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Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Go back to the valley kooks!

Created by Greenroom > 9 months ago, 29 Mar 2020
QLD, 21948 posts
8 Apr 2020 2:03PM
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Razzonater said..
This thread is entertaining

What isn't entertaining is how many self righteous people are amongst us, here we have every element required for entertainment.
Localism from people who have only lived in an area for a few years
people who have surfed in an area for more than thirty years being denied access
People who haven't surfed in an area ever or rarely breaking laws and being idiots to get "uncrowded" waves which are more crowded currently than ever......

Massive unemployment and a transient population consisting off interstate visitors, p platers. Hipsters, foreigners and grey nomads.

If you were to check the crowd at cowermup last week or trigg point every day this week it's clear that surfers are absolute selfish pricks, I know as I am one , however in all seriousness at current I am not surfing and do not see it happening in near future.

The crowds down south right now are worse than at Easter most years already

The crowds in Perth at current are worse than they have been for a long time, there is soooo many unemployed people with free time and cheap fuel on their hands.

People are selfish, localism, inconsiderate travellers , people still surfing in crowds....

dont give me the yeah yeah we were two metres away and the crowds are civil and everyone is doing the right thing.
They are not you know it , I know it, it's a veiled excuse to justify poor behaviour and no concern for other citizens.

100 people out at huzzas is not being considerate and careful
full carpark at the spot with 80 people in the water is no being considerate or civil or doing the right thing

Trigg point with 50 people out everyday for the last two weeks all day every day is the same.

They are going to **** the beaches and it's because of people like us, like all of us to blame.

Your all guilty , it is all your fault, and people who just want to find a bank by themselves or surf a b grade wave by themselves are going to suffer because 50 people paddle out at trigg point and 100 at huzzas.

Being a surfer right now means you are inconsiderate and selfish.

prove me wrong

Second last line nailed it.

WA, 6913 posts
8 Apr 2020 1:51PM
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Maybe the smug attitude will disappear if the crazy crowds in Perth (the very thing Grennie is kinda laughing at) gets him banned from the beach and surf for a few months

It's disgusting the amount of people in the water and even worse on the beaches.

If your down south or in a smaller region with great surf, just enjoy it, but don't rub peoples face in it.

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
8 Apr 2020 2:44PM
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Razzonater said..

Being a surfer right now means you are inconsiderate and selfish.

prove me wrong

I'd love to. But I'd get in trouble.

WA, 1404 posts
8 Apr 2020 3:04PM
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Meanwhile, Rotto is smokin with 0 crowds as whole island shut for Carona

unlike the southwest the waves wouldn't be shifty fat burgers as well (that was for thedrip )

oz surf
WA, 407 posts
8 Apr 2020 3:37PM
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Greenroom said..

. Yes there's a street named after her and actually a suburb towards Perth with my families name.
Too Bad, so sad

Maybe you should f^ck off to that suburb with your army behind you

WA, 7608 posts
8 Apr 2020 4:43PM
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oz surf said..

Greenroom said..

. Yes there's a street named after her and actually a suburb towards Perth with my families name.
Too Bad, so sad

Maybe you should f^ck off to that suburb with your army behind you

WA, 19 posts
8 Apr 2020 5:18PM
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oz surf said..

Greenroom said..

. Yes there's a street named after her and actually a suburb towards Perth with my families name.
Too Bad, so sad

Maybe you should f^ck off to that suburb with your army behind you

We can't...regions are closed....REMEMBER?!!

2224 posts
8 Apr 2020 6:09PM
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I really like where this fight is heading

normally in a lineup the pecking order consists of shortboarder, mal rider, lid rider, goat boater...................Sup and it doesn't matter where you are from or how local you are everyone from different classes of surfing dislikes and sometimes hates any other form of wave riding.
What I really like now is that with all that hate already in a lineup we have a situation where many many people who would regularly surf together albeit from different towns or even an hour or more from their local ( which believe it or not is for many and some surf it at least 4 or 5 times a week even living that distance from the take off zone.
In Sydney you may only be 10km from your local but it will take an hour to get their...

Anyway where was I going ,,,, so everyone now hates all classes of surfcraft and anyone from a postcode away. The pecking order consists of people who can afford to live within walking distance to all breaks, now for many down south this means you will not be able to surf.
in fact only houses within 500 metres from the water will be allowed to surf.

These are the houses owned by multi millionaires which unfortunately therefore limit access to the surf, further all streets within 500 metres from the beach will have a gated community installed like hollisters ranch.
It will cost minimum 1.5 million dollars to buy a house and if you don't live there you don't surf there.
there will be helicopter patrols and snipers in the dunes.
All surfers will have to register and swipe their wrist bracelet prior to paddling out with a maximum of ten people in the water at any time.
when someone wants to paddle out any member of the Lineup who has surfed over two hours will receive a message on their bracelet telling them their allocated time is up and to head in.
Anyone attempting to enter the water not wearing a wrist band and registered within the gated community will be shot on sight.
Over time a few tried and one even makes it to the waters edge with his leash on before he too is snipered by the t5000 perched on the hill at rabbits.

This is what people on here want
you have lost your minds, everyone is in their own personal masteubation station mad max wet dream.
seriously cut it out
some of you sound like your going to war with someone a postcode away

WA, 3183 posts
8 Apr 2020 6:22PM
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Just go for a bike ride - simps

WA, 2355 posts
8 Apr 2020 6:37PM
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Razzonater said..
I really like where this fight is heading

normally in a lineup the pecking order consists of shortboarder, mal rider, lid rider, goat boater...................Sup and it doesn't matter where you are from or how local you are everyone from different classes of surfing dislikes and sometimes hates any other form of wave riding.
What I really like now is that with all that hate already in a lineup we have a situation where many many people who would regularly surf together albeit from different towns or even an hour or more from their local ( which believe it or not is for many and some surf it at least 4 or 5 times a week even living that distance from the take off zone.
In Sydney you may only be 10km from your local but it will take an hour to get their...

Anyway where was I going ,,,, so everyone now hates all classes of surfcraft and anyone from a postcode away. The pecking order consists of people who can afford to live within walking distance to all breaks, now for many down south this means you will not be able to surf.
in fact only houses within 500 metres from the water will be allowed to surf.

These are the houses owned by multi millionaires which unfortunately therefore limit access to the surf, further all streets within 500 metres from the beach will have a gated community installed like hollisters ranch.
It will cost minimum 1.5 million dollars to buy a house and if you don't live there you don't surf there.
there will be helicopter patrols and snipers in the dunes.
All surfers will have to register and swipe their wrist bracelet prior to paddling out with a maximum of ten people in the water at any time.
when someone wants to paddle out any member of the Lineup who has surfed over two hours will receive a message on their bracelet telling them their allocated time is up and to head in.
Anyone attempting to enter the water not wearing a wrist band and registered within the gated community will be shot on sight.
Over time a few tried and one even makes it to the waters edge with his leash on before he too is snipered by the t5000 perched on the hill at rabbits.

This is what people on here want
you have lost your minds, everyone is in their own personal masteubation station mad max wet dream.
seriously cut it out
some of you sound like your going to war with someone a postcode away

You try to surf my waves and I will get medieval on your ass. I will make your mother ashamed of you. I will slap you round like a red headed step child. I will rain the wrath of Solomon upon you and yours. I am judge, jury and executioner - unless you take it to the High Court of course.

752 posts
8 Apr 2020 6:42PM
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If the waves in Perth weren't so dreadfully atrocious then we wouldn't be on this rant.
Is there actually anyone that's proud to be a surfer from Perth
Apologies if I never paid my dues there before I apparently moved to the Sth West.
On another note. Razz you were spot on in your post.
We should have better things to worry about at the moment.

8266 posts
8 Apr 2020 6:45PM
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Will you guys just farking chill out ffs, we're Australians. If the sh1t really hits the fan we'll all be fighting on the one side I hope. And all this talk about if someones freedom is taken, a fellow Australian. You should be fighting against that, not celebrating it like our forefathers did for us...

WA, 7608 posts
8 Apr 2020 7:14PM
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You try to surf my waves and I will get medieval on your ass. I will make your mother ashamed of you. I will slap you round like a red headed step child. I will rain the wrath of Solomon upon you and yours. I am judge, jury and executioner - unless you take it to the High Court of course.

hahaha classic Drip! Let's hit it this weekend!!! No blow in's!!!

752 posts
8 Apr 2020 7:15PM
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Well the West Coast Eagles supporters can't whinge about the umpiring at the moment

WA, 7608 posts
8 Apr 2020 7:17PM
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Where is everyone? Oh that's right!!! Stay the **** home!!!

752 posts
8 Apr 2020 7:42PM
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Greenroom said..

Where is everyone? Oh that's right!!! Stay the **** home!!!

You trying to make a Corona advertisement 'From where you'd rather be'

WA, 7608 posts
8 Apr 2020 7:50PM
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TimKay said..

Greenroom said..

Where is everyone? Oh that's right!!! Stay the **** home!!!

You trying to make a Corona advertisement 'From where you'd rather be'

Too bad, so sad

WA, 3028 posts
8 Apr 2020 8:26PM
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Never has the term "f@#k off we're full" ment so much

145 posts
9 Apr 2020 10:06AM
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Greenroom said..

TimKay said..

Greenroom said..

Where is everyone? Oh that's right!!! Stay the **** home!!!

You trying to make a Corona advertisement 'From where you'd rather be'

Too bad, so sad

When its all over, the blow ins will storm your beaches and there will be nothing you can do about it

Too bad, so sad

WA, 36 posts
9 Apr 2020 10:32AM
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So this was Trigg on Swellnet this morning......

145 posts
9 Apr 2020 10:35AM
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^Not as crowded as I would have thought.

WA, 7608 posts
9 Apr 2020 11:35AM
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WA, 1404 posts
9 Apr 2020 12:05PM
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Greenroom said..

Fat burger

2224 posts
9 Apr 2020 12:10PM
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Greenroom said..

Too busy standing in the hill
get out here and have a dig
all the waves you want right now
too scared to go out

WA, 2355 posts
9 Apr 2020 12:40PM
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Razzonater said..

Greenroom said..

Too busy standing in the hill
get out here and have a dig
all the waves you want right now
too scared to go out

Big call.

I've surfed with him; he isn't shy.

WA, 345 posts
9 Apr 2020 12:44PM
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thedrip said..

Razzonater said..

Greenroom said..

Too busy standing in the hill
get out here and have a dig
all the waves you want right now
too scared to go out

Big call.

I've surfed with him; he isn't shy.

Plot twist! The drip and Greenriom are the same person!

752 posts
9 Apr 2020 12:48PM
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Surfer123 said..
So this was Trigg on Swellnet this morning......

My mate was telling me he spotted a truck load of beach closed signs and netting at Hillarys this morning ready to go
Not long now
Every has heard and ignored the warnings

2224 posts
9 Apr 2020 12:50PM
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thedrip said..

Razzonater said..

Greenroom said..

Too busy standing in the hill
get out here and have a dig
all the waves you want right now
too scared to go out

Big call.

I've surfed with him; he isn't shy.

Both of you should be surfing like pigs in the feeding trough right now.

Empty lineups galore down there
just saying if it was me I'd be to busy getting my fill than to be getting into seabreeze arguments.

WA, 2355 posts
9 Apr 2020 12:52PM
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Razzonater said..

thedrip said..

Razzonater said..

Greenroom said..

Too busy standing in the hill
get out here and have a dig
all the waves you want right now
too scared to go out

Big call.

I've surfed with him; he isn't shy.

Both of you should be surfing like pigs in the feeding trough right now.

Empty lineups galore down there
just saying if it was me I'd be to busy getting my fill than to be getting into seabreeze arguments.

Nah...I'm at work. The lineups aren't that empty either. Lots of people lost their jobs.

145 posts
9 Apr 2020 2:17PM
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thedrip said..

Razzonater said..

Greenroom said..

Too busy standing in the hill
get out here and have a dig
all the waves you want right now
too scared to go out

Big call.

I've surfed with him; he isn't shy.

Who cares


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Go back to the valley kooks!" started by Greenroom