Secret spot x was firing early doors until the rip got stuck into it around 645.....I reckon it would've been smoking again once that rip sorted itself out.....damned work
arrived in the car park with about 15+ guys suiting up, hahaha they couldn't find secret spotX even with the buckets of spray giving it away and the entry hidden behind fencing and gravelly bits n stuff
huey is my friend again
Some clean bombs coming through this morning, made it out of a couple, got clipped on a few.
The pleasure and pain of surfing a beach break
Bloody love this time of year, sunrise is getting earlier, banks are formed and there is swell..
Thank you Huey
couple of great days surfing locally, good size good shape and incorrect wind 4casts have kept crowds to a minimum
Good onya Mocha! Today was most enjoyable. Yesterday and the day before were fun, but a bit nasty. Having said that, I got punished pretty badly today. You've got to pay to play, as they say.
So much fun so little competition!!!!
where are all the kids on holidays?? Wherever you are stay there please
True. Had a beach to share with a mate for an hour before we were discovered. Then the hoards were shameless!
Fantastic weekend of surf. Saturday managed one of the Northern busiest points with myself and one other guy..
Sunday surfed a bit further south with just two guys..
Love grand final weekends
Nice early session this morning at Perths favourite construction site. Hopefully the sinus wont empty out on the first patient of the day..
Aaaaaaaargh! I've been skunked all week. I s'pose I could've gone out in some decidedly puss-ridden conditions, but no, I piked.
And this weekend looks even worse...
Throw us a bone, Huey!!
Just getting over the Lurgi, Serious Man Flu, fitness gone there have been waves the whole time.....woe is me.
Super fun A-Frame beach peaks this morning - had to pinch myself - offshore, clean well groomed little swell, banks and the crowd was pretty minimal and well behaved with hoots for all and calling each other in.
Jagged some nice runners, mini barrels, close out barrels and bowly sets all before 7.30
Utopia does exist..
Secret spot x early am.....more punters than on a weekend and half of the we're speaking, hooting, dropping in, in French!!! Now I know what "locals" feel like when I go on trips
Scored this morning, got clipped on a few early but bloody hell it cleaned up and became pretty epic by mid morning!