Have had a number of pairs of O'Neill Psychofreak split toe wetsuit booties over the years but the latest incarnation of these that I have only used a few times are pretty uncomfortable for me around the toe area (never had any issues with the previous Psychofreak booties I had in the same size).
Are there any other high cut wetsuit booties on the OZ market like these that others are using and would recommend?
Love my booties
I think surfstich sell them online
I am very happy with the Rip Curl Flashbomb 3mm Split-Toe Boots from 2014-2015 (pic below). The split feature is internal, which I think provides extra protection against toe front collisions.
They have made slight changes on the 2016 version, hopefully not for worse!
Before the Rip Curl's I used Neil Pryde 5000 and 3000 series (standard tip), but I feel they don't protect as much. I have also noticed that Neil Pryde offers split-toe options but haven't tried them.
I should also say that the reason why I wear booties is to protection purposes. I had several injuries in the past when sailing with bare feet (metatarsal bones and toe joints), and the booties have been very efficient in preventing further damage.
I've had several pairs of the rip curl ones mentioned above. wqrm and comfortable. The rubber under the front big toes eventually wears out, but thin there, but the excess water now drains out. I too wear for protection, broken toes from jams and twists. They do need washing out every time.
I used booties for the first time on Saturday. Neil Pryde 3mm 3000 internal split toe. I was pleasantly surprised, easy to get in and out of straps. Kept my feet from going numb and nice to walk around after not feeling like you are walking on stumps.
Mate got some Billabong Furnace? I think and he liked them as well. Lots of guys seem to have Oneil Superfreaks.
Have always worn booties due to wildlife at the local...two best ive found are tbe Xcel and O'Neil. Both warm and comfortable
Thanks for the replies. Anyone know of a shop in Perth that stocks the Xcel booties, or the Rip Curl Flashbomb booties? Might also drop into Windsurfing Perth to see if they have any of the NP booties (used a pair for many years before I changed to O'Neill and they lasted really well).
I wear boots for protection rather than warmth. I wanted a boot that didn't fill up with sand, grit or mud and fell like I don't have them on. After trying 3 or 4 brands, I've finally settled on Atan latex coated neoprene boots. I'm on to my second pair. they are made in France. You can get them on line from a UK and USA on-line retailer. There are different models to cater for different needs.
- high top or low cut
- different thickness
- round or camel toe
+1 for Atan. They look like crap, but are the most comfortable on the market (and I have tried a lot of brands including some very expensive ones). Closest to the bare feet feeling you can get with boots.
These are my favorite Gill booties. The tops are short enough that they work well even when I wear boardshorts. They are very comfy from when it's really cold out to even in warm temps. I like using them in warm temps too so I don't cut my feet on rocks and objects when launching and coming in from the water. Bottom line is, everytime I go windsurfing, I wear them. They also are not too bulky, and fit well in the footstraps.
A few thoughts, I wear them for protection not warmth. I started with some thicker ones with nice thick soles but they needed to fit looser or their stiffness would jam my toes. Unfortunately being looser they were too wide and would fill up with sand and water like clown shoes. So I tried the vibram 5 fingers but they filled with sand. I have settled on thin 1.5 mm booties than can be worn very tight, I have size 14 shoes yet use size 11.5 booties. They do not fill up with water or sand however the thin soles do not provide full protection but nothing in life is perfect.
I've only been windsurfing for a couple of years. I wore booties from the beginning, but stopped at the start of last season. Everything became much easier. It's probably just a coincidence with me improving in general. I have had some nasty cuts on my feet since. And the last time I was out my feet were so cold, I lost all feeling in them after 20 minutes. They felt like stumps. I think I'll start wearing them again.
Thanks Izy, Definitely going to give them a shot. Might need to start a new GPSTC Team..."The Hobbits"
Anyone know of a shop in Perth that has good stock of different brands of high cut booties (I.e. O'Neill, Rip Curl, Xcel, etc) for me to try on?
Not Perth or WA but SC Sailboards in QLD sent some NP boots over within a week. And they fit well too. I'll try them tomorrow in Augusta.