Options to deal with sharks;
Allow Fishing
Drum Lines
Continue to discuss and debate is NOT an option!!
FFS PEOPLE are getting hurt and killed
"but it's in their environment" bla bla bla.
I hate these shark threads where everybody is a farkin genius.
My take on the shark issue is nobody gives a stuff about my take as I know nothing. Just like everybody else.
Bla bla bla
Clearly it was working because they had to protect gws .
Not talking nets/drums.
We are talking about the hunting of gw which apparently dropped their numbers down to low or was that a lie too.
Just because im talking about the culling /hunting for gws back in the day doesnt mean I support or yearned for the free for all culling.
You assume way to much
When I have time I will post what has been said to me by long time professional fishos.
Jb,what has happened which is fact,is that attacks have increased since the protection of the GWS
Setting nets is not culling.... Culling is when you specifically target a specie a and that is not happening ffs.
Correct.... But it is not to target one specie as you suggest. They are a deterrent, sharks as you know are a smart bunch and do learn.
Hey I will leave all my posts for some fun tonight.
But I do have some knowledge from people who have been in the ocean for 50 plus years.
You are not completely wrong in what you say,but you are far from correct with your so called findings.
After a surf and no beers tomorrow and I'm all yours big boy
so are the nets to stop or to catch
its a tough one for me personally.
but I sure feel safer in qld . less incidents for sure.
some of those places being affected are just down the road over the border.
has to be more than just good luck.
northern nsw surfers voting with their feet too. crossing the border
Laceys a guy I surf with some marine scientist fella. His little take on it(straight up he tells us it is a opinion, and data is all being put together.which does take years once it starts)
He explained to us kooks about. The nemo water path. Well the next water path has come closer this year and has pushed more cold water to the coast. Which the toothy peeps like.
Form qld to the Tweed the water will really drop in temp, only one degree can make a difference.
He also.agrees with what the trawler peeps are saying.
Damn I'm did it again
Sharks are the kings of the sea,not many ours hunt them,I think we are doing the correct thing by noting a few to help balance the oceans circle of life.
If humans kill/murder we hunt and lock them away so they don't repeat the killing.
Water currents,whale population growth,protected for twenty years so on and so forth........
We are training them
We are training them to attack people in cages
We are baiting them to attract them to people in cages.
They get rewarded with tasty morsels when they attack people in cages.
They swim...a lot...up and down the coast....follow the whales... Are habitual feeders..remember food triggers,places,sounds,smells.
Than we take away the cages........,