Was there on my e bike....big and punishing looking....but maybe the pleasure word could have also been mentioned ?
Not sure if TB even putting a long board on the top of his car these days......i wish he would....is totally obsessed with the ultra short 666 thing :)
Towball nearly kicking my board all around the carpark today.....your board is quite big (kick)....your board repair looks dodgy (kick kick)....your board only cost $400 (kick kick kick kick)
Think he is trying to persuade his Public Relations Officer to buy a new long board for about the price of four of of my $400 sup boards.....am sure they are living in a fantasy world that exists far far away from reality
Towball basically finds it offensive that i am enjoying surfing a board that cost $400 brand new.....as opposed to the "normal" $2500 price :)
I don't think it matters what board you are riding.....what really matters is if you are happy and having fun ?
Don't know if you guys have seen tow ball surfing? You know how some surfers look happy? He always looks like a grumpy unhappy surfer....its different strokes for different folks :)
Good evening TB you magnificent thing hey book some spare time & come over for one of our roadtrips champion
Wheres that Lacey its been days since I've heard from him, he must be hanging sh-t on somebody else.