Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
8266 posts
2 Aug 2015 6:09PM
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thePup said..

MickPC said..

thePup said..
Little bit of love early here - glassy n clean ..... had to wait a little bit but still some size on tap ... got out 5 or 10 minutes before good old mister greysuit rocked up ... timing is everything

Yeah I got down there just after it was sighted. Waited 30 minutes for everyone & the shark to fark off & had it to myself for a couple of hours. Absolute magic day eh

leapt out of the water at one point hard to say what it was or how big from the distance tho might have been a Bull or a Whaler ???? - magic at first light water was beautiful & waves were way better than I expected by forecasters

Yeah same mate, I was expecting less than yesterday. But it was way better...that seal popped up a few times surveying the scene. Was funny coz some pommy blowin chick had just paddled out with the knowledge there was a shark sighted recently. She had my attitude towards the shark ie its the ones you don't see that you gotta worry about & it should have farked off by now. But the seal was a deal breaker for her. Its beady brown eyes had her spooked & she paddled straight in lol...personally I was happy for an extra body in the water that didn't surf & looked way more like a seal than my mexican blanket log

Went back down with the missus to drain a bottle of bubbly & there were still only a few people out. Fingers crossed the ground swell continues tomorrow

8266 posts
2 Aug 2015 6:19PM
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thedrip said..

Little did I know I had left my wetsuit in the carpark hanging on a log to dry. I went to a different place this morning, got out of the car to suit up and had my face palm moment. High tailed it 45 mins north back to yesterday's joint. No wettie. Not happy. And to make matters worse it looked like this:

Pics not working for me...

Spew'in mate, can't believe someone picked up your wettie, most would leave it there...I'm pretty paranoid doing that kinda **** these days. I take off my wettie/boots & wack 'em straight into a bucket in the back of the car. But as I leave I still get paranoid & switch my reversing camera on to make sure I didn't drop something. Hpefully it turns out to be a mate who knew it was yours & grabbed it for ya.

NSW, 7269 posts
3 Aug 2015 2:50PM
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thedrip said..
So yesterday when I sat in the carpark and couldn't be motivated it looked like this:

Little did I know I had left my wetsuit in the carpark hanging on a log to dry. I went to a different place this morning, got out of the car to suit up and had my face palm moment. High tailed it 45 mins north back to yesterday's joint. No wettie. Not happy. And to make matters worse it looked like this:

That looks tricky getting in and out although you cant really see the full picture. Swells on its way up here but it's howling south west and not barge friendly.

13831 posts
3 Aug 2015 12:54PM
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More love this morning - bit longer wait than yesterday and smaller but clean as & sun was out - no-one else around either SWEET

8266 posts
3 Aug 2015 2:33PM
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Yep another day in paradise, ended up being just me & Mal Pup. Was pretty consistent for about an hour, but then it just stopped. Probably not much left over for tomorrow. But I might take the 666 down if its another day like today, wind/sun wise

WA, 2353 posts
3 Aug 2015 2:57PM
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SMH, getting out is dead easy even when it is huge. The first pic, where the blokes are is the channel and a shelf. You walk out in ankle to waist deep water depending on the tide and swell and jump off. Where they are coming in they are paddling against the hole little bay drain North.

Getting in in can be trickier if it is big. The only way to come in really is to catch a wave and straighten out near the end, or paddling in through the peak. The channel, with any size,mis hard to paddle against. Those blokes were a bunch of Brazilians and one of them paddles about ten metres from shore for 7 or 8 minutes. His mate was yelling at him from the beach to go back out but he didn't want to. A mate got sucked around and spat back out three times on a 12 foot day a few years back after snapping a leggie and losing his board. Too much water draining too fast.

332 posts
3 Aug 2015 3:05PM
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thedrip said..
SMH, getting out is dead easy even when it is huge. The first pic, where the blokes are is the channel and a shelf. You walk out in ankle to waist deep water depending on the tide and swell and jump off. Where they are coming in they are paddling against the hole little bay drain North.

Getting in in can be trickier if it is big. The only way to come in really is to catch a wave and straighten out near the end, or paddling in through the peak. The channel, with any size,mis hard to paddle against. Those blokes were a bunch of Brazilians and one of them paddles about ten metres from shore for 7 or 8 minutes. His mate was yelling at him from the beach to go back out but he didn't want to. A mate got sucked around and spat back out three times on a 12 foot day a few years back after snapping a leggie and losing his board. Too much water draining too fast.

whats the track like drip?

WA, 2353 posts
3 Aug 2015 4:12PM
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They have graded it. The rock garden has been limestoned over. Thank f*** for that. Lol. The corrugations are coming back pretty quickly though. The other end hasn't been touched and continue to deteriorate.

332 posts
3 Aug 2015 4:14PM
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thedrip said..
They have graded it. The rock garden has been limestoned over. Thank f*** for that. Lol. The corrugations are coming back pretty quickly though. The other end hasn't been touched and continue to deteriorate.

lol not that great then.

WA, 2353 posts
3 Aug 2015 6:30PM
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genuine said...
thedrip said..
They have graded it. The rock garden has been limestoned over. Thank f*** for that. Lol. The corrugations are coming back pretty quickly though. The other end hasn't been touched and continue to deteriorate.

lol not that great then.

Well it's moved from horribly painful all the way up to just long and annoying.

WA, 9675 posts
3 Aug 2015 6:32PM
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i have seen some crap in my life,well today was up there in its perfection of rubbish skated through surfers instead

QLD, 21884 posts
3 Aug 2015 8:54PM
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chrispy said..
i have seen some crap in my life,well today was up there in its perfection of rubbish skated through surfers instead

I'm hoping to get away around 1 for one tomorrow swell small but the wind maybe ok for LM,I've got yet another airport pickup tomorrow two days running wtf

VIC, 3829 posts
4 Aug 2015 11:52AM
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6 foot...offshore...3 other guys...200m snow

13831 posts
4 Aug 2015 11:53AM
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Good one mate - I completed the hat-trick early today & it was a blast all to myself that's just a winner farken cold wind tho brrrrrr

9106 posts
4 Aug 2015 5:26PM
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no surf here, but i did go fishing,,got a good feed,even though i dropped a metre + Barramundi at the boat

QLD, 21884 posts
4 Aug 2015 7:27PM
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I'm heading to the deep south on Thursday shark country

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
4 Aug 2015 7:33PM
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solo dw today in' the land of nets and drum's

hey that's not a bad name for band

8266 posts
4 Aug 2015 5:53PM
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Beautiful day for logging...made a vid, I'll post it up in 20 mins

8266 posts
4 Aug 2015 5:54PM
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Tux said..
6 foot...offshore...3 other guys...200m snow

"No Snow" LMAO

9106 posts
4 Aug 2015 6:18PM
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Macaha said..
I'm heading to the deep south on Thursday shark country

dont come back with a man bun

1195 posts
4 Aug 2015 6:21PM
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Cobra said..

Macaha said..
I'm heading to the deep south on Thursday shark country

dont come back with a man bun

Wear one of these... even sharks don't like hipsters...

QLD, 3808 posts
4 Aug 2015 8:30PM
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wavelength said..

Cobra said..

Macaha said..
I'm heading to the deep south on Thursday shark country

dont come back with a man bun

Wear one of these... even sharks don't like hipsters...

I'm still wearing mine (minus the tail), it's so warm and comfy.

1195 posts
4 Aug 2015 6:34PM
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They are super comfy...
And you did a better tailoring job than I did, judging by the offcut. I left a bit of a downward curve to keep water out of the tradie's crack while duckdiving.

WA, 9675 posts
4 Aug 2015 6:38PM
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surfed macs break and it was a lot of fun... Not many crew out either

WA, 2353 posts
4 Aug 2015 10:59PM
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Wettie got returned to a local surf shop.

NSW, 1301 posts
5 Aug 2015 8:07AM
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^^^^ Thats great lucky man ,I wish mine did taken from front deck at home-lowlifes

VIC, 3829 posts
5 Aug 2015 9:06AM
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thedrip said..
Wettie got returned to a local surf shop.

****ing score

TAS, 189 posts
5 Aug 2015 10:38AM
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thedrip said..
Wettie got returned to a local surf shop.

Great news!

8266 posts
5 Aug 2015 1:31PM
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Few fun little ones on the 666 today, was better than it looked...damn seal was annoying though, catching fish & flinging them around playing with them. Basically decided to take the 666 out coz of that, so I didn't have my arms & legs in the water. Felt a bit dodgy with no one else around...but yeah, few fun ones

WA, 2353 posts
5 Aug 2015 2:58PM
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I had a heap of waves, but got talked out of the longboard by my mate. He has recently purchased an ex-comp HP Nathan Rose longboard so it won't be long before he is converted.

3-4 and a bit lumpy and uncrowded. A few pros showed us all how we should be surfing.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo