Just got me thinking who the hell are all of you and what do you do?
me i run a small ad design agency , web sites etc...
surf 3 times a week on a good week..so i should be alot better than i am , but a bit unco.
drink: spiced rum ....
eat: tobasco on everything.....
surf : buggered if i know looks like a log to me natural foot....
pic: recent pic before i realized i was natural
Nice post....I often try and put a face to the words.
Live: Cronulla
Work: Wollongong - Building Surveyor
Eat: Healthier than I used too (new girlfriend)
Drink: Water
6'4 Twin Keel Fish
8'7 Force 9 Gun
9'2 Wilde Shapes Step Deck Mal
10'4 Hobie Thing Below
12'6 SUP - Daddy / Daughter Time.
....still room for a 7'6 or thereabouts in there
These taken yesterday on the new 10'4 Sanctum '68 replica Hobie / Brewer board I'd mentioned last week.
im the ceo of microsoft, i own twenty mansions, 5 super yachts, all the best sports cars, a expert wine maker, polo player, rugby international, won the bop in usa, took out surfing triple crown 2010, knocked mick tyson out five times in a sparring session and my girl friend is the playmate of the year plus many other dazzling things
I've rarely (mostly never) tried to hide. There's a picture or 3 of me here...
Here's one... On the back deck (we called the Swimming Pool Deck) in The Maldives. (The Maldeeves)...
The worlds biggest swimming pool!!
I made sure the hair was a bit "wooly" for the trip... extra sun screening!
well il come into this
some things people on the breeze don't know
i use to work for this guy
and when I'm not catching waves I'm doing this
Barnbougle Dunes TAS
St Andrews Scotland
And when surfs flat fishing
Come on this sounds like a great story mate,I remember Greg had something to do with Cobra golf clubs at one stage,both my inlaws were mad golfers so much so they roped me into it for a number of years with free clubs and membership,did I tell you how much they loved meThe good thing was the father inlaw had all the good gear which was left to me when they would travel for months at a time,his clubs soon became mine
They both played at St Andrews as well.
Me a 48 year old small business owner Northwest Tasmania .
Ex Qld country boy makes me an aussie boatperson or a mainlander refugeee
Love Tassie , love the people , love the lifestyle , the ocean , the bush
Mad crazy hawks supporter
favourite pastime annoying the missus , the kids and the grandkids
second favourite pastime
3rd favourite pastime
my favourite toy
other bestest toys
try to get in a surf every day but a bit hard this time of the year with short days .
normally find me in preservation bay or penguin reef
No Supanimal thats not Swampy.
the nicest Pro i ever met was Bernhard Langer 2 x masters champ
the nicest guy you could ever meet and a real person, at the classic ..Royal Melbourne
Can I have your autographmate that's a massive achievement you know what I was a big golf fan around this time and your name always rang a bell,now I know why.