I think you will find it is the preservatives n crap you find in a lot of mainstream beers that hurt the head the next day. I tend to drink 1/2 a pint to a pint & a 1/2 of shiraz & 4 to 6 beers each day. I wake up fine provided I stop drinking at dinner.
Try drinking your normal amount of beer in Coopers Pale Ale with respect to the extra 45ml in each stubbie. You should be fine as they are naturally brewed also without the ridiculous price & tight azz skimping on bottle size.
I will never support these tossers trying to rip us off with lightweight cartons of over priced brews...we're ripped off so badly in oz as it is, I was in Germany July 2015 & 500ml good quality beers are just over $1 & they're all natually brewed.
I just did some multiplying, and the slab of 330ml stubbies is basically 3 stubbies short by volume on a normal slab.
Preservatives are the killer hangover wise - Coopers Sparkling no hangover, but I was drinking some local Byron Jaspers or something last night (good value in 500ml stubbies) and came up with a pretty average feeling this morning. Not sure if it was the preservatives or the volume consumed though.....
SOL is the go for a light flavour summer beer, had way too many green or foxy coronas and $15 Cheeper per slab. I agree mick 330m is a joke but the beer taste good.
Hey there is light at the end of the tunnel gents , it's called XXXX.
Whatever is being serviced, you know your getting on when your invited to a 60th and that's where I'm heading enjoy gentleman.
Just like last night the refs are making the game about them I think it's about 20 penalties for this game.
Been drinking a bit of this lately, been on sale the last few weeks at the local bottlo. Had the pacific ale and now the pale ale.
Both are pretty tasty.
Next up is some Squire's hop thief that is currently chilling in the fridge.
After several of the best coopers pale ale I thought I'd break out my last red in the fast bowlers circa 2004 series in celebration of Australia going lower than underarm bowling to win a match.This red boasted a strong aroma of sanded leatherwood with a slightly bitter aftertaste which lingered on the palate for too long
First time I ve paid over $52 for a slab of the green,Ill be writing to, I dunno someone with a complaint along with the $1.50 p/ltr petrol prices we get slugged for on the central coast,drive 45 mins north and its like $1.20,talk about getting reamed out.But to look on the bright side my drive to work is 5 mins and I love COOPERS PALE ALE.
So Nozza, let me get this straight.
One doc says you better lay off the Coopers.
The skin doc says you've got a melanoma. You might die. Probably not. But...
Then the skin doc says, we got it all.
Then you went to Dan Murphy's and bought a pallet of pale ale and a pallet of sparkling.
Am I close?
(PS... great beer. I'd do the same. )
I hear you. Chances are something else will get us before the Coopers does. May as well enjoy ourselves while we can.
Drink the beer. Buy the board. Hold our loved ones close. (Oops, that's the Coopers talking.)
I've had a bunch of lesser skin cancers cut off. My wife just had a similar melanoma experience to you.
Seize the day, hey?
And get checked, all you crusty old Breezers.