Forums > Surfing Longboarding

whats happening in the Goddard shed

Created by arkgee > 9 months ago, 19 Aug 2012
10979 posts
3 Sep 2012 7:34PM
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62mac said...

Fantastic so what's riders weight

65-70 kg I'd guess, perfect dims for me, great stuff again RG

NSW, 639 posts
3 Sep 2012 9:40PM
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BulldogPup said...

wonderful RG - nice tip with the pinline tape roller , must admit I've been waiting for your mate John's part in the play .... should be interesting bloody interesting

Edit : bet taz has a fat

Johns camera shy...he wont let me anywhere near him with the camera...promise it will be an interesting post all the same.

NSW, 639 posts
3 Sep 2012 9:41PM
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SP said...

62mac said...

Fantastic so what's riders weight

65-70 kg I'd guess, perfect dims for me, great stuff again RG

68 to 70 from memory

6657 posts
3 Sep 2012 7:49PM
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arkgee said...

BulldogPup said...

wonderful RG - nice tip with the pinline tape roller , must admit I've been waiting for your mate John's part in the play .... should be interesting bloody interesting

Edit : bet taz has a fat

Johns camera shy...he wont let me anywhere near him with the camera...promise it will be an interesting post all the same.

entirely good mate - we've all been treated to something unreal along this ride , I bet there is still something left in surprise regardless Ronnie

TAS, 2249 posts
3 Sep 2012 10:02PM
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SP said...

62mac said...

Fantastic so what's riders weight

65-70 kg I'd guess, perfect dims for me, great stuff again RG

Spot on SP

TAS, 2249 posts
3 Sep 2012 10:07PM
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BulldogPup said...

Edit : bet taz has a fat

not far off pup can't wait to get it here and stick the fin from RG into it .

It's pretty much exactly turned out the shape , colour and dimensions I was after so can't ask for more than that . , another happy customer

So happy I just grabbed another one to come down on the same trip

6657 posts
3 Sep 2012 8:09PM
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Tassiedevel said...

BulldogPup said...

Edit : bet taz has a fat

not far off pup can't wait to get it here and stick the fin from RG into it .

It's pretty much exactly turned out the shape , colour and dimensions I was after so can't ask for more than that . , another happy customer

So happy I just grabbed another one to come down on the same trip

thats great news mate , off the rack?- I'm getting a traditional Log after this one's done too

TAS, 2249 posts
3 Sep 2012 10:17PM
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Just grabbed Ronnies lads free range egg for my kid . I would say it will be getting a fair workout by yours truly as well though when the young bloke is not looking .
Look like really good fun little boards

6657 posts
3 Sep 2012 8:23PM
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RG had a post recently with a collection of them in it , wicked looking little beasts - RG makes a good little kneelo too I hear - talented fella

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
3 Sep 2012 10:30PM
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Tassiedevel said...

Just grabbed Ronnies lads free range egg for my kid . I would say it will be getting a fair workout by yours truly as well though when the young bloke is not looking .
Look like really good fun little boards

I want one of those myself.....saw one in a shop last month and fell in will replace my Sweet Potato when its time

TAS, 2249 posts
3 Sep 2012 10:31PM
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BulldogPup said...

RG had a post recently with a collection of them in it , wicked looking little beasts - RG makes a good little kneelo too I hear - talented fella

I think my next one will be same as you Pup a big traditional log bit like the one Bappo bought a few weeks ago .

6657 posts
3 Sep 2012 8:39PM
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Tassiedevel said...

BulldogPup said...

RG had a post recently with a collection of them in it , wicked looking little beasts - RG makes a good little kneelo too I hear - talented fella

I think my next one will be same as you Pup a big traditional log bit like the one Bappo bought a few weeks ago .

funny because it was that girl I nearly snapped first up , dims too big though - that tipped me earlier toward Ronnie , I was going to wait until I got over there in a few months .... geez he's got some good gear mate

TAS, 2249 posts
3 Sep 2012 10:49PM
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BulldogPup said...

Tassiedevel said...

Select to expand quote
BulldogPup said...

RG had a post recently with a collection of them in it , wicked looking little beasts - RG makes a good little kneelo too I hear - talented fella

funny because it was that girl I nearly snapped first up , dims too big though - that tipped me earlier toward Ronnie , I was going to wait until I got over there in a few months .... geez he's got some good gear mate

no argument there Pup , before I ordered my board I was chatting to an old bloke at the rocks here one afternoon , told him I was looking at the Goddard boards and he couldn't say enough good things about them .

TAS, 2249 posts
3 Sep 2012 10:50PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

Tassiedevel said...

Just grabbed Ronnies lads free range egg for my kid . I would say it will be getting a fair workout by yours truly as well though when the young bloke is not looking .
Look like really good fun little boards

I want one of those myself.....saw one in a shop last month and fell in will replace my Sweet Potato when its time

What are the dims of your sweet potato Ted . Is that your small wave board

TAS, 2249 posts
3 Sep 2012 11:01PM
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heres the boys new free range egg

4 ft 9 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/4

TAS, 2249 posts
4 Sep 2012 9:00AM
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Love the colour scheme on the little egg , what do you recon Pup

What size fins do you blokes reckon I should put in the egg . My 1 st quad set up have no idea . Have a few spare 6 inch dolphins laying around do you reckon they will do the job

On the Nimbus I am going with a7 inch dolphin centre , maybe 5 inch side fins

WA, 24860 posts
4 Sep 2012 7:02AM
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7 inch sounds good but drop the side bites down.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 Sep 2012 9:15AM
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Tassiedevel said...
What are the dims of your sweet potato Ted . Is that your small wave board

Its a 5'10 *22.5*2 7/8 - yep she is only for the small days as she spins out otherwise when you put too much pressure on her at high speed. I could have gone a size smaller but I got this one second hand so beggars can not be choosers! I have surfed it at PP at a solid 4ft when it was super glassy and it went ok but its really tricky as you have to nurse your turns so the back does not drift on ya. I could stick some diff fins on her but its my only board with futures in it so I have only the one set at the minute.

Thats a lovely looking board you have there Tassie - its a little light on volume for me but I love the look of it. I think you and your son will have many hours of fun on her. I love the concept of having a load of volume under your back foot when its small as it stops you bogging on really crap days - they just fly through sections that you never thought you would make and because of the added bouyancy it makes it a joy as there is no need to be pumping for speed all the time just to stay on the wave - you can just go rail to rail and fly though and over sections that are shutting down. It will make you think you are a much better surfer than you are - well it has for me

TAS, 2249 posts
4 Sep 2012 9:55AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

Tassiedevel said...
What are the dims of your sweet potato Ted . Is that your small wave board

Its a 5'10 *22.5*2 7/8 - yep she is only for the small days It will make you think you are a much better surfer than you are -

wouldn't be hard Ted .

What size fins do you reckon I go with Ted the young fellow is only a little bloke about 33 kg / 4 ft 3 tall

TAS, 2249 posts
4 Sep 2012 11:05AM
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62mac said...

7 inch sounds good but drop the side bites down.

So you think on the nimbus Mac a 7 inch centre with what about 4 to 4.5 inch sides

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 Sep 2012 11:33AM
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Tassiedevel said...

What size fins do you reckon I go with Ted the young fellow is only a little bloke about 33 kg / 4 ft 3 tall

A small set of quads would be the go for his weight.

NSW, 7269 posts
4 Sep 2012 12:06PM
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Whats happening with your creation Ted ?

10979 posts
4 Sep 2012 10:20AM
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Tassiedevel said...

62mac said...

7 inch sounds good but drop the side bites down.

So you think on the nimbus Mac a 7 inch centre with what about 4 to 4.5 inch sides

I swap my fins all the time, sometimes bigger singles for fatter waves and more like a thruster for suckier waves. It depends on what you like no hard and fast rules. But something like you put up is probably a good start...

Let's ask the expert...... mr Goddard, what do you reckon?

And. Guess who this is..

6657 posts
4 Sep 2012 10:30AM
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Tassiedevel said...

Love the colour scheme on the little egg , what do you recon Pup

What size fins do you blokes reckon I should put in the egg . My 1 st quad set up have no idea . Have a few spare 6 inch dolphins laying around do you reckon they will do the job

On the Nimbus I am going with a7 inch dolphin centre , maybe 5 inch side fins

Looks great mate , I bet your young fellow is in seventh heaven right now or will be

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 Sep 2012 1:21PM
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smh said...

Whats happening with your creation Ted ?

Sadly on the back burner at the moment as flat out this week - down yr way next week (surf Thurs or Friday morning?) Then away in Queensland with work for 10 days. Ahhh I have some spare time early October

NSW, 7269 posts
4 Sep 2012 3:38PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

smh said...

Whats happening with your creation Ted ?

Sadly on the back burner at the moment as flat out this week - down yr way next week (surf Thurs or Friday morning?) Then away in Queensland with work for 10 days. Ahhh I have some spare time early October

I'm nightshift next Wed and Thur nights so not sure if I will be around.13 hour night shifts and if we're busy I will be asleep through the day. Too bad I'm not on dayshift I could have got you out on the boat.

NSW, 639 posts
4 Sep 2012 10:04PM
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well my work is done and now its up to my good mate John to finish coat and polish...this is where this thread turns into a bit of a day in the life...and a why I live were I live...coffs hbr is where the great divide hits the coast so its mountains by the only does it three times in NSW.... bega... woolongong, and here...I live on one side of this mountain and John lives on the off we go on a little adventure...I love makes me think of "morning of the earth" and how blessed I am to be able to live this style of life...making boards in a beautifull country environment...and this board is going to make its way to another beautifull part of the doesnt get much better

the air in here is insane...I allways have to stick my head out and take a huge breath every time I go through

beautifull morning in the valley...I've had an early surf and feelin pretty good

I have to tell you all that this whole thing this morn. is a tradition that has been going on for a long time...and to be honest I hope it doesn't change...John's been a close mate of mine for over thirty years, he is a master just have to look at his wooden fins...they are works of art...he's been finish coating and polishing(and is a gun sander) as long as I have been shaping...this area boasts some of the best boards in the country...outer island is just down the road and a little further you will run into Valla surfboards....with Billy Tolhurst in town, so the depth of talent here is high...and John polishes a lot of for me to jump the queue...I have to bring treatslots of and custard tea cake is one favourite that usually gets me a shoe in

He's a bit camera shy and I knew he would not want me hanging over his shoulder while he worked so your not going to see how its done sorry...I fired this one off while he had his back turned

next time you see this will be gleaming like the new toy that it is

so there is a big hole in the apple and custard...a few other treats were produced, we have saved the world... overdosed on caffiene and designed a new fin...time to let the master do his thing

its a sleepy part of the world and I love it

6657 posts
4 Sep 2012 8:09PM
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Sweet Jesus I just found where I want to curl up my oversized toes You lucky man Ronnie , you've found Paradiso in Oz - Ta mate

QLD, 7932 posts
4 Sep 2012 10:13PM
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other treats/ i could not see any coffs goodness around

NSW, 639 posts
4 Sep 2012 10:21PM
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SP said...

Tassiedevel said...

62mac said...

7 inch sounds good but drop the side bites down.

So you think on the nimbus Mac a 7 inch centre with what about 4 to 4.5 inch sides

I swap my fins all the time, sometimes bigger singles for fatter waves and more like a thruster for suckier waves. It depends on what you like no hard and fast rules. But something like you put up is probably a good start...

Let's ask the expert...... mr Goddard, what do you reckon?

And. Guess who this is..

I find the smaller the centre the bigger sides you can use...I have a fin called the saber...its very slender and has a cutout aswell...I can go right up to 5s on the side when using this fin...but yeah swap heaps its the only way you learn...its all about much you like is only something you can determine...and by the way where the hell did you get that shot...its circa 1976...lots of learning going on therecrazy that radical pintail was a favourite indo gun that was stolen from my old turned up over thirty years later and is in my shaping room at this very moment...very very worst for wear...dont know if I can restore it...but how uncanny is that.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"whats happening in the Goddard shed" started by arkgee