another perfect day weather wise ... score a few waist high peelers on the barge bank ...surprising longer rides ...still in short john
Vanders off wharf rd is a good bank perfect long boarding ???????& the coffe shop opposite bb bowls does a cheap beekky ??
First hitout in sometime with Vanders and Lacey beautiful LM winter sliders. Knee still giving me grief unfortunately and I'm really feeling it now.
Just checked it after sleeping after night shift. There are small waves but really low tide is making it close out and it's pretty windy. Will have to do something else.
Surfed with 2 soft c#### who were using 10 ft plus boards in very catchable waves.
One wonders where they will go from here as they straight line it down the point.
What a waste.
Seems to be a trend as plenty of others were on the bandwagon too.
i was the only man out there on a 9 ft board.