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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Midlength Room

Created by AndyrooMac > 9 months ago, 17 Aug 2018
QLD, 21950 posts
24 Aug 2019 3:48PM
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What happened to the mid length crew?

183 posts
24 Aug 2019 3:31PM
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Macaha said..
What happened to the mid length crew?

We're riding shortboards

QLD, 1332 posts
24 Aug 2019 6:13PM
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Hey Toobz, do you still have the Flat tracker?

WA, 9675 posts
24 Aug 2019 4:18PM
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Macaha said..
What happened to the mid length crew?

Faded away like most other hipster marketing campaigns

And the intense circle jerk could only go for so long before the tears of euphoria broke their keyboards in a flood of awesomeness

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
24 Aug 2019 6:49PM
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chrispy said..

Macaha said..
What happened to the mid length crew?

Faded away like most other hipster marketing campaigns

And the intense circle jerk could only go for so long before the tears of euphoria broke their keyboards in a flood of awesomeness

Ya still got it

183 posts
24 Aug 2019 5:28PM
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Cuttlefish said..
Hey Toobz, do you still have the Flat tracker?

Hey mate,
yeah still got it. Can't see myself getting rid of that one any time soon.
I saw on another forum you picked one up. Did you get out on it the other day?

QLD, 1332 posts
24 Aug 2019 9:37PM
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Yep. Granite yesterday. Pretty soft and crowded at head high. Had an 8.5" Christenson fin in it (mid of box) and while it felt good it didn't blow my mind. Caught the rail forward a few times doing cutbacks. Needed to make sure I stepped back enough but got the feeling the eggy rails don't shed water off them as quickly as a more rounded rail as well. Put an FCS 8" whip fin it today which has less area from the middle through to the fin tip and went further forward in the box and surfed it in some soft thigh to waist high beachbreak waves this morning. Marked improvement. Gave it a more responsive feel.
It's a cruisey board but should be good fun in a decent sized, hollow point wave. Might be waiting some time before that happens again now spring is just about sprung.

199 posts
25 Aug 2019 6:43PM
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Macaha said..
What happened to the mid length crew?

Still here macaha..... Just been surfing our boutique hipster hearts out

As you are best mates with young Bobby, what's your take on the McTavish stepdeck and Rincon? Both look beautiful, just wondering if you have any insight other than the marketing spiel I can read online, Cheers

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Aug 2019 6:02AM
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onefin said..

Macaha said..
What happened to the mid length crew?

Still here macaha..... Just been surfing our boutique hipster hearts out

As you are best mates with young Bobby, what's your take on the McTavish stepdeck and Rincon? Both look beautiful, just wondering if you have any insight other than the marketing spiel I can read online, Cheers

Mac can help you out for sure.
There's much he knows about mct boards that not worth writing about.

QLD, 21950 posts
28 Aug 2019 7:20AM
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onefin said..

Macaha said..
What happened to the mid length crew?

Still here macaha..... Just been surfing our boutique hipster hearts out

As you are best mates with young Bobby, what's your take on the McTavish stepdeck and Rincon? Both look beautiful, just wondering if you have any insight other than the marketing spiel I can read online, Cheers

Oh ya know I don't know anything about those boards, they do look nice but I don't pay attention unless it's 9 foot and up. So LACEY is correct I know nothing. I do like to look of the Rincon. Oh and for the record Bobs not my mate, I have none.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Aug 2019 8:34AM
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Yous knows heaps

SA, 1739 posts
28 Aug 2019 4:05PM
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I believe it's "Youse"

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Aug 2019 7:19PM
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McHenry said..
I believe it's "Youse"

What. Are ya taking da piss

QLD, 21950 posts
28 Aug 2019 7:27PM
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McHenry said..
I believe it's "Youse"

Like I said I know nothing.

WA, 2355 posts
28 Aug 2019 6:18PM
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A mates 8 footer is almost done. Some Tom Hoye magic.

WA, 2355 posts
28 Aug 2019 6:19PM
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Another Tom Hoye 8 footer for a different mate. This one was based off mine. It's hit some solid waves this year (he got it in January).

WA, 2355 posts
28 Aug 2019 6:24PM
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A does a 7'2" count as a Mid-length. Check out the fin cluster on this baby. Don't forget the nun behind the single fin. Apparently he did this back in the 70s. This is what happens when Tom is feeling a bit loose. This was for the same mate who got the yellow 8'. He reckons the 8' is awesome; this one, not so much. Apparently goes well once up and going but really hates a late drop. If you ever see my mate paddle you'll know he takes a lot of late drops.

WA, 585 posts
29 Aug 2019 1:29PM
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The yellow 8' from the deck looks like exactly the same shape (6'4") he made me in 87 unfortunately snapped it a few weeks later at Lefties, what dims is the 8 footer?

Tom must be 70 years plus?

8266 posts
30 Aug 2019 10:42AM
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Interesting board Drip. I reckon it would be fun at Yalls in summer without the big centre

8266 posts
30 Aug 2019 10:47AM
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Thats my midlength atm, a 6'6 Boyd Purdy based on Terry Fitzgerald Indo template (middle)

QLD, 1332 posts
30 Aug 2019 5:29PM
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Crazy fin experiment time. Flex twins in the DVS rocket fish. Hopefully testing Monday.

WA, 9675 posts
2 Sep 2019 2:22PM
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Cuttlefish said..
Crazy fin experiment time. Flex twins in the DVS rocket fish. Hopefully testing Monday.

Would have had some waves up there today ?

How did it go ?

QLD, 1332 posts
2 Sep 2019 7:20PM
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Waves were fun. Rode my 6'6" with the Webber flex twins instead.

QLD, 21950 posts
4 Sep 2019 2:44PM
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WA, 9675 posts
4 Sep 2019 5:30PM
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Oh that is a nice pic

10980 posts
17 Sep 2019 1:38PM
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Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
17 Sep 2019 3:43PM
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183 posts
19 Sep 2019 4:51PM
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QLD, 1332 posts
20 Sep 2019 9:58AM
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NSW, 10 posts
1 Jan 2020 1:56PM
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Just new to this room and loving the midlength discussion. First time poster also, so i apologise in advance for any misdoings.

Looking at getting a midlenght and after some thoughts please.

Im 54 and currently downsizing from 100kg, first goal 95 and stand 170cm. Been surfing since early teens (performance shortboards). Lost my mojo 10 years or so back and quit, but buying a flat water SUP eventually lead me down the path to SUP surfing for the last 5 years in pretty much the same conditions that I used to surf in, without the suckier reefs or crowded angry points for obvious reasons LOL.

Made the switch back to shortboards 6 months or so back, starting with a 6'6 CatchSurf quad foamie 55L, then picked up a 6'8 JS Raging Bull step up 45.7L and lastly a Machado Seaside Quad 6'1 46.5L. Have had some fun waves on them all but for my local beach and surrounds (Wanda, Garie the Gong down to Bawley) Im thinking that a midlength is going to round out my quiver.
I'm at home laying down drawn out cutties, low bottom turns and love to draw 8's all day if possible:) So looking for a mid that will get me there.

From what i have read here, I'm thinking around the 7'2-7'6 length, with some entry and exit V, (single to double concave?). Not too flat in the rocker for steeper hollower waves but not too much rocker for smaller beach days?
I have already invested in a couple of different keel quad fin sets, so thinking of maybe going with the 5 fin option, to play with quad or twin options. Most here seem to love the 2+1 setup, mmmm what to do?
Also keen on light to medium swallow tails, but don't mind a rounded pin either.

These are my thoughts on what might suit me best so far but open to suggestions please.

Can anyone recommend and surf shops, in the Illawarra region, that have a good selection of mid's?
Have been keeping an eye on here and Gumtree also. If anyone has seen or knows of anything similar to these available anywhere, please let me know also.

The two pics below are of boards that have REALLY caught my eye as lovely specimens of midlenghts.
I think that the top one is only a 3 fin setup though?


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Midlength Room" started by AndyrooMac