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Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
WA, 514 posts
10 Aug 2012 5:41PM
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Uncrowded weekday surf. Always good mate. Even though i surfed like a crab today.

1011 posts
11 Aug 2012 7:52PM
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A GROUP of fishermen had a terrifying brush with a great white shark this afternoon when the 4.5m beast latched onto their dinghy's outboard motor off Ocean Reef.

The flotilla of three fishing boats had been about 4km offshore of the marina when the 4.5m shark struck about noon, pulling the motor off one of the vessels.

Fisheries Department Shark Response Unit manager Mike Burgess, who spoke to the men in the wake of the ordeal, said they had been shocked by the ferocity of the attack.

''They had a bit of burley there, obviously fishing...and the shark has come up and grabbed hold of their outboard motor of their dinghy,'' Mr Burgess recounted.

''It's had a good latch onto the outboard and it's fallen off the boat into the water.

''They were a little bit taken aback by the force of the shark and being in a smaller vessel but they've done the right thing and contacted Water Police.''

WA, 792 posts
11 Aug 2012 7:59PM
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^^^ oh Fark. That is seriously not good...

WA, 644 posts
11 Aug 2012 8:01PM
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surfed seal island till late this arvo wondered why there was no one out .stoked it didnt take our motor!!

WA, 2222 posts
11 Aug 2012 8:52PM
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Unprotect the fuggers.

WA, 312 posts
11 Aug 2012 9:54PM
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surferstu said...

A GROUP of fishermen had a terrifying brush with a great white shark this afternoon when the 4.5m beast latched onto their dinghy's outboard motor off Ocean Reef.

The flotilla of three fishing boats had been about 4km offshore of the marina when the 4.5m shark struck about noon, pulling the motor off one of the vessels.

Fisheries Department Shark Response Unit manager Mike Burgess, who spoke to the men in the wake of the ordeal, said they had been shocked by the ferocity of the attack.

''They had a bit of burley there, obviously fishing...and the shark has come up and grabbed hold of their outboard motor of their dinghy,'' Mr Burgess recounted.

''It's had a good latch onto the outboard and it's fallen off the boat into the water.

''They were a little bit taken aback by the force of the shark and being in a smaller vessel but they've done the right thing and contacted Water Police.''

Insane, are the authorities pumping them with adrenalin instead of tagging them?. Maybe its all the hormones in the sheep and cattle they are chomping on?..

It wont be long before we see the new RipCurl 7mm 'allrounder' wetty on the shelves i reckon.

901 posts
12 Aug 2012 10:26AM
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Legion said...

Unprotect the fuggers.

Come on Legion, don't sit on the fence. Tell us what you really think!

WA, 792 posts
12 Aug 2012 12:18PM
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Legion said...

Unprotect the fuggers.

+1. enough is enough

WA, 2222 posts
12 Aug 2012 12:58PM
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Zuke said...

Legion said...

Unprotect the fuggers.

Come on Legion, don't sit on the fence. Tell us what you really think!

Your outboard might be a bit big for an aggressive 4.5m fish, but I just can't relax in the water lately.

901 posts
12 Aug 2012 1:42PM
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I've been doing a bit of research on the GW's lately trying to work out what's going on. So far I'm of the opinion that there hasn't been an "explosion in their population" as many have said but I do think they are coming closer to the coast more often than they used to. I don't think that there is a "rogue shark" with a taste for people because there would be a lot more carnage, it would be very easy for a GW to go on a killing spree with all the easy pickings in the water each day, let alone the weekends.

The thing that puzzles me is why? I just don't know. I used to be of the very strong belief that we should tag and monitor them but leave them be.

That belief is starting to wane.

WA, 2520 posts
12 Aug 2012 2:24PM
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Legion said...

Zuke said...

Legion said...

Unprotect the fuggers.

Come on Legion, don't sit on the fence. Tell us what you really think!

Your outboard might be a bit big for an aggressive 4.5m fish, but I just can't relax in the water lately.

Yeah - I went out at a beachie yesterday close to where that clubbies' surf-ski got bitten in two... didn't hesitate to go out, but it did cross my mind more than a couple of times whilst paddling back out or waiting for a wave.

My mate and I were the third and second last to come in - leaving a young teenie out there alone. Thankfully, as I walked up the beach I saw him start to paddle in...

Buster fin
WA, 2578 posts
12 Aug 2012 3:10PM
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I'm glad too see that you are optimistic, but did you see said grom exit the water??

WA, 2222 posts
12 Aug 2012 3:14PM
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Lots of dark patches drifting past along the bottom today. Spooky.

WA, 6913 posts
12 Aug 2012 3:18PM
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GPA 4.30 at Mulla point a 3.5 mtr pooped next to a couple at the point
Reported on Shark Alarm.
Totally agree Zuke. Its my belief there in close looking for food unfortunately.
I think we've over fished and a imbalance has left us were we are now. But even more scared we could make it worse if we cull

WA, 792 posts
12 Aug 2012 3:47PM
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jbshack said...
I think we've over fished and a imbalance has left us were we are now. But even more scared we could make it worse if we cull

Crock of sh1t JB. There is PLENTY of food for them.
Please explain how if we culled it could make it worse??? Makes absolutely no sense to me...

WA, 6913 posts
12 Aug 2012 4:54PM
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Woodo said...

jbshack said...
I think we've over fished and a imbalance has left us were we are now. But even more scared we could make it worse if we cull

Crock of sh1t JB. There is PLENTY of food for them.
Please explain how if we culled it could make it worse??? Makes absolutely no sense to me...

I did say my opinion but Woodo if you 100% know the answer feel free to share?

For have no idea but there are lots of possibilities. Could be anything like smaller shark numbers like maybe bull shark numbers race out of control attacking more than the whites. Seals could get to plague proportions run low on food and start attacking humans? Who knows. I'm not arigant enough though to just say kill it because I don't understand it
But that's my idea and feel free to have your own.

WA, 792 posts
12 Aug 2012 5:28PM
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Ok I'll share with you why I believe they are in close to shore. It's the time of year. July through to Octoberish migrating species such as whales are on the move, big winter tailor are in close around reefs, salmon are on the move, demersals such as duwies and pinkies are in closer to shore rather than out deeper like in the summer months and the whites are following along. Fishing Saturday morning had half a dozen minky whales hanging around my boat for a good half an hour. My brother went fishing Friday night and had the same. They had to move because the whales would just not go away from the boat. I can garauntee that there would have been some big bities not to far away either.
After being protected for 13 years it is just not plausible to me that numbers have not increased. Dramatically.
There are loads of fish metro. Don't let anyone tell you different. You just need to know where to go.
I'm not an expert by any means. I'm only going off having grown up in Perth and being on, in and around the ocean my whole life.
Nobody knows for 100% why and nobody ever will.

On a different not coming in after my fish Saturday and there's a dude on a SUP paddling along the outer reefs of hillarys. Farkin pretty keen. Long paddle in if something goes wrong...

901 posts
12 Aug 2012 5:47PM
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Woodo, I agree there's still plenty of fish compared to 5 or even 10 years ago you just have to put the effort in. The people that cry "there are no fish left" are probably comparing today to the 80's when you just couldn't miss.

As for your reasoning with the migrating whales and fish moving inshore that happens every year and we don't usually have anywhere near this many confirmed sightings of Great Whites. It used to be a summer thing now it's year round.

Then there are the attacks. We've never had anything like this before.

That leaves why. Like I said earlier I think more are coming closer to shore than before. Every shark expert says they are slow breeders and it's not physically possible for there numbers to have increased dramatically so quickly. They also can't tell us how many there are now and that they have never known. Which leaves the average non expert to jump to the conclusion that there must have been a population explosion then.

Of course the numbers would have increased to some extent over the time they have been protected but why so many sightings and fatalities in such a SHORT space of time?

WA, 792 posts
12 Aug 2012 6:09PM
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More of them, not scared of people and have now grown and learnt to associate boats/people with an easy feed IMO.

1011 posts
12 Aug 2012 6:21PM
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Woodo said...

More of them, not scared of people and have now grown and learnt to associate boats/people with an easy feed IMO.

+1 that's it in a nutshell

WA, 6913 posts
12 Aug 2012 6:56PM
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surferstu said...

Woodo said...

More of them, not scared of people and have now grown and learnt to associate boats/people with an easy feed IMO.

+1 that's it in a nutshell

Totally agree. Hard part is people will then feed them to stay so they can film the shark. Sharks are smart and sadly I think fisherman are not. If you get sharked sadly you need to move off. Not just sit there feeding them only to then later complain when sharks start to follow boats. Look at sambo jigging. It's now almost impossible to land a fish of the popular spots. You can even pick the sambos on bottom and the shark schools in between with a good sounder

901 posts
12 Aug 2012 7:07PM
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Woodo said...

More of them, not scared of people and have now grown and learnt to associate boats/people with an easy feed IMO.

So what do we do? With as much detail as possible please.

WA, 792 posts
12 Aug 2012 7:37PM
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Zuke said...

Woodo said...

More of them, not scared of people and have now grown and learnt to associate boats/people with an easy feed IMO.

So what do we do? With as much detail as possible please.

Here we go again...
I personally would like to see whites that come into populated beaches eradicated, whites that attack people and are then immediately followed destroyed and whites that menace boats got rid of. Last sshhnapper season whites were picking pinkies of peoples lines boatside in Cockburn sound. That's just not on. I know it's their ocean, their domain rah rah but people forget it's OUR ocean too.
I'm not really infavour of a massive cull, rather pick off the sharks that are coming into direct contact with humans.
Tagging? Expensive and difficult to do, and once again they are burleying up massively to get the sharks in, which then is teaching the sharks to associate boats/people with food isn't it...??
I'd like to see cage diving banned but that will never happen...
Netting beaches? Bit undecided. It wouldn't have prevented the majority of recent attacks.
Whatever our government decide to do they need to pull their finger out and get on with it. All their talk of we're going to do this where going to do that bullsh1t isn't resolving anything.

901 posts
12 Aug 2012 8:23PM
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Good on you Woodo for your detailed ideas. I also think cage diving is a mistake, it won't be stopped in South Africa because of the tourism dollar. Tagged sharks have been monitored between there and here so that's just bad luck for us. I'm nearly open to the idea of killing a GW that's a KNOW people killer. I don't think netting is a good idea for a number of reasons and I don't like the idea of an open cull.

We really do need to deter them, make then not like hanging around us again. I'm not sure if killing the ones that come in contact with us ( meaning hanging around a boat well offshore ) is the answer. It's not like they will learn a lesson that they can pass on. To me that's a way of culling them.

Thanks for the intelligent Sunday conversation.

WA, 792 posts
12 Aug 2012 8:28PM
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No worries mate

WA, 6913 posts
12 Aug 2012 8:36PM
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For me it comes back to the same old argument. I agree it is our ocean too and we need it to be healthily. We rely on on if for more than most understand and I'm scared we have no idea what could happen if we destroy it. Removing the apex preditor will make changes but what? We dont know and we need to slow down the strip mining attitude to the ocean. We need to stop polluting the ocean and I think we need to be more to look after our selves first. By protecting the ocean first. (typed on I phone so sorry for any mistakes)

WA, 401 posts
12 Aug 2012 9:10PM
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Noticed you have chimed in on the shark debate at last zuke. Of all people you must be one of the ones affected the most (with your offshore reef surfing). Has the number of sightings freaked you out and has it changed your approach to surfing yet?
It has definently changed mine. I will still surf offshore reefs but not early in the morning or late in the arvo ever again (mid day with a spear gun in each hand is all I can handle ha ha :-). And there are just some spots I won't even paddle out to anymore. My local outer reef is one of em.

WA, 2520 posts
12 Aug 2012 10:50PM
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Buster fin said...

I'm glad too see that you are optimistic, but did you see said grom exit the water??

Well, I did check and he was back with a group of lidders at the main car park bank (on his way in)...

901 posts
13 Aug 2012 8:54AM
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Big, lumpy and offshore this morning with some bombs coming through at Trigg. Nice big clean drops with some holding up but you had to be patient with it being pretty random. No one else out either.

WA, 682 posts
13 Aug 2012 9:37AM
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speaking of changing your surf habits, mate of mine has a deal with his misses that is interesting. He will not surf alone. Not a huge issue we thought, the other day it was cranking and he wanted an early one before work, I'm not into it and neither is anyone else, so he chooses a well known spot and sits and waits for someone to go out, sat for an hour watching set after set, by the time someone did turn up it was 7.45am and time to go to work How things have changed....


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie