Preston beach now.
Rangers and Police at The spot yesterday and it was packed again like it was Easter, please be smart everyone or it's coming sooner than we all think.
^^^ok, where do you surf in such conditions good sirr?
Please tell me, coz if it's not a fat burger, or at the other end of the scale a death slab, I would like to infect your lineup just like a Carona virus
I'll bring my friends as well
I see the premier was on the tv earlier praising the social distancing he had witnessed.
Obviously didn't see the 70 odd people scrapping over a half ft wave at Trigg point today
Its probably going to be the norm considering the modern day rape and pillage you call Perth people going to the Sth West over Easter has been cancelled.
I guess their forefathers paved the way to surf Trigg Point in the 20's and 30's so the Covid19 doesn't apply to them.
Sportsbet should create a betting page for when the government will step in and close the beaches.
To play the Devil's advocate, in the brine is reported to be hard for viruses to exist, so maybe we should all be in the water for as long as possible.
Quick, get the word out in the SW!!
Again, 's advocate, the peeps at Bondi, unlike at Point Populace, are frolicking on the sand and in the splash zone in pretty decent numbers, whereas PP was only in the lineup. Of course the least social distancing would have to be on the foam ball, what with all the drop ins and all.
But, yes!! Stay at home you sick little groms.
I think the "plan" is to take more civil freedoms off us during school holidays, I think this has been the plan all along...can't do it while we (Kids, teachers and most parents are still at work), but during "holidays" fair game!! The hysteria over overcrowding at beaches is a cover to allow them to be closed off and aren't all the FB police doing that job beautifully ( I have been going surfing and am pleasantly surprised by the "civility" being shown by the majority (social spacing and general chilled out vibe) but come in, go home and find out that "the overcrowding Was Redonculous and ohhhh think of the humanity"....pfffffttt.
I am not a "conspiracy theorist" but could be accused of scepticism and cynicism
Anyhooooo Enjoy Easter inside.....I hope I am wrong........bloody boool**** maaaaate...woulda been in Lombok in 5 days time
Haha nice hand grenade / wind up Green Room metro has been pretty ordinary and flat at my local so enjoy certainly the place to get isolated.