Forums > Windsurfing General

Another example of why we dislike it.

Created by sausage > 9 months ago, 19 Oct 2009
QLD, 4873 posts
26 Oct 2009 9:39PM
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KIT33R said...

What a pack of grumpy old men windsurfers have turned out to be. I'm glad I gave up windsurfing and took up a sport, kiteboarding, where people are genuinely happy and positive. Get over it boys - life too short to carry grudges.

Haircut said...

that's because there's only 5 of us under the age of 40

There's some older guys who kite as well haircut.

QLD, 4873 posts
26 Oct 2009 9:53PM
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Actually the above photo was uncalled for (Bad form Brian) and only fuels the fire.

On a more serious note, it was never my intention to turn this thread into a poley versus teabagger slanging match. but rather express a personal gripe with the sport, that being the kite's unpredictability and the fact that even the best can find themselves in some serious sh1t even in some rather normal weather conditions.

It's never been about the ratio of idiot kiters to idiot sailborders (although anyone with documentary proof of a ratio is welcome to enlighten me.)

WA, 61 posts
26 Oct 2009 9:27PM
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sausage said...

I really didn't need to know what they wore under the yellow and purple pokka dot Boardies Sausage....

WA, 331 posts
26 Oct 2009 9:52PM
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I think this poleys V kiters thread has in the main been fairly well handled by both sides and hence made a humourous read regardless of which team you bat for. Bring on some more I say as long as it is delivered and received in the right spirit Some valid points have been made

WA, 331 posts
26 Oct 2009 10:04PM
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peto said...

Krisiz1, do you use Point7 wavesails? How do they go?

(Sorry, just saw this on a re-read) Yeah I love it, not just because it's got a silhouette of a woman on it, but because it has a good windrange for a 4.7, although I rarely sail in waves, just b&j. There is a better thread on reports from other guys but I don't have time to search. Cheers

9 posts
28 Oct 2009 7:54AM
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Nice to see a video from Holland on a forum at the other side of the world I was on the same spot that day(didn't see him flying though) and I was 3,5 fully overpowered. I think you're just plain stupid if you go play with your kite upwind from a bunch of windsurfers with this windspeed.. a while ago a kiter died and one was heavily injured because of a sudden change from 14 knots to 30+... Both experienced kiters. Another confirmation that it is still a dangerous "sport" (eventhough they say that the modern kites are way more safer then the older ones).

NSW, 9202 posts
28 Oct 2009 4:36PM
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So statistically are you more likely to die from a kite or a shark?

(I second what Krizis1 said. 'Tis all in good fun.)

WA, 61 posts
2 Nov 2009 2:29PM
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EP This might help explain the mortality differences:

QLD, 123 posts
2 Nov 2009 6:01PM
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I am all into this Poleys v teabaggers thing. Its like the Surfers v Boogieboarders, League v GayFL sorry AFL.
Unfortunatley the Kiters in my region dont play fair. They wave and smile and nod when sailing past. I have just recently had a kiteboarder fix a sail for me for god sake and check the depth of the water for me before i went on a speed run.
Oh and there are a couple of the female variety (in which windsurfing there are none up here).
I try to dislike it but they make it hard

QLD, 679 posts
2 Nov 2009 6:13PM
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Well I did raise that kiter and I don't have a problem with him being gay


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Another example of why we dislike it." started by sausage