Forums > Windsurfing General

Caption Competition - End Sunday 24th

Created by evlPanda > 9 months ago, 17 Feb 2008
WA, 4642 posts
19 Feb 2008 5:25PM
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"Goofyfoot???.. Dagnabit sonny jim,.. They're Hushpuppies!"

SA, 3025 posts
19 Feb 2008 8:28PM
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evlPanda said...

I noticed some sharp wits around so I propose a weekly caption competition. You know, add a funny caption for a photograph.

- Vote by clicking the thumbs-up/thumbs-down thingies.
- Winner gets to pick the next image.

Week #1

(I'd add a caption myself but I'm still cracking up just looking at it, I'll do later)
Early signs of dementia can be as innocent as forgetting your harness.

"Well Evlpanda -it was 1943 - stationed in a little village in Tahiti called cowpoo or something -Towed in by a PT - sick steep take off - nose dived - got hell caned.
The pictures make it look way smaller than what it was".

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
19 Feb 2008 7:35PM
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Constipation often left Godfrey disorientated and confused.

NSW, 1600 posts
19 Feb 2008 11:56PM
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'the sea was angry that day my friends....."

QLD, 554 posts
20 Feb 2008 1:09AM
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'looks like it's pickin up! this ol walkin stick aint gonna cut it, im heading in for my zimmer frame!'

1553 posts
20 Feb 2008 12:34AM
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lean forward and bend these knees and i should be able to flip the damn sail if i could just see it...

QLD, 5610 posts
20 Feb 2008 9:59AM
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OUTA THE WAY! ya pill popping hip hopping young upstarts ! This is GEORGES WAVE !! and buy some pants that FIT ya mumble grumble ......

NSW, 584 posts
20 Feb 2008 1:13PM
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89 years old, and Boris still thinks it better than sex.....

NSW, 9202 posts
20 Feb 2008 1:20PM
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He sat down to watch the DVDs he'd picked up in Thailand. There was something not quite right about his copy of "The Windsurfing Movie".

NSW, 714 posts
20 Feb 2008 1:27PM
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Kudos to Abe Simpson,

"One trick is to tell em stories that don’t go anywhere - like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. “Give me five bees for a quarter,” you’d say. Now where were we? Oh yeah - the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones…"

QLD, 5610 posts
20 Feb 2008 1:08PM
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NSW, 584 posts
20 Feb 2008 2:43PM
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Boris always wanted to try pole dancing....

QLD, 5610 posts
20 Feb 2008 2:09PM
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oops.......not a good time for that to happen....

knot board
QLD, 1241 posts
20 Feb 2008 2:37PM
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Desmond misunderstood when the doctor said he would be connected to tubes if he refused his medicine.

WA, 14670 posts
20 Feb 2008 1:58PM
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Week #1

The grandkids could never understand why grandpa was always so tired when he returned from his visit to the 'bowling club'...

WA, 14670 posts
20 Feb 2008 2:23PM
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Week #1

Norman thought he would pay back the local young kids for stealing his wheel chair, but when it came down to it in the end he was hooked...

WA, 164 posts
20 Feb 2008 5:26PM
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I Am Knot An Animal

WA, 2331 posts
20 Feb 2008 5:28PM
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"oooooooooooooooohhhh, crap!!?

TAS, 2213 posts
20 Feb 2008 8:07PM
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"Doggonit, that can of HTFU really works!"

QLD, 6481 posts
20 Feb 2008 8:50PM
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Richiefish said...

oops.......not a good time for that to happen....

the kite's at 7 o'clock that's HARD CORE!! i know this coz i got me a watch

QLD, 7428 posts
21 Feb 2008 1:27AM
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As time went by Arancine became older and more deluded. Haunted by a morbid fear of spiders the aging dish pig escaped to a world of fantastic abandon, a world of carnival and sideshow, a world where his mean and circumscribed existence morphed into the fabulous world of the porn star. As the over-endowed Pene Gelati he strutted before the blue screen to the simpering blandishments of wanton women the world over. Such was the unique power of his delusion that it became listed in the DSM as Aranoia, a condition of profound sexual delusion seen mainly in adolescent males. "Was that a take?" he uttered to no one in particular.

QLD, 1451 posts
21 Feb 2008 10:39AM
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I think those prunes are starting to work!

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
21 Feb 2008 4:02PM
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Now where did that contact lens go, and someone turn down that damn television!

TAS, 2213 posts
21 Feb 2008 6:21PM
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"Better than viagra"

WA, 119 posts
23 Feb 2008 5:18AM
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The local windsurfing association failed to get new blood into the sport

NSW, 9202 posts
24 Feb 2008 6:58PM
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We have a close tie:

knot board
Some elderly folk wait in line for their pension cheque but Bill can usually be found waiting in the line up.


knot board
Desmond misunderstood when the doctor said he would be connected to tubes if he refused his medicine.

Congratulations knot board. Now you have the honour of selecting a new image.


WA, 1933 posts
24 Feb 2008 9:01PM
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Well done KB!

251 posts
25 Feb 2008 1:50AM
Thumbs Up

Congratulations knot board. Now you have the honour of selecting a new image.


No more bikini clad model bimbos on boards please KnotBoard.

Seen enough of them on this site lately. I know it'll put me out of favour with 99% of you, but I'm over it and all the desperado male comments. *wincing like a marginalised minority group member*


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Caption Competition - End Sunday 24th" started by evlPanda