Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
Buster fin
WA, 2575 posts
4 Aug 2017 3:50PM
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jbshack said..

mocha1 said..
Braved the 1deg temp, dressed in the wettie at home turned the car heater up to 30 on the tootsies and headed off to Scarbs for a prework the water on first light for a quick 90min b4 joining the rat race....what a fkarkin vindictive bstard Huey is
plenty swell, plenty backwash, plenty rips fkark all rideable much potential I bet it got pretty good after 9 when it settled
huey off the card list ....... lift ya game pahleeeze

Put your wetsuit on and drive to beach...Must remember not to piss in said wetsuit before getting to beach

It took me some time to train my mind not too


WA, 3028 posts
4 Aug 2017 3:52PM
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jbshack said..

mocha1 said..
Braved the 1deg temp, dressed in the wettie at home turned the car heater up to 30 on the tootsies and headed off to Scarbs for a prework the water on first light for a quick 90min b4 joining the rat race....what a fkarkin vindictive bstard Huey is
plenty swell, plenty backwash, plenty rips fkark all rideable much potential I bet it got pretty good after 9 when it settled
huey off the card list ....... lift ya game pahleeeze

Put your wetsuit on and drive to beach...Must remember not to piss in said wetsuit before getting to beach

It took me some time to train my mind not too

Driving in a wetsuit is hard work!!

Buster fin
WA, 2575 posts
4 Aug 2017 6:11PM
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I do it regularly.

WA, 6913 posts
4 Aug 2017 8:19PM
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DARTH said..

jbshack said..

mocha1 said..
Braved the 1deg temp, dressed in the wettie at home turned the car heater up to 30 on the tootsies and headed off to Scarbs for a prework the water on first light for a quick 90min b4 joining the rat race....what a fkarkin vindictive bstard Huey is
plenty swell, plenty backwash, plenty rips fkark all rideable much potential I bet it got pretty good after 9 when it settled
huey off the card list ....... lift ya game pahleeeze

Put your wetsuit on and drive to beach...Must remember not to piss in said wetsuit before getting to beach

It took me some time to train my mind not too

Driving in a wetsuit is hard work!!

Easy enough when its a short trip

WA, 933 posts
6 Aug 2017 6:48PM
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Good fun wave early this morning, not fun rip, non stop paddling but worth it until the tide ****uked it

some good ones on Sat arvo when the wind dropped out. Lumpy bumpy rip bowls- would've been seasick if hungover!!!

Buster fin
WA, 2575 posts
6 Aug 2017 6:50PM
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Yes, a weekend of waves!

WA, 6913 posts
6 Aug 2017 7:57PM
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Yep braved the rocks locally on Sat arvo in wind, was more fun than expected but today on a early high tide was super fun. Surfed on my new SDR Boston Switch for both days and really enjoyed it..

Coped a stinger to the face yesterday though not too much fun

Two days of surf though, hard to beat

WA, 3028 posts
7 Aug 2017 7:46AM
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jbshack said..
Yep braved the rocks locally on Sat arvo in wind, was more fun than expected but today on a early high tide was super fun. Surfed on my new SDR Boston Switch for both days and really enjoyed it..

Coped a stinger to the face yesterday though not too much fun

Two days of surf though, hard to beat

So it went ok then?

WA, 6913 posts
7 Aug 2017 3:59PM
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DARTH said..

jbshack said..
Yep braved the rocks locally on Sat arvo in wind, was more fun than expected but today on a early high tide was super fun. Surfed on my new SDR Boston Switch for both days and really enjoyed it..

Coped a stinger to the face yesterday though not too much fun

Two days of surf though, hard to beat

So it went ok then?

Yeah. Harder to duck dive then the Evo, even though less volume, much easier to surf and paddle was also okay. Maybe it feels a little thin (width wise) across my chest area and just forward of that but all in all not bad.

Certainly a lot more solid in construction than anything I've surfed in some time

Hoping for round three tonight

WA, 582 posts
7 Aug 2017 6:13PM
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jbshack said..

DARTH said..

jbshack said..
Yep braved the rocks locally on Sat arvo in wind, was more fun than expected but today on a early high tide was super fun. Surfed on my new SDR Boston Switch for both days and really enjoyed it..

Coped a stinger to the face yesterday though not too much fun

Two days of surf though, hard to beat

So it went ok then?

Yeah. Harder to duck dive then the Evo, even though less volume, much easier to surf and paddle was also okay. Maybe it feels a little thin (width wise) across my chest area and just forward of that but all in all not bad.

Certainly a lot more solid in construction than anything I've surfed in some time

Hoping for round three tonight

What lenght JB, I have molested them a few times in the local surf shop

WA, 3028 posts
8 Aug 2017 8:02AM
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jbshack said..

DARTH said..

jbshack said..
Yep braved the rocks locally on Sat arvo in wind, was more fun than expected but today on a early high tide was super fun. Surfed on my new SDR Boston Switch for both days and really enjoyed it..

Coped a stinger to the face yesterday though not too much fun

Two days of surf though, hard to beat

So it went ok then?

Yeah. Harder to duck dive then the Evo, even though less volume, much easier to surf and paddle was also okay. Maybe it feels a little thin (width wise) across my chest area and just forward of that but all in all not bad.

Certainly a lot more solid in construction than anything I've surfed in some time

Hoping for round three tonight

Nice one mate, Im sure you get your head around it.

WA, 6913 posts
8 Aug 2017 4:31PM
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IFocus said..

jbshack said..

DARTH said..

jbshack said..
Yep braved the rocks locally on Sat arvo in wind, was more fun than expected but today on a early high tide was super fun. Surfed on my new SDR Boston Switch for both days and really enjoyed it..

Coped a stinger to the face yesterday though not too much fun

Two days of surf though, hard to beat

So it went ok then?

Yeah. Harder to duck dive then the Evo, even though less volume, much easier to surf and paddle was also okay. Maybe it feels a little thin (width wise) across my chest area and just forward of that but all in all not bad.

Certainly a lot more solid in construction than anything I've surfed in some time

Hoping for round three tonight

What lenght JB, I have molested them a few times in the local surf shop

Its a 6'8" at 40.3 ltrs. I picked up at a price i couldn't refuse. As i said its well built, solid and feels good under foot. Maybe a little more subtle to ride than my Evo.

For now its a cheaper, so dropped it of to Dave today to get my Rpela fitted

I managed to surf yesterday in smallish slop and it still paddled really well. Just feels weird i guess coming from square nosed boards. I find the paddling sweet spot forward and back rather different so will take a little more to get used too..But so far very happy.

WA, 543 posts
10 Aug 2017 3:33PM
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Another good lunchtime surf today..
And to the chap who ducked into and came through a nice little tube at Cott just before midday " well played sir"..

2224 posts
13 Aug 2017 4:41PM
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Checked my favourite nw wind novelty wave but alas it was infested with grommets like a rash, I procured a coffee and watched it for 15-20 minutes 20 out when I got there and 30+ when I left I thought about it but left them too it

Buster fin
WA, 2575 posts
13 Aug 2017 7:02PM
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I know where you were, I guess. Never been more than mildly tempted tbh.

WA, 6913 posts
13 Aug 2017 7:31PM
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Razzonater said..
Checked my favourite nw wind novelty wave but alas it was infested with grommets like a rash, I procured a coffee and watched it for 15-20 minutes 20 out when I got there and 30+ when I left I thought about it but left them too it

Haha you should have, i felt guilty taking waves of kids, buts so much fun with all the kids froffing..So cool..

Little Jake Smith was tearing it up

WA, 2153 posts
14 Aug 2017 1:32PM
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My local's been putting out the messy onshore goods the past few days. Watching it now and, maybe I'm getting old, but I really can't be ****ed paddling out in the 2mm.

WA, 3028 posts
14 Aug 2017 3:33PM
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subasurf said..
My local's been putting out the messy onshore goods the past few days. Watching it now and, maybe I'm getting old, but I really can't be ****ed paddling out in the 2mm.

Yea mate you are getting old, that was your bread and butter

901 posts
14 Aug 2017 4:11PM
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Agreed DARTH, subasurf you've gone subasoft and what's this talk of a wettie?

WA, 2153 posts
15 Aug 2017 7:02PM
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Come on's been common knowledge for the past couple of years that I soften up and started wearing a 2mm....more because of the constant jellyfish stings but hey.

WA, 2503 posts
17 Aug 2017 11:54PM
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Reckon I've had one surf in the last eight weeks or so, just cbf at present. What's worse it was metro with only five out, good consistent waves and the other four were frothing like a Brazil nut milkshake. Got a few and left them to it in disgust.

2224 posts
18 Aug 2017 7:13PM
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smicko said..
Reckon I've had one surf in the last eight weeks or so, just cbf at present. What's worse it was metro with only five out, good consistent waves and the other four were frothing like a Brazil nut milkshake. Got a few and left them to it in disgust.

I do not like the cold and the clouds and the wind and rain either, it generally keeps the crowd down.
you know what ruined surfing in Perth (get ready for a good rant, chill ya beers put your feet up and get ready for the download)
fly in fly out.........So yeah it's a Monday looks good on the charts should be uncrowded I'll check the spot ......can't get a carpark full of fifo workers .........oh well there goes my midweek sesh for the next three weeks........

Next time same thing on a Thursday and local, it really makes my potatos boil....
Oh well watching the news ahhh a bit of a mining downturn and 3000 jobs lost, maybe everyone will go back to Queensland vicco and nz..... nooooo they don't they stay in perth surfing all day everyday until the next construction gig....
hurry up and build the pipeline for water from up north these guys need jobs and I need a bit of a surf..........

WA, 1259 posts
19 Aug 2017 10:00AM
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Classic rant Razz, I hear what you are saying - its been that way for a while now - have to work a bit harder at scoring empty waves, or smarter, or just end up surfing regardless of the forecast.

I still reckon you can score on forecasts that people write off, if you know your weather patterns you can still score. 3m swell with offshore winds will be crowded no matter the day of the week, trick is picking the sessions that people don't see coming.

Anyway - had a surf at scabs this morning - was one of the fattest and most inconsistent sessions I have had but I still had fun getting in the water and paddling around chasing lumps with a mate.

WA, 3028 posts
19 Aug 2017 11:37AM
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Souwester said..
Classic rant Razz, I hear what you are saying - its been that way for a while now - have to work a bit harder at scoring empty waves, or smarter, or just end up surfing regardless of the forecast.

I still reckon you can score on forecasts that people write off, if you know your weather patterns you can still score. 3m swell with offshore winds will be crowded no matter the day of the week, trick is picking the sessions that people don't see coming.

Anyway - had a surf at scabs this morning - was one of the fattest and most inconsistent sessions I have had but I still had fun getting in the water and paddling around chasing lumps with a mate.

In front of sunset hill?

WA, 1259 posts
19 Aug 2017 1:28PM
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Not sure where Sunset Hill is Darth, I was between Scabs and Trigg.

WA, 147 posts
19 Aug 2017 7:58PM
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Razzonater said..

smicko said..
Reckon I've had one surf in the last eight weeks or so, just cbf at present. What's worse it was metro with only five out, good consistent waves and the other four were frothing like a Brazil nut milkshake. Got a few and left them to it in disgust.

I do not like the cold and the clouds and the wind and rain either, it generally keeps the crowd down.
you know what ruined surfing in Perth (get ready for a good rant, chill ya beers put your feet up and get ready for the download)
fly in fly out.........So yeah it's a Monday looks good on the charts should be uncrowded I'll check the spot ......can't get a carpark full of fifo workers .........oh well there goes my midweek sesh for the next three weeks........

Next time same thing on a Thursday and local, it really makes my potatos boil....
Oh well watching the news ahhh a bit of a mining downturn and 3000 jobs lost, maybe everyone will go back to Queensland vicco and nz..... nooooo they don't they stay in perth surfing all day everyday until the next construction gig....
hurry up and build the pipeline for water from up north these guys need jobs and I need a bit of a surf..........

I noticed a definite change in mid week crowd numbers about 10-15 years ago, which I've always thought must be with the rise in fifo numbers. That said, I noticed a similar increase of people on the freeway earlier in the morning too. Maybe just more people moving over and buying in outer suburbs. I moved out of Perth, plenty of uncrowded sessions now.

WA, 933 posts
20 Aug 2017 9:27PM
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At the risk off putting him completely offside but hey he/she/it/lgbt/no binary gender specific has sucked balls lately

Both sat n sun..f%^k wind but hey good one Huey....deep banks, high tide ....f^*%k all. Swell

????????????????????????????????????to you Huey

WA, 3028 posts
21 Aug 2017 7:41AM
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Souwester said..
Not sure where Sunset Hill is Darth, I was between Scabs and Trigg.

Its the grassy hill in front of Peters.

Buster fin
WA, 2575 posts
21 Aug 2017 4:24PM
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Go rock that boat further out, Mocha. That may send in some waves.

WA, 1259 posts
21 Aug 2017 6:15PM
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DARTH said..

Souwester said..
Not sure where Sunset Hill is Darth, I was between Scabs and Trigg.

Its the grassy hill in front of Peters.

Ah ok, I know where you mean now. I probably should have looked there to be honest!

Would love to be able to surf mid-late morning this week, once that tide drops a bit would most probably be pretty fun.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie