There's this guy who always makes outrageous claims, often states exactly the opposite of what he just said days before, has been caught in hundreds of lies, and is regarded as "ethically defective" by the vast majority (a smaller majority would use the term "sociopath" instead). But instead of being in jail, he holds the highest office in "the greatest nation", and absolutely dominates the news coverage. While it seems that the majority ridicules him, he has a very strong fan base who rather believes that (almost) all news and media organizations are lying than doubt his words. Some of the experts who were correct in predicting his election predict he'll be re-elected in 2 years. He certainly will not hesitate to start a war if that increases his re-election chances.
Whatever you think of this guy, he gets more media coverage than the last 5 guys in his position combined. His outrageous and unbelievable statements are his most effective tool in getting so much attention.
It seems MWSails learned a lot from him. It works great for them. This topic has received more replies than just about any other topic. It pops to the top of the discussion on a regular basis - not just here, but also on other forums.
Why are we still feeding him?
Embracing and encouraging innovation is how we progress forward, sure early days but I feel certain this bloke is onto something for the future and our sport will evolve regardless of the Tall Poppy 'Handbrakes' we encounter in our travels.. Great to see someone spending the time to think outside the NORM!! As for the Politically opinionated- FUTURE PROVES PAST !!.
5.6 Low Aspect? MW spent pages telling us that sailmakers were idiots for not making high aspect sails. What happened? Did his computer models change or did his less than fully developed design collide with reality? Wow, thank you, MW, for figuring out what the rest of us did twenty years ago.
"This is why wing tip on my sail is narrow, wider tip will induce more twist ( all been experimented). On my CFD blog sail is twisted at 20 degrees. I can provide projection from the top to prove it. By the way, i can see that only few people truly understand role of the twist on regular sail , I can explain but ,nah , don't want to inflame another unreasonable flame from my numb nuts critics . And you right , marketing is based on performance , this is why I feel free to slap them a bit. By the way, this is me been very nice."
You gotta buy my newest theoritical design, even though all previous attempts showed huge flaws which never seem to be addressed effectively. Buy my new design, and I will make money at your expense.
You gotta buy my newest theoritical design, even though all previous attempts showed huge flaws which never seem to be addressed effectively. Buy my new design, and I will make money at your expense.
As a new to this thread I have read it as much as I could expecting to find reviews. But with almost 500 comments I could miss some valuable reviews of MW Sail performance.
Please correct me:
There is only one post from someone used MW Sail at OBX, NC, USA. The review is positive.
I ignore reviews from MW Sails team.
I ignore reviews based on the third party gossips "somebody I know well told me that somebody he knows well used MW Sails in FL..."
I ignore reviews from pretent to be an expert and like who did not try the subject sail.
My engineering conclusion is:
MW Sails has 100% positive customer satisfaction.
Good Work MW Sails!
Any sailing recommendations for Light Wind foiling? Love your CFD simulations. I would be particularly interested to see a CFD simulation for 5 knots wind and 8 knots board speed. It is because it feels like the traditional sail is not performing very well when the apparent wind vector is too much collinear to the vector of the board speed. I am experiencing this issue on light wind foiling and fly-fin semifoiling. Board want to go faster but the traditional sail does not allow. Thank you for helping.
XYZ, you suggest that we use xflr5 to investigate sail aerodynamics. Can we therefore assume that you believe that xflr is derived from proper science and engineering?
XYZ, is your website
If so, do you stand by your claim on the website that "By the year 2020 it will be impossible to sale traditional sport equipment without sensors."?
If so, let's have a bet. I will bet you $100,000 that by the year 2020, it will still be possible to sell traditional sports equipment without sensors. Are you going to back up your claim that within 18 months, not a single tennis racket, cricket bat, racing bicycle, windsurfer sail, windsurfer foil, baseball bat and gold ball will be sold without sensors?
Come on man, I'm offering you an easy $100,000 here. All you have to do is have faith in your own claims and technological knowledge.
Instead of comparing against the Ezzy which is an outlying radical concept, how about benchmarking against the PROVEN winners. The Severne Hyper Glide or the NP flight or the offerings from Naish?
XYZ, you claim "As an engineer I am ignoring unsupported and sometimes derogatory comments of pretending to be the subject matter experts."
If you don't like derogatory comments from people pretending to be subject matter experts, why do you make so many derogatory comments on areas like windsurfing and sail design, in which you are not an expert? You're not an expert windsurfing and you're not a sailmaker, so you are the one who is slagging off the true experts while pretending to be a subject matter expert.
Why sling **** instead of respecting people?
This is all beyond me but anyone that cant spell "EZZY" when its been around for a long while is a problem.
Someone else pointed out that XYZ's site has a biography that shows that XYZ is almost certainly the creator of Fly Fins, Dr. Stepan V. Lunin. I should'nt actually call him the "creator" since fins like this have been used in dinghies for years. See the similarities at and - and thanks to the Seabreezer who pointed this out in a PM.
I checked up further and saw that Stepan V Lunin also claims to make spiral bevel gears - and guess what, there's a guy called Spiralbevel who has posted promoting Fly Fins here, and done no other posts. Spiralbevel also spams Fly Fins on Youtube by pretending to have no connection with the business. Lunin is also known as Zakgear or similar names related to his gear business ( - and guess what, on Youtube there's Fly Fin videos with comments by Zakgear, praising Fly Fins and pretending to have no connection with Fly Fins.
Spiralbevel also turns up on Reddit spamming about Fly Fins, once again writing them as if he had no connection with the business. See and particularly the bottom post, where Stepan/Spiralbevel says " I checked their web site and they are offering fly-fins for windsurfers. Do not see anything for kite boards. But I would assume that fly-fin idea can be used on any boarding sport. They install large foils an any boards."
It's pretty damming that Stepan, the man behind Fly Fins, repeatedly talks of his own business as "they", which is a clear attempt to pretend that he's not spamming his own product. But because Stepan/XYZ/Spiralbevel/Zakgear isn't very good at keeping track of who he is pretending to be, over on Spiralbevel admitted he is actually the man behind Fly Fins, and got banned.
So now Stepan/XYZ/Spiralbevel/Zakgear turns up here, referring to Fly Fins as if they had nothing to do with him - see his posts on Friday where he refers to his own business as "they". So XYZ is just someone using multiple identities to try to promote an idea that isn't even his. Bad form. I suppose he won't come up with $100,000 if every bit of sporting equipment has a sensor by 2020, either......