Forums > Windsurfing General

Sail/board designers

Created by fpw9082 > 9 months ago, 10 Sep 2018
1972 posts
16 Sep 2018 3:20AM
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Me, but only a few were made, extremely exclusive, all ridden by me, not available on the open market.

NSW, 20 posts
17 Sep 2018 6:58AM
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Neil Tasker. Barracouta Sails. Justin Lord Lord Racing

173 posts
17 Sep 2018 8:30AM
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Mark _australia said..
^^ actually -yes a lot to do with racing sail design.

nah, thinking waveboards though

Deadset legend, Had a couple of his slalom boards + one of his wave boards that wave board was fast enough to keep up with slalom dudes but turned on a dime still have it (in my Bro's shed )

joe windsurf
1481 posts
17 Sep 2018 8:47AM
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George Greenough - before MWsails :-)

1972 posts
17 Sep 2018 11:59AM
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Great board design also, his spoon, we used to sail with him quite a bit here in California in the late 80's. But in all that time I only saw one other person use a spoon that he built, his good friend Charlie Coffee. Everything else he built was used mostly only by himself, all of it cutting edge stuff, mostly booms (carbon), masts (carbon and skinny), and sails (dbl luff w/ carbon battens), everything else worked great but was questionable for the mass market.

TAS, 14 posts
18 Sep 2018 9:22AM
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A few tassie legends
Terry Horton
Liegh Steven
Tony Woods
Nick Stranger

Liegh especially as he was also into foil dynamics in wind and water (back in the 80's)

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
18 Sep 2018 10:23AM
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Marco Copello still shaping I think.

3.00 onwards in the video.

90 posts
19 Sep 2018 10:00AM
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Dan Kaesler - Avanti Sails (Rushwind, Naish, Gaastra)

TAS, 113 posts
19 Oct 2018 11:37PM
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Harold Iggy - Naish
Ed Angulo - Angulo
Stephan van den Berg - Bic
Stephen McGeary - Speed
Don Montague - Gaastra
Phil Caroll - Merimbula Sailboards
Warren Cornish - Cornish
John Hall - Hybrid
Rod Hocker - Shane/Concaves
Kym Thompson - Watercooled
Ken Dures - Prosail
Hughes de Tuckheim - Tiga
Dave Russell - Rushwind
Martin Littlewood - Delta Designs
Malte Simmer - Simmer
Peter Thommen - F2
Bruce Hegie - Ulladulla
Craig Maisonville - High Tech
Randy French - Seatrend
Les Purcell - Les Purcell Sailboards
Kai Hopf - North Sails
David Ezzy - North Sails + Ezzy Sails
Monte Spindler - Loft Sails
Andrew McDougall - Wild Winds
Jurgen Honscheid - F2

There's a few extras that people have missed. I'm sure there's plenty more I've forgotten but I'll blame that on my alzeihmers...

WA, 3754 posts
19 Oct 2018 11:17PM
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Bruce Wylie, Bombora, Mistral and Cobra (Windsurfer LT)
Nevin Sayre & Harold Iggy (Mistral Equipe & One Design).
Harold Iggy, Dewey Weber Surfboards, Bing Surfboards, Mistral and Naish.

294 posts
20 Oct 2018 12:27AM
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Helmut Kirner
once shaper for Hifly and F2
as far as I know:
patent owner and inventor of the Power Box
the first (or one of the first) to build vacuum sandwich boards
Has turned his back to windsurfing and apparently taken to being a pilot.

WA, 17 posts
20 Oct 2018 10:00AM
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You all forgot the best then and still the best now Neil Scheltema...............WINDTECH

Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
20 Oct 2018 12:17PM
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He's on page1 - twice
Rightly so...

Still waiting for a ride on that Tinkler-tail waveboard though guys.....


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Sail/board designers" started by fpw9082