Up in Sydney today but it turned offshore a few hours back and there's a north east swell . My young bloke text me and said it was pretty good
I'm surfed out. So knackered. Legs, arms, back. Big walk on soft sand then a three hour surf, then the big walk back carrying a 9'6". Stuffed. Saw three guys bleeding which wasn't confidence inspiring after Monday's little event.
I heard it was a dolphin too btw.
Pretty weak onshore dribble here today. I only went out for half an hour. Doesn't matter because it was good during the week and the sharkies won
Some good waves yesterday...managed to clock a sweet 4 hr session....waves were super clean probs about 3-4 foot
Back home and into a small LM slider session, a little late after my sleep in, passed my hero on the way he would have enjoyed a two session and was done by 10. Now apart from Chrispy where have you other Queenslanders been, given up?
Went for a couple of little one's this morning with one other longboarder,magic day,water is a bit on the chilly side.Must admit I've been a bit lazy lately
but it was great to have a paddle!..