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Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
2224 posts
5 Feb 2019 6:31PM
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Greenroom said..

Razzonater said..

Windytown yesterday

Did you see a few windsurfers out there on Saturday?

Had club round sat morning pretty windy by surfable.

around 1130-1 some dude on a kite board came around the corner and proceeded to throw down like a madman.

I don't know kiteboarder moves but this dude did a mctwist off the lip flew and landed in the foam to floater than backflip and kept going, no windsurfers but I heard they had a comp down Margie's end

WA, 7608 posts
5 Feb 2019 9:23PM
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Razzonater said..

Greenroom said..

Razzonater said..

Windytown yesterday

Did you see a few windsurfers out there on Saturday?

Had club round sat morning pretty windy by surfable.

around 1130-1 some dude on a kite board came around the corner and proceeded to throw down like a madman.

I don't know kiteboarder moves but this dude did a mctwist off the lip flew and landed in the foam to floater than backflip and kept going, no windsurfers but I heard they had a comp down Margie's end

No comp at Mains just got a few international team riders in town tearing it up.
Me and 3 mates hit it late arvo and got some bombs much to the disappointment of the loser crew sitting out there in 25 knots of howling winds waiting for nothing. Give it up boys Hahaha.

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
7 Feb 2019 7:27PM
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Silly looking inland 'wave' is looking appealling as the flatness continues...



WA, 7608 posts
7 Feb 2019 8:47PM
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Heaps of swell today

WA, 2520 posts
9 Feb 2019 1:43PM
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I made a late and desperate call to do the drive to LBB with the mal... arriving at 9:45am. Was about waist high MAX, but the wind was pushing 25kt from the SSE and destroying it on a very low tide. Waste of time; should have gone snorkelling at Mettams

2224 posts
13 Feb 2019 6:53AM
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Had a long chat with Huey yesterday.
Had a surf in the onshore and it was terrible but the first time I moved on a board in about a week.....

Current list of complaints

1) After an epic winter this summer has been lacklustre at best.
2) Whilst the point has been breaking knee height with 50 people out does not count.
3) The constant southerlies have limited offshore options resulting in several starts for one offshore surf in last month ( this includes Rottnest where to be honest it's southerly out there most days at current)
4) It is clear others feel this way as trigg point today is ankle to knee and their are 50 frothers out there.......
5) In the last three to five years the crowds on the waves just out of town have quadrupled and there is now at least five times the population from mindarie to Yanchep from what I ever remember.
6) It has been southerly for a couple months ( this is deliberately mentioned twice)
7) Whilst summer is a no swell affair in Perth it's a bit rich to have 20-30 knot southerlies every day and the surf stays below 1-1.5 metres.

During discussions with Huey he has stated that March looks promising and that February is nearly over.

I told him this is a little hard to swallow at current and he has requested a two week grace period, after this grace period there will be waves for around a week and a bit commencing on or around the 4th of March.

A little swell will arrive next week but it is likely this is a hoax

WA, 543 posts
13 Feb 2019 7:59AM
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Razzonater said..
Had a long chat with Huey yesterday.
Had a surf in the onshore and it was terrible but the first time I moved on a board in about a week.....

Current list of complaints

1) After an epic winter this summer has been lacklustre at best.
2) Whilst the point has been breaking knee height with 50 people out does not count.
3) The constant southerlies have limited offshore options resulting in several starts for one offshore surf in last month ( this includes Rottnest where to be honest it's southerly out there most days at current)
4) It is clear others feel this way as trigg point today is ankle to knee and their are 50 frothers out there.......
5) In the last three to five years the crowds on the waves just out of town have quadrupled and there is now at least five times the population from mindarie to Yanchep from what I ever remember.
6) It has been southerly for a couple months ( this is deliberately mentioned twice)
7) Whilst summer is a no swell affair in Perth it's a bit rich to have 20-30 knot southerlies every day and the surf stays below 1-1.5 metres.

During discussions with Huey he has stated that March looks promising and that February is nearly over.

I told him this is a little hard to swallow at current and he has requested a two week grace period, after this grace period there will be waves for around a week and a bit commencing on or around the 4th of March.

A little swell will arrive next week but it is likely this is a hoax

Huey never answers me....... Perhaps because my 'chats' are essentially a rant.

WA, 934 posts
13 Feb 2019 10:03PM
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He needs to be #hueyisa..... in these millennial and influencer times

bugger even extended his reach to Bali when I w?nt .....still to get my new Von TokYo Express in decent waves

These look a whole lot better than they were......the lady in red left a lasting impression as she nosedive deep on this wave????????

WA, 1097 posts
14 Feb 2019 9:09AM
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what i would give for a couple of hours of that about now mocha1. i wont be fussy, honest ill take about anything at the mo.

WA, 585 posts
14 Feb 2019 10:39AM
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Good one Mocha great warung (Deki's) up on the hill too

WA, 2503 posts
14 Feb 2019 12:07PM
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The dog kebabs on the beach are better.

2224 posts
14 Feb 2019 4:09PM
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Mocha I reckon everyone in Perth would give their left nut for waves like that at the moment.
More pics fella.

Surfed local today was actually not bad

WA, 585 posts
14 Feb 2019 5:26PM
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smicko said..
The dog kebabs on the beach are better.

Haha I stick to fried eggs at Deki"s, the old man is a great bloke as is Deki's and his brother.

WA, 934 posts
14 Feb 2019 6:41PM
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Razzonater said..
Mocha I reckon everyone in Perth would give their left nut for waves like that at the moment.
More pics fella.

Surfed local today was actually not bad

I, like you, am also suffering Huey curse....those were from early January, got a few fun ones at Nysa Dua but still only 2-3ft
have hardly got that board wet again since

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
14 Feb 2019 8:27PM
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You're right Razz. A few fun wedges in places. Not many frothers.

8266 posts
15 Feb 2019 9:41AM
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I stick to the mie goreng & grilled ayam...looks fun Mocha

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
15 Feb 2019 2:59PM
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There's waves again. Small but fun looking.
The trouble is, it's been a long week and I CBF. I'll undoubtably regret it tomorrow.

WA, 3028 posts
15 Feb 2019 3:55PM
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Back in the water for me this weekend, been out with a broken toe

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
15 Feb 2019 6:32PM
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Talked myself into going out. I'm glad that I'm easily led astrqy. Fun was had.

WA, 934 posts
17 Feb 2019 12:03PM
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Thanks Huey
two really good fun surf on Saturday and Today, better than expected, little waves on the new $75 Rebel Sport Tahwali foamie.
today would actually have been worth riding my Perko Potato.
what a magnificent Perth day down on the coast......mission North could've been on....down south would be cooking

check the Gold Coast cams.....pumping

WA, 3028 posts
17 Feb 2019 3:03PM
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mocha1 said..
Thanks Huey
two really good fun surf on Saturday and Today, better than expected, little waves on the new $75 Rebel Sport Tahwali foamie.
today would actually have been worth riding my Perko Potato.
what a magnificent Perth day down on the coast......mission North could've been on....down south would be cooking

check the Gold Coast cams.....pumping

Yes, today was fun.

2224 posts
17 Feb 2019 3:52PM
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Yes it was

didnt go till 930 slept in there was actually a couple fun ones.

wasnt even planning to surf after as someone else put it ......Armageddon conditions...... but went out snared half a dozen and came in

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
17 Feb 2019 8:10PM
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I left it late. Too late as it turned out.

2224 posts
18 Feb 2019 1:48PM
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Today and yes local couple 80-100 metre+ rides...............

super crowded but super fun

WA, 543 posts
19 Feb 2019 8:41AM
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Got up for the early local. Tiny, but the water was sensational, the crowd was elsewhere and I just had a paddle session and a couple of tiny ones. Must say I dominated that peak. No-one else got a wave....

WA, 1097 posts
19 Feb 2019 8:48AM
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while most im sure went south, i went few hours north to an empty reef, offshore, glassy, chest high, 60m rights yew.

it has been glorious at the local perf of late for a swim/body bash. water temperature amazing.

WA, 2520 posts
19 Feb 2019 12:15PM
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I was surprised how cold the water was at Rotto last week snorkelling. The surf was flat, although there were a handful of guys out near Salmon Bay getting 10m rides over shallow reef

901 posts
19 Feb 2019 4:31PM
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Huey and I are friends again.

WA, 2503 posts
19 Feb 2019 7:18PM
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GPA said..
I was surprised how cold the water was at Rotto last week snorkelling. The surf was flat, although there were a handful of guys out near Salmon Bay getting 10m rides over shallow reef

Were you snorkelling north side or south side?

WA, 2520 posts
20 Feb 2019 12:36AM
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smicko said..

GPA said..
I was surprised how cold the water was at Rotto last week snorkelling. The surf was flat, although there were a handful of guys out near Salmon Bay getting 10m rides over shallow reef

Were you snorkelling north side or south side?

Mostly West (Salmon Bay) and North (City of York, Little Parakeet Bay, and The Basin). South side was on shore even at 8:00am.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie