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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

The Good Morning thread

Created by towball > 9 months ago, 20 Jun 2012
4103 posts
11 May 2017 7:39AM
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Okay Macaha.....does sound like fun
But I am with you.......we definitely need photos of tow ball surfing Hawaii waves
Think the best he did last time was a pic of some dudes standing in a car park holding some surfboards

4627 posts
11 May 2017 8:00AM
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GizzieNZ said..
Okay Macaha.....does sound like fun
But I am with you.......we definitely need photos of tow ball surfing Hawaii waves
Think the best he did last time was a pic of some dudes standing in a car park holding some surfboards

Yep well that's probably all your going to get this time .Don't have the fancy cameras you have

4103 posts
11 May 2017 8:14AM
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suspect that for a few bucks (and you do have lots of them) you could pay some poor oppressed and dispossessed native to take a pic or two.
It would make us disproportionally happy

2350 posts
11 May 2017 8:14AM
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Morning Greenroom Legends.

How is everybody ?

4103 posts
11 May 2017 8:17AM
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Give Hawaii back to the original inhabitants for goodness sake

QLD, 21950 posts
11 May 2017 1:20PM
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GizzieNZ said..
Okay Macaha.....does sound like fun
But I am with you.......we definitely need photos of tow ball surfing Hawaii waves
Think the best he did last time was a pic of some dudes standing in a car park holding some surfboards

Look I have a local mate who is a beach boy works on a sail boat to the right of Duke statue and gives surf lessons his name is Maui Zack he is a great longboarder and can take photos.

4627 posts
13 May 2017 9:05AM
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NewScotty said..
Morning Greenroom Legends.

How is everybody ?

Aloha morning all small swell .Same people in the water this morning although I'm told a couple have died since I was last here. Scotty was walking along to see a guy using a leaf blower .guess who I thought of

13831 posts
13 May 2017 9:09AM
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towball said..

NewScotty said..
Morning Greenroom Legends.

How is everybody ?

Aloha morning all small swell .Same people in the water this morning although I'm told a couple have died since I was last here. Scotty was walking along to see a guy using a leaf blower .guess who I thought of

Maholo you magnificent thing have a good one TB you highly polished bastard

4627 posts
13 May 2017 9:26AM
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thePup said..

towball said..

NewScotty said..
Morning Greenroom Legends.

How is everybody ?

Aloha morning all small swell .Same people in the water this morning although I'm told a couple have died since I was last here. Scotty was walking along to see a guy using a leaf blower .guess who I thought of

Maholo you magnificent thing have a good one TB you highly polished bastard

Will do you good looking basted g it's relaxing here been doing a bit of sleeping

Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
13 May 2017 1:04PM
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Enjoy TB,wish I was back over there...

2350 posts
13 May 2017 11:27AM
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towball said..

NewScotty said..
Morning Greenroom Legends.

How is everybody ?

Aloha morning all small swell .Same people in the water this morning although I'm told a couple have died since I was last here. Scotty was walking along to see a guy using a leaf blower .guess who I thought of

Don't farken start me TB.

Lazy ****s they are.
What ever happened to the old Broom and garbage bag ?
Noisy farkers.

I just dont don't see the point in blowing the crap off the path and onto the grass when next day the same sh1t blows back onto the path again.

Ok, looks like I started - rant over.

Btw are you near Raglan ?
had a few mates go over there recently. Thomas Victor Carroll was carving it up out there as you'd expect.

4103 posts
13 May 2017 1:08PM
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Not Hawaii here at moment......big southerly blast.......much beach totally brown ......waves breaking way way out in the bay

4627 posts
14 May 2017 8:13AM
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Morning all not near Raglan Scotty, but know it well . still small swell here had few this morning without scraping the reef this time. See what tomorrow brings. Pleased I didn't bring my own board ,riding a 10ft Scheper goes OK. Got a locker in Koa Ave two minutes away get up at half 4 and paddle out in the dark .
All pretty crewesy really

13831 posts
14 May 2017 8:24AM
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towball said..
Morning all not near Raglan Scotty, but know it well . still small swell here had few this morning without scraping the reef this time. See what tomorrow brings. Pleased I didn't bring my own board ,riding a 10ft Scheper goes OK. Got a locker in Koa Ave two minutes away get up at half 4 and paddle out in the dark .
All pretty crewesy really

Maholo TB go hard you magnificent bastard yehaaaaaaaaa

4103 posts
14 May 2017 1:04PM
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GizzieNZ said..
Not Hawaii here at moment......big southerly blast.......much beach totally brown ......waves breaking way way out in the bay

they got the "only enter the water if you are happy to become very very sick" signs up again :(

8266 posts
14 May 2017 1:22PM
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Wouldn't be going in the water anywhere near this thing

4627 posts
15 May 2017 9:11AM
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Macaha said..

GizzieNZ said..
Okay Macaha.....does sound like fun
But I am with you.......we definitely need photos of tow ball surfing Hawaii waves
Think the best he did last time was a pic of some dudes standing in a car park holding some surfboards

Look I have a local mate who is a beach boy works on a sail boat to the right of Duke statue and gives surf lessons his name is Maui Zack he is a great longboarder and can take photos.

Can't say I've run into Maui Jack yet
Only three out this morning one thing I was told this morning was to grab my leggie when taking of so it doesn't catch the reef.

4627 posts
16 May 2017 4:32AM
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Good morning just me and Jap out this morning swell a bit smaller again .get myself in bit of trouble on the reef some times still had some goodens just need the balls not to kick out ,you get past the point of no return.


QLD, 21950 posts
16 May 2017 6:51AM
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How the water temp TB ?

4627 posts
17 May 2017 10:06AM
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Macaha said..
How the water temp TB ?

Water temp I'm guessing 22c .Surfed out the front here last night and this morning. That reef getting too scary with small swell. Crowd not too bad lot of kooks in the mix including me It's bloody hot this arvo .

QLD, 21950 posts
17 May 2017 12:08PM
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towball said..

Macaha said..
How the water temp TB ?

Water temp I'm guessing 22c .Surfed out the front here last night and this morning. That reef getting too scary with small swell. Crowd not too bad lot of kooks in the mix including me It's bloody hot this arvo .

I'm crying TB

4627 posts
17 May 2017 10:14AM
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Macaha said..

towball said..

Macaha said..
How the water temp TB ?

Water temp I'm guessing 22c .Surfed out the front here last night and this morning. That reef getting too scary with small swell. Crowd not too bad lot of kooks in the mix including me It's bloody hot this arvo .

I'm crying TB

Could do with some more swell, gotta like the people though.

QLD, 21950 posts
18 May 2017 12:24PM
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Hey TB, how did you go hiring a board mate,Big Wave Dave or Kona Board Sports ?
Have their range of boards improved?

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
19 May 2017 6:39AM
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Not really . Gloomy and raining.
Those travelling stay safe

Surf off

QLD, 2286 posts
19 May 2017 8:03AM
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laceys lane said..
Not really . Gloomy and raining.
Those travelling stay safe

Surf off

Same here Lacey, might have to hit the "Noosa Food and Wine Festival" on the weekend me thinks.

Have good day everyone.


4627 posts
19 May 2017 1:29PM
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Macaha said..
Hey TB, how did you go hiring a board mate,Big Wave Dave or Kona Board Sports ?
Have their range of boards improved?

Big wave Dave can't really say the range has improved. But he has a lot more lockers. Supposed to be more swell tomorrow. Started @ publics this morning then paddled the bay across to canoes, what a zoo

4627 posts
21 May 2017 4:16AM
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Waves this morning so over head sets paddled across to publics and scored some. Hard paddle in but good once you got on . Not many kooks over there only me

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
23 May 2017 8:32AM
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Morning pilgrims!!!!

4627 posts
24 May 2017 1:57AM
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Aloha good morning all

QLD, 21950 posts
24 May 2017 7:15AM
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towball said..
Aloha good morning all

Good morning mate get some of that Aloha into you


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"The Good Morning thread" started by towball