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Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
WA, 7608 posts
29 Apr 2017 9:18PM
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Today was bombin'
Smallest board was 8'6

2224 posts
1 May 2017 3:31PM
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Greenroom said..
Today was bombin'
Smallest board was 8'6

Photos required.
surfed trigg thirds today lazy day off work actually quite pleasant

WA, 7608 posts
1 May 2017 9:53PM
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Razzonater said..

Greenroom said..
Today was bombin'
Smallest board was 8'6

Photos required.
surfed trigg thirds today lazy day off work actually quite pleasant

No photos required. Use your imagination
Metro surfers need not apply.
Too big for your 6'3 tooth picks

oz surf
WA, 407 posts
1 May 2017 10:22PM
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^^^ So how long you lived Down South for now.? Greenroom

752 posts
2 May 2017 8:40AM
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oz surf said..
^^^ So how long you lived Down South for now.? Greenroom

Or Douth as the hipsters call it.
I personally think the term Down South is a bit lame. Towns actually have names

oz surf
WA, 407 posts
2 May 2017 9:04AM
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TimKay said..

oz surf said..
^^^ So how long you lived Down South for now.? Greenroom

Or Douth as the hipsters call it.
I personally think the term Down South is a bit lame. Towns actually have names

It's a term we metro surfers use.
How long have you lived in Cowarumup for Greeny?

WA, 598 posts
2 May 2017 1:17PM
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oz surf said..

TimKay said..

oz surf said..
^^^ So how long you lived Down South for now.? Greenroom

Or Douth as the hipsters call it.
I personally think the term Down South is a bit lame. Towns actually have names

It's a term we metro surfers use.
How long have you lived in Cowarumup for Greeny?

MR, Dunnybrah, Cow-Town, et al, all suburbs of Perth now anyway ...

901 posts
2 May 2017 3:48PM
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Back on topic.

Finally enough tide for this place and it was cranking.

2224 posts
2 May 2017 7:48PM
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Greenroom said..

Razzonater said..

Greenroom said..
Today was bombin'
Smallest board was 8'6

Photos required.
surfed trigg thirds today lazy day off work actually quite pleasant

No photos required. Use your imagination
Metro surfers need not apply.
Too big for your 6'3 tooth picks

I don't have an imagination I thought I did once but I must of imagined it.

but seriously pictures,man I grew up down there but work has whisked me away,

2224 posts
2 May 2017 7:49PM
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Zuke said..
Back on topic.

Finally enough tide for this place and it was cranking.

Good job Zuke thank you for the visual

WA, 6913 posts
3 May 2017 2:48PM
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A jump in the swell period yesterday afternoon, made my local almost impossible to get to feet for surfers. After thirteen smack downs with and only one decent wave, i was pleased to see other surfers had given up and opted for body boards. I was thinking id had a stroke or something

Fingers crossed it will be better today.

WA, 6913 posts
3 May 2017 7:28PM
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jbshack said..
A jump in the swell period yesterday afternoon, made my local almost impossible to get to feet for surfers. After thirteen smack downs with and only one decent wave, i was pleased to see other surfers had given up and opted for body boards. I was thinking id had a stroke or something

Fingers crossed it will be better today.

Much better tonight

2224 posts
3 May 2017 8:15PM
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jbshack said..

jbshack said..
A jump in the swell period yesterday afternoon, made my local almost impossible to get to feet for surfers. After thirteen smack downs with and only one decent wave, i was pleased to see other surfers had given up and opted for body boards. I was thinking id had a stroke or something

Fingers crossed it will be better today.

Much better tonight

How are the banks jb???

what about down the beach??

WA, 2355 posts
3 May 2017 11:01PM
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Greenroom said..
Today was bombin'
Smallest board was 8'6

I surfed my new Hoye 9'6". You know where. I heard the other joint - which I assume is where you went - was smoking with some chargers going orfff.

WA, 7608 posts
4 May 2017 10:38PM
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thedrip said..

Greenroom said..
Today was bombin'
Smallest board was 8'6

I surfed my new Hoye 9'6". You know where. I heard the other joint - which I assume is where you went - was smoking with some chargers going orfff.

Yew! Hoye 9'6! Send me pics! Or I'll see you on Saturday?
i didn't go to 'you know where' because I thought tide was too high. Was it?

WA, 6913 posts
5 May 2017 12:10PM
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Razzonater said..

jbshack said..

jbshack said..
A jump in the swell period yesterday afternoon, made my local almost impossible to get to feet for surfers. After thirteen smack downs with and only one decent wave, i was pleased to see other surfers had given up and opted for body boards. I was thinking id had a stroke or something

Fingers crossed it will be better today.

Much better tonight

How are the banks jb???

what about down the beach??

To be honest rubbish. A quick wedge take of and then fads to nothing, or a close out. Currently we are sitting about 20 m of the shore but it won't handle this swell.

But have surfed nearly every arvo with my son, so its hard to be disappointed

If you ever are going to head that way, let me know, sadly more and more surfers are watching as other breaks just get so busy, but often the pace on take of will sort them out and they often don't come back..Oh and the hoards of kids on boogers

WA, 2355 posts
6 May 2017 11:20PM
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Greenroom said..

thedrip said..

Greenroom said..
Today was bombin'
Smallest board was 8'6

I surfed my new Hoye 9'6". You know where. I heard the other joint - which I assume is where you went - was smoking with some chargers going orfff.

Yew! Hoye 9'6! Send me pics! Or I'll see you on Saturday?
i didn't go to 'you know where' because I thought tide was too high. Was it?

I guess. It wasn't at its best, but there were still some good ones.

It was a pretty messy swell when I got there today and I went elsewhere. Swell was fair bit bigger than expected earlier in the week hey?

and pics don't do those Hoyes justice.

WA, 934 posts
7 May 2017 7:41PM
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A magic 90min north of north today before the tide then wind combined to make it messy, finished off with a quick 45min hoot sesh on fast left n right knee to waist clean peelers south of north
almost as good as it gets was heard around the traps and bugger all punters bothered to show, even better
huey is back on my chrissie card list

WA, 6913 posts
7 May 2017 8:28PM
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Traveled yesterday but the crowds put me of.

Today surfed morning and Arvo with my boy till well into the dark, so much fun

WA, 2222 posts
8 May 2017 8:35AM
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bjshack said..
often the pace on take of will sort them out..

What does that mean?

WA, 6913 posts
8 May 2017 11:08AM
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Legion said..

bjshack said..
often the pace on take of will sort them out..

What does that mean?

I understand your having a dig but will reply anyway, The lip rolls in super fast and the wave drops away to nothing. Many of the surfers will both prone and body board, even hand plane. Surfboards can tend to get sucked up the wave until your falling out of the lip.

Some days you won't see a surfboard, others like Sunday more surfboards then body boarders..Sat i saw even 2 of best of surfers give up and get out after a few minutes.

On some days, only the best of young performance guys can manage it. That is super impressive to watch though

Oh and yes, I'm not one of those.

WA, 397 posts
8 May 2017 11:35AM
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After 13 years in Perth I finally caved in to peer group pressure on Saturday and paddled out at Trigg Point. There were definitely some good waves on offer (none ridden by me) and some guys were getting some decent pits (again not me) but all in all a frustrating and average experience. I'll give it a 2/10 but only because I scored a decent carpark.

WA, 6913 posts
8 May 2017 12:20PM
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mitchbat said..
After 13 years in Perth I finally caved in to peer group pressure on Saturday and paddled out at Trigg Point. There were definitely some good waves on offer (none ridden by me) and some guys were getting some decent pits (again not me) but all in all a frustrating and average experience. I'll give it a 2/10 but only because I scored a decent carpark.

Crowds are really starting to diminish the enjoyment factor..

752 posts
8 May 2017 2:28PM
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jbshack said..

mitchbat said..
After 13 years in Perth I finally caved in to peer group pressure on Saturday and paddled out at Trigg Point. There were definitely some good waves on offer (none ridden by me) and some guys were getting some decent pits (again not me) but all in all a frustrating and average experience. I'll give it a 2/10 but only because I scored a decent carpark.

Crowds are really starting to diminish the enjoyment factor..

I think surfing itself is a frustrating and average experience in crowds.
In most places around the world.
Hopefully wave pools can alleviate the frustration because numbers in the line up will never decline.

WA, 585 posts
8 May 2017 3:21PM
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TimKay said..

jbshack said..

mitchbat said..
After 13 years in Perth I finally caved in to peer group pressure on Saturday and paddled out at Trigg Point. There were definitely some good waves on offer (none ridden by me) and some guys were getting some decent pits (again not me) but all in all a frustrating and average experience. I'll give it a 2/10 but only because I scored a decent carpark.

Crowds are really starting to diminish the enjoyment factor..

I think surfing itself is a frustrating and average experience in crowds.
In most places around the world.
Hopefully wave pools can alleviate the frustration because numbers in the line up will never decline.

Currently in Bali surfing Canggu for a few days and now Airport Reefs, Middles and Kuta's had some epic waves and floggings.

Lots of people, Japanese (Japanese holiday this week), Russians, Euro's, Koreans throw in a few Aussies/ Balinese who can surf and I have to start playing sneaky old man tactics.

For me the eye candy helps alleviate a lot of the pain.

Used to surf Triggs point a bit in the mid to late 70' was ridiculously over crowded then cant image now.

BTW seen a Korean chick on a huge pink foamy charge solid barrels with no exit like no one else.

WA, 6913 posts
8 May 2017 3:45PM
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TimKay said..

jbshack said..

mitchbat said..
After 13 years in Perth I finally caved in to peer group pressure on Saturday and paddled out at Trigg Point. There were definitely some good waves on offer (none ridden by me) and some guys were getting some decent pits (again not me) but all in all a frustrating and average experience. I'll give it a 2/10 but only because I scored a decent carpark.

Crowds are really starting to diminish the enjoyment factor..

I think surfing itself is a frustrating and average experience in crowds.
In most places around the world.
Hopefully wave pools can alleviate the frustration because numbers in the line up will never decline.

My surf last night was only small at best, my son, another body boarder and two other local surfers i know. It was so much fun cheering on my boy and sharing little wedging waves. We all got out at pitch black and showing were just buzzing over how much fun we had. Knee to waist high, but still left me smiling harder then ever. The crowd really does make or break a surf

WA, 119 posts
8 May 2017 6:38PM
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jbshack said..

TimKay said..

jbshack said..

mitchbat said..
After 13 years in Perth I finally caved in to peer group pressure on Saturday and paddled out at Trigg Point. There were definitely some good waves on offer (none ridden by me) and some guys were getting some decent pits (again not me) but all in all a frustrating and average experience. I'll give it a 2/10 but only because I scored a decent carpark.

Crowds are really starting to diminish the enjoyment factor..

I think surfing itself is a frustrating and average experience in crowds.
In most places around the world.
Hopefully wave pools can alleviate the frustration because numbers in the line up will never decline.

My surf last night was only small at best, my son, another body boarder and two other local surfers i know. It was so much fun cheering on my boy and sharing little wedging waves. We all got out at pitch black and showing were just buzzing over how much fun we had. Knee to waist high, but still left me smiling harder then ever. The crowd really does make or break a surf

Surfed LBB over the weekend on a surf camp with 16 girls with varying levels of ability !
At all times we kept away from the main break , great to help out the learners with a few tips from the old grom !
Ended up surfing by myself , at times with only one other and had a blast , vary rare occurrence .
Sat was out of control , Sunday cleaned up and produced peaks galore with offshore .????

76 posts
8 May 2017 7:16PM
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TimKay said..

jbshack said..

mitchbat said..
After 13 years in Perth I finally caved in to peer group pressure on Saturday and paddled out at Trigg Point. There were definitely some good waves on offer (none ridden by me) and some guys were getting some decent pits (again not me) but all in all a frustrating and average experience. I'll give it a 2/10 but only because I scored a decent carpark.

Crowds are really starting to diminish the enjoyment factor..

I think surfing itself is a frustrating and average experience in crowds.
In most places around the world.
Hopefully wave pools can alleviate the frustration because numbers in the line up will never decline.

I think you may find that wave pools will open surfing up to individuals whom would never had "given it a go" because of the safe learning environment the wave pools will provide, and may actually accomplish the exact opposite.

WA, 1264 posts
8 May 2017 7:50PM
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mitchbat said..
After 13 years in Perth I finally caved in to peer group pressure on Saturday and paddled out at Trigg Point. There were definitely some good waves on offer (none ridden by me) and some guys were getting some decent pits (again not me) but all in all a frustrating and average experience. I'll give it a 2/10 but only because I scored a decent carpark.

I often muse after giving that place and others similar a go, I think 'why the **** did I bother I should know better' and swear I will never cave in again..and then every now and then I watch how good the waves can be and think I might just try and get a wide one but even thats impossible and because I believe in the code I probably let some go out of courtesy.

It is also bloody dangerous if you don't know how to handle that sort of a crowd (which I don't), hats off to the guys who rip that place and don't get hurt or hurt anyone on a daily basis - absolute miracle there is not 20 serious injuries a day!

Ill stick to reading the vibe of a crew and going from there, surfing in a crowd is last option and even then I will approach cautiously sussing out the vibe etc.. have had some good surfs in some crowded spots and some s**t ones with a small crew.

8266 posts
8 May 2017 8:01PM
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IFocus said..

TimKay said..

jbshack said..

mitchbat said..
After 13 years in Perth I finally caved in to peer group pressure on Saturday and paddled out at Trigg Point. There were definitely some good waves on offer (none ridden by me) and some guys were getting some decent pits (again not me) but all in all a frustrating and average experience. I'll give it a 2/10 but only because I scored a decent carpark.

Crowds are really starting to diminish the enjoyment factor..

I think surfing itself is a frustrating and average experience in crowds.
In most places around the world.
Hopefully wave pools can alleviate the frustration because numbers in the line up will never decline.

Currently in Bali surfing Canggu for a few days and now Airport Reefs, Middles and Kuta's had some epic waves and floggings.

Lots of people, Japanese (Japanese holiday this week), Russians, Euro's, Koreans throw in a few Aussies/ Balinese who can surf and I have to start playing sneaky old man tactics.

For me the eye candy helps alleviate a lot of the pain.

Used to surf Triggs point a bit in the mid to late 70' was ridiculously over crowded then cant image now.

BTW seen a Korean chick on a huge pink foamy charge solid barrels with no exit like no one else.

haha nice, good size today. Padang Padang looked pretty good


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie