posts
7 Dec 2018 8:26AM
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saltyheaven said..
Just shows that broadly anything works fine.

Yep. Agree. has a lot to do with talent of the bloke standing on it how well they go.

381 posts
7 Dec 2018 12:10PM
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G'day crew. unfortunately I wont be able to give a ride report of that beautiful Pieter Pieburger I got a short while age (pics back a few pages). Had nothing to do with the board, really did not want to sell it, best looking & glassed board I've had in a long while. Unfortunately when I from ordering the board to when i was going to surf it I got a pretty nasty medical diagnosis which shook me up quite a bit & had to staet a course of fairly med which have crap side effects.. end reult sold the Pie to surfanimal who I guess will give a ride report.

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
7 Dec 2018 3:18PM
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That's ok Uncle,we all hope ya get better mate that's for suregood to see the board go to a good home

QLD, 21882 posts
7 Dec 2018 2:44PM
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Al G said..
That's ok Uncle,we all hope ya get better mate that's for suregood to see the board go to a good home

Yeah what AI said best wishes mate

TAS, 1925 posts
7 Dec 2018 4:13PM
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unclethirsty said..
G'day crew. unfortunately I wont be able to give a ride report of that beautiful Pieter Pieburger I got a short while age (pics back a few pages). Had nothing to do with the board, really did not want to sell it, best looking & glassed board I've had in a long while. Unfortunately when I from ordering the board to when i was going to surf it I got a pretty nasty medical diagnosis which shook me up quite a bit & had to staet a course of fairly med which have crap side effects.. end reult sold the Pie to surfanimal who I guess will give a ride report.

Hope your ok dude and all the best for recovery...

Didn't SA already have one of those boards?

TAS, 1925 posts
7 Dec 2018 4:16PM
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NSW, 1301 posts
7 Dec 2018 7:20PM
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unclethirsty said..
G'day crew. unfortunately I wont be able to give a ride report of that beautiful Pieter Pieburger I got a short while age (pics back a few pages). Had nothing to do with the board, really did not want to sell it, best looking & glassed board I've had in a long while. Unfortunately when I from ordering the board to when i was going to surf it I got a pretty nasty medical diagnosis which shook me up quite a bit & had to staet a course of fairly med which have crap side effects.. end reult sold the Pie to surfanimal who I guess will give a ride report.

Sorry to hear that all the best and let's hope the meds do the job they are meant to

10979 posts
16 Dec 2018 1:57PM
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unclethirsty said..
G'day crew. unfortunately I wont be able to give a ride report of that beautiful Pieter Pieburger I got a short while age (pics back a few pages). Had nothing to do with the board, really did not want to sell it, best looking & glassed board I've had in a long while. Unfortunately when I from ordering the board to when i was going to surf it I got a pretty nasty medical diagnosis which shook me up quite a bit & had to staet a course of fairly med which have crap side effects.. end reult sold the Pie to surfanimal who I guess will give a ride report.

Good luck with it Uncle. Hope you get well quickly

83 posts
16 Dec 2018 4:14PM
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unclethirsty said..
G'day crew. unfortunately I wont be able to give a ride report of that beautiful Pieter Pieburger I got a short while age (pics back a few pages). Had nothing to do with the board, really did not want to sell it, best looking & glassed board I've had in a long while. Unfortunately when I from ordering the board to when i was going to surf it I got a pretty nasty medical diagnosis which shook me up quite a bit & had to staet a course of fairly med which have crap side effects.. end reult sold the Pie to surfanimal who I guess will give a ride report.

Sorry to hear the the medical diagnosis, I have gone through a similar situation very recently... life changing stuff! hopefully the side effects arent too rough!

QLD, 1332 posts
16 Dec 2018 7:03PM
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After a year out of the water due to a bad back it was time to get back in the water. The sad news was that Beachbeat was also closing the doors of its factory. John Mills is still shaping but out of his shaping bay at home. While cleaning out the factory they found a blackened, dust covered triple stringer blank that had been stacked away and forgotten. So Millsy took to it with the planer. Apparently it was rock hard so really difficult to shape. Volan glass job sets the tone and it has plenty of weight to make it a fast paddler once it gets up to speed and will handle some bump in the wave face easily. It has a nice subtle double concave that will help with its down the line speed. I walked into Beachbeat and spied its nose pointing up behind a row of Pacer eggs. That was it. One way or another it was going to be mine. It's 7'4" x 21" x 2&7/8". As soon as it hits 4' plus and clean on my local point I'm taking it for a spin. Bought a set of bonzer side runners so I can use either of the sizes as sidebites or a set of GXQ's. Main fin will be a FCS 8' clique connect.

Bought this one off Gumtree. 6'8" x 23 x 3&1/8" 56L. In almost perfect condition. Just great for my re-hab board to make life easy while getting back in the swing of things. Grabbed a set of Captain Jeff McCallum quad fins off Ebay as it had a set of Sea brand keels that while ok were not doing what I wanted out of it. I owned a 5'10" DMS charger twin keel fish years ago that went extremely well so I had faith that this monster fishy would do just fine. Of course my pop up had suffered even though my paddling was fine and so the ultra wide fish is just great for a slower pop up. Just need to pick my waves to make sure I can make the drops. Had it out last Monday and there were some wedgey head high peaks popping up that I was being selective with. Got a couple that held up and the fish high line, speed run was right there. Duckdiving had me wishing for less foam after 3-4 waves in a row but the scamper out inbetween set waves was ok with the boards paddling speed.
The board came with a comically placed Far King tail pad so I pulled most of it off and popped on the Fish one since I'm pretty heavy footed and want this one to last.

183 posts
16 Dec 2018 5:46PM
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Hey Cuttlefish, both boards look like a good time, especially that triple stringer.
Must be nice getting back in the water?

TAS, 1925 posts
17 Dec 2018 12:07AM
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Cuttlefish said..
After a year out of the water due to a bad back it was time to get back in the water. The sad news was that Beachbeat was also closing the doors of its factory. John Mills is still shaping but out of his shaping bay at home. While cleaning out the factory they found a blackened, dust covered triple stringer blank that had been stacked away and forgotten. So Millsy took to it with the planer. Apparently it was rock hard so really difficult to shape. Volan glass job sets the tone and it has plenty of weight to make it a fast paddler once it gets up to speed and will handle some bump in the wave face easily. It has a nice subtle double concave that will help with its down the line speed. I walked into Beachbeat and spied its nose pointing up behind a row of Pacer eggs. That was it. One way or another it was going to be mine. It's 7'4" x 21" x 2&7/8". As soon as it hits 4' plus and clean on my local point I'm taking it for a spin. Bought a set of bonzer side runners so I can use either of the sizes as sidebites or a set of GXQ's. Main fin will be a FCS 8' clique connect.

Bought this one off Gumtree. 6'8" x 23 x 3&1/8" 56L. In almost perfect condition. Just great for my re-hab board to make life easy while getting back in the swing of things. Grabbed a set of Captain Jeff McCallum quad fins off Ebay as it had a set of Sea brand keels that while ok were not doing what I wanted out of it. I owned a 5'10" DMS charger twin keel fish years ago that went extremely well so I had faith that this monster fishy would do just fine. Of course my pop up had suffered even though my paddling was fine and so the ultra wide fish is just great for a slower pop up. Just need to pick my waves to make sure I can make the drops. Had it out last Monday and there were some wedgey head high peaks popping up that I was being selective with. Got a couple that held up and the fish high line, speed run was right there. Duckdiving had me wishing for less foam after 3-4 waves in a row but the scamper out inbetween set waves was ok with the boards paddling speed.
The board came with a comically placed Far King tail pad so I pulled most of it off and popped on the Fish one since I'm pretty heavy footed and want this one to last.

Glad your back in the water and loving it dude. Both boards look real fun, that first ones got a lot of "Outer Islands" look going on and those things are unreal..


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Midlength Room" started by AndyrooMac