Forums > Windsurfing General

Another example of why we dislike it.

Created by sausage > 9 months ago, 19 Oct 2009
NSW, 406 posts
23 Oct 2009 1:24PM
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Yesterday I saw a kiter try and launch his kite on a beach that was packed with heaps of people, little kids included, instead of walking down wind away from the crowd. His mate was doing something to his own kite so this fella decides he will launch the thing without his mates help. Instead of going straight up it dragged sideways along the sand (I think he got an unexpected gust as it looked too powerful for him). The lines would have been 1-3ft above the sand. It was stupidly dangerous. Could of necked kids and adults (who were scrambeling out of the way).

As Willaus said, they take up a lot more room than a windsurfer. Is it for the attention seeking that some do this ****, selfish, oblivious, or just plane stupid? Is it a two man sport?

There are many kiters, older guys out there that are great and don't do this. This particular bloke looked young. Lucky his mate noticed his stupidity and grabbed the kite before harm was done. Once on the water he couldn't do one thing, he was 'strapless' and it looked horribly lame.

NSW, 9029 posts
23 Oct 2009 1:41PM
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Looks like strapless boards are all the rage now. Probably it was shown in a magazine or a video. As kiting is a trend sport they will all be doing it even if they can't. Time to dust off that old surfboard and stick it on the kiting buy and sell as a strapless kiteboard.

WA, 61 posts
23 Oct 2009 11:16AM
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peto said...

Once on the water he couldn't do one thing, he was 'strapless' and it looked horribly lame.

I've always said kiteboarders dress sense was lame. Obviously the "little strapless number" should only be worn out late in the evenings.......did he have heels on too???

NSW, 1714 posts
23 Oct 2009 3:25PM
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Willaus0001 said...

i think its pretty straight forward and its been said so many times before: A kiteboarder takes up 20+m of space, and a windsurfer takes about 3m. So kiters have the responsibility to be much more careful simply because they are taking up more riding area.

Couldn't agree more. Safety is a big issue in kiting, particularly on crowded summer beaches. We don't want to be banned from popular beaches because of the actions of a careless few. We actively help each other to launch and land safely. If a new kiters appears on our local beach we pay particular attention to their behaviour to make sure they know what they're doing and if they don't we intervene. Quite often there are harsh words exchanged between kiters if kiters act irresponsibly. So please don't think all kiters are careless halfwits, we're not. We manage to kite in a group without running into each other, obeying the rules of sailing and often go to the asssitance of people in trouble.
Unfortunately, as much as we try, you can't regulate for stupidity since there are idiots everywhere, in every sport.

WA, 331 posts
23 Oct 2009 9:27PM
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Well said KIT33R. You should be the Mayor of Kitesurfshire, and if your constituents shared the attitude you claim to have, it would be good for your sport.
I will be the first to admit that when the first kite appeared at our "spot" we were all set to jump on board! But before we had time to get our sh1t together it had attrated a bunch of w4nkers who thought they were Gods gift to water sports! The rest is history!
I am not other representing any other poleys, this is only my 2 cents worth. But if kiters conducted themselves a little differently this forum would be boring.

NSW, 406 posts
24 Oct 2009 12:39AM
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Krisiz1, do you use Point7 wavesails? How do they go?

NSW, 2005 posts
24 Oct 2009 1:23AM
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Krisiz1 said...

Well said KIT33R. You should be the Mayor of Kitesurfshire, and if your constituents shared the attitude you claim to have, it would be good for your sport. (...)

Well, it's true that his reply brought tears to the eyes.

Problem is that they all have the same discourse - every single last effing one of them. Talk to them - they always say the others are dangerous, those are a minority, etc.

Yet these nice words conflict sharply with observation: very many leaving lines around on the water and you have to sail around (or in my case, plough into). The fair number of them launching dangerously, and the absolute 100% of them taking all the room on the beach while laying the lines.

Nice discourse, same result in the end.

3 spots closed here because of them's dorks in a small area here in the last 2 years alone. One was a behaviour thing (a church parking lot that had been open to windsurfing for 20 years), 2 others for multiple incidents with non-windsurfing beachgoers. I had not heard of a spot closed because of windsurfers alone in the past 20 years. And 1-2 more at risk from local city councils.

Those places aren't closed because of a single individual, but the accumulation of very many of those people and their behaviour.

Again, great speech. I have no doubt he's the exception.

toes up
15 posts
23 Oct 2009 10:47PM
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I spent 2 moonth at Corownation last summer with a heep of fellow windsurfers ,we didnt post or hear about all the
incerdents did we , windsurfers breaking legs , colliding with each other ,shall I go on.
My Grandmother fell getting of the bus in Swanbourne broke her leg did that make the forum

WA, 331 posts
23 Oct 2009 10:58PM
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toes up said...

I spent 2 moonth at Corownation last summer with a heep of fellow windsurfers ,we didnt post or hear about all the
incerdents did we , windsurfers breaking legs , colliding with each other ,shall I go on.
My Grandmother fell getting of the bus in Swanbourne broke her leg did that make the forum

Very sorry to learn of your grandmothers accident(sincerely). (But) I assume she got off the bus and tripped over a kitesurfer's lines! Those prix don't care about anyone when they rig up!

WA, 6277 posts
23 Oct 2009 11:12PM
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Hands up all the windsurfers in this thread who have actually tried kiting.

One of the funny things about learning to kite as a windsurfer is that, for me at least, there was a moment when I realised just how judgemental I had become...

When you give kiting a go you'll realise:
1) It's harder than it looks
2) It's scarier than it looks
3) Kiters are people too

It also helped me to get over my fear of strings, now I'll happily get much closer to kiters than ever before -- because I have a much better idea of what they're about to do.

Highly recommend you give it a go, it will make you a happier person next time you're out windsurfing

NSW, 2005 posts
24 Oct 2009 2:27AM
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Huh, how is it that trying it will make the lines go away next time I windsurf? I may understand why they're all over, but it doesn't remove the lines for next time.

Actually kiters I talk to claim it was easy to learn. Good on them too. Heck, learning fancy tricks on a seadoo is difficult - yet I still don't appreciate when they drive way close to shore.

To the guy with a grandma that said he hasn't heard of an accident in one summer - firstly, some beaches are way more open, hence much fewer risks - perhaps yours is one. Also: I've seen guys thinking they were safe... when families were runnning around to avoid the downwind area. Actually the very reason of the those places I was mentioning was closed, by the way. Everything was fine until...

As an ex-pat, I live in the Great lakes area. In spite of them's lakes being pretty darn big, all launches are small and few in numbers. A few kiters - and learners or pro don't seem to make a difference, and it can become a nightmare to take off. Both on the beach and on water.

But granted, if the beach is 10 miles long and they launch from a secluded area - no problem there. I was at Hatteras few weeks ago - big place, we were miles away from kiters. No there was no scare or incident with us.

Sorry about the grandma.

NSW, 148 posts
24 Oct 2009 7:57AM
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Krisiz1 said...

Well said KIT33R. You should be the Mayor of Kitesurfshire

Can you all go to kitesurfshire and stay there?

154 posts
24 Oct 2009 5:08AM
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nebbian said... I'll happily get much closer to kiters than ever before -- because I have a much better idea of what they're about to do.

Yes, but do they?

Highly recommend you give it a go, it will make you a happier person next time you're out windsurfing

Think I'd be happier windsurfing next time I go windsurfing

NSW, 1714 posts
24 Oct 2009 3:01PM
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Thanks to all the people who posted positive ideas here. I love my sport and I'm sure you love yours, it's keeping us all young in mind and body. Remember, it's much easier to criticise than it is to find solutions.

I windsurfed for 10 years back in the 80's. Surf and flat water. Loved every minute of it. Kids, study and work came along and I drifted away. Modern windsurfers look awsome. I wish I had more money and time to give it a go.

WA, 3469 posts
24 Oct 2009 12:54PM
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Reflex Films said...

check out this mid air collision ! I reckon the windsurfer jumped into the kiter...

Actually I believe in this case the kite boarder would be at fault. If you are on the way out and someone is following you just down wind you should never do any jumps that might result in your falling right in front of the person following. Doesn't matter if you kite board or windsurf.

Kitesurfing in the surf has gone backwards in the last 5 years - lots of lame riding along next to the wave action - crew with no skills trying to ride unstrapped- because its cool apparently - completely missing / avoiding all the bubble sections. Throwing teaspoons of water out the back of the wave while being locked into a heelside stance cos they can only ride one way- Felix was smashing it 10 times harder 7 years ago!!

I'd agree re the kiteboarding... It hurst me when I see those tools with their twin tip boards trying to ride a wave. It's like taking a speed board out on a wave.

However, I got a mate from Mauritius (his name is Marcus) who goes up to Gnaraloo sometimes and he is the closest thing I have seen to riding a wave like a surfer...
... he tells me he only uses his kite to get out past the break on to get enough speed to get on the wave... after that he mostly rides the wave with the kite in neutral. Funnily enough he rarely fights people for a wave and I certainly have never seen him drop in on anyone.

Can't say the same for a lot of the other tools riding in Gnaraloo.

WA, 7608 posts
24 Oct 2009 7:53PM
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Hey sick wavesailing Reflex
Leech and I had four days in a row of similar conditions there
I will have to put together some footage I got.

WA, 2331 posts
24 Oct 2009 8:09PM
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Greenroom said...

Hey sick wavesailing Reflex
Leech and I had four days in a row of similar conditions there
I will have to put together some footage I got.

Hey Greenroom, I'm envious you bugger.
I think I only had one good day of sailing after seeing you and that was at Lano this Tuesday.

NSW, 692 posts
24 Oct 2009 11:25PM
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nebbian said...

Hands up all the windsurfers in this thread who have actually tried kiting.

Or Hands up Kiters that used to windsurf. (I think you will find that a lot of us actually started out windsurfing, and migrated over to kiting)

The crew I kite along side, certainly don't behave they way most windsurfers complain about. I certainly have seen a bunch of tossers, that do spoil it for us. But I can say the same for any sport. Look at NRL, AFL, Cricket. Etc. You will always find a bunch of morons that don't have respect for any person.

Rant Over.

PS I hope the southerly hits earlier than predicted and we can all be out on the water.

NSW, 2005 posts
25 Oct 2009 5:14AM
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kyteryder said...
I think you will find that a lot of us actually started out windsurfing, and migrated over to kiting

Stating the obvious here...

kyteryder said...
But I can say the same for any sport. Look at NRL, AFL, Cricket. Etc. You will always find a bunch of morons that don't have respect for any person.

Funny I've seen precious few cricketers and Leaguers be a physical threat to beachgoers and families and other sports.
Or take up 90% of otherwise public places. Or provoke the closing of public areas.

QLD, 2770 posts
25 Oct 2009 7:52AM
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pierrec45 said...

As an ex-pat, I live in the Great lakes area.

so you don't actually sail in aus?
good one. is there a great lakes water sports forum? i might log on and whinge about the windsurfers who annoy me when i kite in nsw

NSW, 2005 posts
25 Oct 2009 10:15AM
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stamp said...

pierrec45 said...

As an ex-pat, I live in the Great lakes area.

so you don't actually sail in aus?
good one. is there a great lakes water sports forum? i might log on and whinge about the windsurfers who annoy me when i kite in nsw

But you are whinging right now, aren't you?
I'm not whinging - I advocate to ride over the lines.

Yes, there are N-E US fora, is one that goes by US regions. You'll find the kite topics just the same.

Do I sail in Oz? Actually, will be doing my Xmas rels pilgrimage soon, will be sailing B-Bay and Wanda I hope. As soon as I winterize my big boat.

Did you have any more questions for me?

NSW, 692 posts
25 Oct 2009 11:15AM
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Mr Ex-Pat,

It seems you don't keep up Aussie Current Affairs. What nonsense you talk! Every Sport has a few tossers in amongst the mist, and are a danger to society. It seems we know which group you belong to. Have you worked out how to roll or fold your Sail yet, or still a little difficult for an expert like yourself.

VIC, 4982 posts
25 Oct 2009 12:30PM
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Unfortunately it's normal behaviour for people to complain about new things.

Swimmers complained about surfers in the 1920s. Windsurfers complain about kiteboarders. Surfers complain about everybody.

It's also normal for some people to isolate examples of bad behaviour or accidents and hold them up as reasons to hate or fear the new thing.

The reality is that kiteboarding is here to stay. Get used to it. The gear is now excellent and lots of people can do it competently and safely.

The reality is that most people are decent and get along with each other and problems don't happen. I have once downed my kite in a surf zone in over 1000 hours of kiting. In that one occasion a surfer retrieved my board while I relaunched the kite. A potential problem became a minor inconvenience because people acted decently and sensibly.

I have kept an eye on sailboarders in difficulty and rescued one guy after his mast broke. It's all part of normal behaviour for water sports and seamanship in particular.

If you deliberately run over a kiters lines you are more likely to fall flat on your face and possibly damage your fin, your board or yourself. In short, it's ****ing stupid. If you can't share the water sensibly with other craft then get off the water.

QLD, 2770 posts
25 Oct 2009 11:51AM
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Gorgo said...

If you deliberately run over a kiters lines you are more likely to fall flat on your face and possibly damage your fin, your board or yourself. In short, it's ****ing stupid.

if you deliberately run over my lines you are also likely to fall on a fist on the beach afterwards

NSW, 2005 posts
26 Oct 2009 2:06AM
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No I run into them when they are in the way and stay so all day. On some beaches, it just prevents coming out. There haven't been too many fist things so far - they know they are in the way and won't pull out. Not a problem.

Last time I was at the Airport strip, they were in a different area, and it was not a problem. Might just be there (or Kurnell or whatever) in about a month, as a matter of fact.

That "I can act the way I want because people are averse to new thing" is dumb. Heard skinheads use that in court on TV. Was Yank TV, mind you.

Yes I do know how to roll the sail - you misread. Anyone can just roll up sails. It is that I don't know yet how to prevent the breakage on that very particular material. Spoke to a major sailmaker, and he doesn't know either. Seems the combo Mylar-Dacron hasn't progressed in the last 20 years. More questions ?

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
26 Oct 2009 12:51PM
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pierrec45 said... More questions ?

261 posts
26 Oct 2009 1:52PM
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stamp said...

Gorgo said...

If you deliberately run over a kiters lines you are more likely to fall flat on your face and possibly damage your fin, your board or yourself. In short, it's ****ing stupid.

if you deliberately run over my lines you are also likely to fall on a fist on the beach afterwards

Nice one Chuck Norris. Does that come with a round house kick?

"Scotty in Star Trek often says “Ye cannae change the laws of physics.” This is untrue. Stamp can change the laws of physics. With his fists. "

"Contrary to popular belief, the Titanic didn't hit an iceberg. The ship was off course and accidentally ran into Stamp while he was doing the backstroke across the Atlantic."

"Stamp invented his own type of karate. It's called Stamp-Will-Kill."

"When Stamp does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down."

"Stamp invented the Giraffe when he kicked a horse in the chin"

WA, 61 posts
26 Oct 2009 2:36PM
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invented the Giraffe when he kicked a horse in the chin"

Stamp's horse was having a really bad day after running over Stamp's kite lines drying in the sun......

QLD, 2770 posts
26 Oct 2009 4:47PM
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yeah that was a bit of a stupid reaction to post. my bad.

i just hope nobody ever runs through my lines with a skeg on purpose. its the same as if someone said they will deliberately run a knife through your outhaul if you get in their way.

QLD, 2770 posts
26 Oct 2009 4:50PM
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you forgot these ones boris;

Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands.
Chuck Norris' calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; no one fools Chuck Norris.
Leading hand sanitizers claim they can kill 99.9 percent of germs. Chuck Norris can kill 100 percent of whatever the **** he wants.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.
Chuck Norris was originally cast as the main character in 24, but was replaced by the producers when he managed to kill every terrorist and save the day in 12 minutes and 37 seconds.
Some kids piss their name in the snow. Chuck Norris can piss his name into concrete.
Once, while having sex in a tractor-trailer, part of Chuck Norris' sperm escaped and got into the engine. We now know this truck as Optimus Prime.
Chuck Norris can speak braille.
Chuck Norris died ten years ago, but the Grim Reaper can't get up the courage to tell him.
Superman owns a pair of Chuck Norris pajamas.
Chuck Norris puts the "laughter" in "manslaughter".
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoly card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game Uno.
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
Chuck Norris can slam revolving doors.
Chuck Norris doesn't pop his collar, his shirts just get erections when they touch his body.
Chuck Norris was once on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and was the first to spin. The next 29 minutes of the show consisted of everyone standing around awkwardly, waiting for the wheel to stop.
Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light. Not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting implies the possibility of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.
Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
Once a cobra bit Chuck Norris' leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.
Chuck Norris is not hung like a horse... horses are hung like Chuck Norris
When Chuck Norris gives you the finger, he's telling you how many seconds you have left to live.
Chuck Norris doesn't have hair on his testicles, because hair does not grow on steel.
If you play Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" backwards, you will hear Chuck Norris banging your sister.
Chuck Norris' dog is trained to pick up his own poop because Chuck Norris will not take **** from anyone.
Giraffes were created when Chuck Norris uppercutted a horse.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Another example of why we dislike it." started by sausage