Hiyaz...a lot of good pix have been lost in the matrix over the years. Thought it might be handy to have a pix thread for everyone to post...cheers
A few pix I took today before it warmed up enough for me to put my toes in the water
Had some fun on a long smackable lefty today (first 3 pics), then popped into the local to take a few pics playing around with different focal lengths between 75-125 (150-250 equivelent). Looking forward to taking some pics with the sun out
Well school holidays are on again & If you didn't surf as a grom, you missed out...the surf was always heaps bigger & going off. Just like these lil rippers this arvo
Pic dump for a cold wildn wooly winters day of where you would rather be right now. Well me for one anyway , some of u lucky buggers are there right now.
Fun waves on the shortie today after testing out a new lense I scored off ebay (vario 45 - 175). Stoked with it
Nice photos there Mick - Today certainly delivered. I Had a solid session in Perth's southern beaches.
Any hints on photo location, cryptic or otherwise?
And Don't worry I'm Just curious - I'm not going to rockup with carload full of **** heads ready to ruin the surf.
Forum etiquette is to keep the names of spots to yourself even if you know them. Please just enjoy the pics & cheers for yours
Fun waves today with long rides, had a few link up with the break next door. Great fun on an old 6'0 board I've found new life on with diff fin setup
The Shark 2018...LOL
Pic taken with Sony xperia 5 phone, not my good cam that I left in a friends car oOps...
Taiwan 2018
Hawaii 2019