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weiry said..SP said..For a surf lock, feed a 4 inch loops of wire through the leash plug and a bike chain through the loop. Easy fix if you're a tightarse

. The one ob recommended are very good
Get the wire and crimp it at your local yacht shop. Cost less than $5
Hey Clinton if Chrispy sends the **** ones back is there a discount for repeat customers? [;)

when chrispy had the sex shop,he always took the sh!tty vibrators back after trying them on himself.

Thanks for the comments.
SP- Anyone that has a set of Kanulock or SPT tie-downs that they are not happy with, I don't care how old, send me a PM and we can work something out.
Chrispy, Scotty, I'm sorry for your hardship, you must have got an extra stiff set, which is possible when you have varying thickness materials and multiple cavity molds.
RE: Why launch a product that doesn't work - right from our first batch of tie-downs, the majority of customers were happy, return rates were very low. I have never seen a set that I couldn't lock (when you have the right key). Some were pretty stiff and without the right technique they would seem impossible. When shown how to lock them, no-one had an issue. However they were one of those things where if you tried to force the keys this did not help, so some customers got very frustrated.
Yes ideally it would have been great to launch with our current version Kanulocks, but that is the beauty of hindsight and knowledge that only could have been gained through selling and using lots of straps over several years. Granted it is a simple product, but there was not something on the market to copy and improve on.
So the new ones are easy to lock and are super convenient. Chrispy, Scotty, if being able to lock your boards on your rack is of any benefit to you, i'm happy to send you a set, if you like them you pay me some sort of "discount for repeat customers deal". If you don't like them, send them back. (or to weiry

As for poor surf purchases - I have had a legrope fall apart in 3 pieces before I even had a chance to use it. Bad batch of Urethane. I've had others from the same manufacturer that have lasted 5 years.