Forums > Windsurfing General

Worst windsurfing injuries

Created by Sputnik11 > 9 months ago, 21 Oct 2013
VIC, 972 posts
21 Oct 2013 11:50AM
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Broke my toe on Saturday and have been chatting with another poor guy who broke his leg last Wednesday. Got me thinking, wonder what other people have done in the pursuit of happiness on the water.

What's the worst windsurfing injury you've done to yourself?

NSW, 803 posts
21 Oct 2013 12:02PM
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QLD, 14393 posts
21 Oct 2013 11:36AM
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split my face open when I came down from a backloop nose first and hit the mast.

almost cut my big toe off and had it stitched back on after landing feet first on a reef after a catapult due to hitting said reef.

got a paper cut from the sail rigging once. that wrecked my day more than the 2 above. actually getting my toe stitched did create some contempt for the day.

VIC, 972 posts
21 Oct 2013 12:38PM
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Gestalt said..

split my face open when I came down from a backloop nose first and hit the mast.

almost cut my big toe off and had it stitched back on after landing feet first on a reef after a catapult due to hitting said reef.

got a paper cut from the sail rigging once. that wrecked my day more than the 2 above. actually getting my toe stitched did create some contempt for the day.

you're winning so far Gestalt

QLD, 14393 posts
21 Oct 2013 11:40AM
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I don't try loops anymore. I almost knocked myself out trying forwards and broke a boom and took the nose off the board. I have come to the conclusion there is a Darwin award if I keep trying stuff I can't do.

I take my hat head off to those that are skilled.

QLD, 6806 posts
21 Oct 2013 11:42AM
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Just broke an alu boom last Saturday and somehow did this ( sharp edges or fin, or shark ? I don't)

Mark _australia
WA, 22364 posts
21 Oct 2013 9:55AM
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Dislocated shoulder at offshore reef breek (about 6-800m out).
Was about 30-35kn so had to swim for my gear really fast or else drown. 5 strokes of freestyle made the shoulder way worse and hurt like I can't describe.

It was late in the day and only one other guy out, no other options to get back in except sail. I could not move the arm anymore, so he flew the sail for me and then lifted my buggered arm up onto the boom so I could waterstart (so now the shoulder was 3x worse lol).
Waterstart hurt more than swimming as the sail lifted me hard and fast but I hooked in straight away and got into straps pretty fast in that wind.

Weirdly, trying to get out of my wettie kinda put it back in! (By then panadeine forte and Bundy had been used so judgement may have been impaired)

Had surgery and a year off sailing. Previously I had broken my ankle windsurfing and sooked the whole time about missing a season - but this time I was lucky to be alive so didn't whinge (as much lol)

NSW, 9029 posts
21 Oct 2013 1:09PM
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Got sunburnt once.

NSW, 9202 posts
21 Oct 2013 1:23PM
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Got bitten on the bum by a Green Ant while rigging up.

NSW, 96 posts
21 Oct 2013 2:01PM
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about 3rd time out learning, I went out in the river and found myself in 20 knots, sail was way too big, and couldn`t uphaul, and kept drifting and falling into the water - which was INFESTED with Jellifish. I could feel them sting every time i fell, eeeehhhhh. they were as big a dinner plates and there were literally hundreds of them around me. The stings on my legs itched like crazy for more than a week after. Finally uphauled with every ounce of strength & made it back. Nearly turned me off windsurfing there and then!

VIC, 1572 posts
21 Oct 2013 3:19PM
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Windsurfing:Tore a ligament in my thumb getting catapulted.

Non-Windsurfing: Shattered radial head in left elbow coming of skateboard.

NSW, 9029 posts
21 Oct 2013 3:35PM
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evlPanda said..

Got bitten on the bum by a Green Ant while rigging up.

Cool story.

QLD, 275 posts
21 Oct 2013 2:53PM
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Dislocated knee running into a sandbank in Tauranga NZ
Slipped disc down-hauling at Golden Beach
5 inch Gashed ankle at Lancelin when I kicked the fin waterstarting, worlds fastest waterstart after i saw all the blood
Stood on a Cobler fish in Coro two days later - Other foot
Pumpkin sized ankle after stack with a Kite

Also been bitten on bum by a green ant, but that was my favourite

QLD, 275 posts
21 Oct 2013 2:58PM
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Oh snap! that's me a 2:48 crashing at golden beach. Only got sprained wrist from that one

QLD, 275 posts
21 Oct 2013 3:25PM
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Macroscien said..

Just broke an alu boom last Saturday and somehow did this ( sharp edges or fin, or shark ? I don't)

I got blown off the water on my 8.6 I'm not surprised you broke your boom with your 8m up, especially given I've got about 18Kg on you

VIC, 1124 posts
21 Oct 2013 4:27PM
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Pride !

NSW, 218 posts
21 Oct 2013 4:48PM
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Mark _australia said..

Had surgery and a year off sailing. Previously I had broken my ankle windsurfing and sooked the whole time about missing a season - but this time I was lucky to be alive so didn't whinge (as much lol)

That just put everything in perspective and made my four weeks off the water feel lame (not just my foot). I'm at home feeling a little better about my situation. Thanks Mark.

QLD, 554 posts
21 Oct 2013 4:23PM
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Hit the Wellington Point Sandbank at speed and then catapulted shoulder first into the ground.

Was a slow process to find a doctor who could resolve all issues. TIP: See a specialist ASAP. Save time and agony.

1. Torn trapezius (just had to wait for this to heal - thought my neck was broke)
2. Ruptured Subacromial Bursa (2 injections to re-inflate)
3. Acromialclavicular (AC) joint destroyed (awaiting surgery to remove, currently treated with cortisone injections and other stuff)
5. Bone edemas on clavicle and acromium
Didnt know my body even had all this stuff in it till they broke.

Have been off the water for nearly 9 months so far (apart from a couple of very painful and short attempts).
Most of the time off is a result of seeing the wrong doctors who either didn't care or didn't know what was going on.
Got a surgeon on the case now - good pain relief and a plan of action.

WA, 1381 posts
21 Oct 2013 2:30PM
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Broke my leg, split the tibia down the middle. Fractured the tibial plateau, now got two bunnings bones (titanium screws) holding my tibia together.
Grafted a piece of bone from my hip for the tibial plateau.

WA, 6415 posts
21 Oct 2013 2:36PM
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Got heatstroke at the LOC few years back. My fault for wearing a full length wetsuit in 32 degrees. The life vest zip was broken so tied it together tight with some rope which meant I was doubly insulated. Did a practice run and felt a bit strange. Race started,got to 3rd mark and started feeling very tired and sick. A few hundred metres later realised I was gone. Tried to make the beach ASAP. Fell off halfway but eventually made it to shore,only just though. Lay flat on sand,around a minute later a 4wd rocked up. Took me to the Lancelin hospital and lay on bed for one and three quarter hours with the nurse holding my arm. Was in a very bad way! Started to come round after one and a quarter hours. Walked out half hour later feeling perfect and drove home.

NSW, 1871 posts
21 Oct 2013 7:06PM
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Can we change this thread to - the best time I've had windsurfing -

As reading this stuff is making my old injuries twitch - there are many, I think I've adequately covered most parts of my body !

QLD, 3119 posts
21 Oct 2013 6:36PM
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I sailed regularly from 1982 to 1995, then intermitently from 1995 to 2010 and regularly since 2010. The only major injuries are:
- 1992: Sprained ankle from foot caught in footstrap during a mistimed off the lip
- 2013: Broken rib from catapulting into my boom

NSW, 377 posts
21 Oct 2013 8:14PM
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This thread is a great cure for feeling sorry for yourself. I feel HEAPS better! Especially thanks to Mark and boardboy!

Came off in gybe and tore MCL in knee in January. Deep vein thrombosis, brace, specialists and rehab later, finally made grand return to windsurfing in August. After 5 days on the water, big stack into boom, tore cartilage in rib cage. Am 8 weeks into an estimated 3 months of recovery. No improvement yet.

It's not windsurfing's fault. I blame the 10-12 hour days in a desk chair copping crap from unhappy people this year. 2013 sucks ass.

VIC, 972 posts
21 Oct 2013 8:28PM
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needsalt said..

This thread is a great cure for feeling sorry for yourself. I feel HEAPS better! Especially thanks to Mark and boardboy!

Came off in gybe and tore MCL in knee in January. Deep vein thrombosis, brace, specialists and rehab later, finally made grand return to windsurfing in August. After 5 days on the water, big stack into boom, tore cartilage in rib cage. Am 8 weeks into an estimated 3 months of recovery. No improvement yet.

It's not windsurfing's fault. I blame the 10-12 hour days in a desk chair copping crap from unhappy people this year. 2013 sucks ass.

I'm glad I made someone happy.

Broke a rib earlier this year. Two broken bones in a year. Not nearly as bad as others though. Toes is feeling better....

WA, 1366 posts
21 Oct 2013 5:42PM
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Sailing down safety bay (the pond) 8 years ago thought l could make it across the sandbar into the bay but it stopped me so quick broke 4 ribs on my right side took my big toenail off split my lip clean agross not to mention cracked finbox bent boom & torn took me 3 month's to recover. Ps couldn't sleep properly for a month.

2454 posts
21 Oct 2013 6:50PM
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Jungleman. Get yourself a stinger suit. They are $50-80 and some good quality Australian made ones too. I use them to stop sun burn in late-summer when a wettie is too hot to wear.

36 posts
21 Oct 2013 8:25PM
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Christmas Day 1978, I wasn't windsurfing, but I was out at Terrigal NSW in a tiny 2 foot surf at low tide with a lightweight, less than 6 foot long single fin surfboard. The surf was small and really hollow, so I started fooling around in it, jumping on and off the board. I should have known better! The fin hit a sandbar and the board stopped dead. I stepped off, raising my arms to balance myself, and the suddenly lightened board flipped up and caught me under my right armpit.

It winded me a bit, but I kept fooling around, then I started getting a 'stitch' in my right side. It got worse and worse, and wouldn't go away, so I got out of the water and walked home to get ready to go out for Christmas lunch with a workmate's family. (I was very single-divorced at this time) By the time Jenny came to pick me up I was almost unconscious with the pain in my side, so she took me straight to Gosford hospital ER.

The doctor took my shirt off and ran his fingers down my right side ribs...
"This one's broken, the one under it's broken in 2 places, the one under that in 3, the one under that is also broken in 2 places and the next one's broken too." Christmas lunch that day was a stale meat pie in the ER department while they strapped up my 5 smashed ribs and dosed me with horse-pill sized painkillers.

There is a good side to this story however... I had to go 'cold turkey' for 10 weeks, no surfing, no drinking, no partying, no misbehaving whatsoever, a dramatic change for me at the time, and a forced opportunity foe me to dry out. The first night I was allowed back out on the town, a mate took me to the Leagues Club Sunday night disco, and introduced a (very sober) me to a delightful young lady who's actually now been my wife for the last 33 years.

Best accident, and best Christmas present I ever had!

Cheers, Glen.

VIC, 972 posts
21 Oct 2013 11:47PM
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Ancientglen said..

Christmas Day 1978, I wasn't windsurfing, but I was out at Terrigal NSW in a tiny 2 foot surf at low tide with a lightweight, less than 6 foot long single fin surfboard. The surf was small and really hollow, so I started fooling around in it, jumping on and off the board. I should have known better! The fin hit a sandbar and the board stopped dead. I stepped off, raising my arms to balance myself, and the suddenly lightened board flipped up and caught me under my right armpit.

It winded me a bit, but I kept fooling around, then I started getting a 'stitch' in my right side. It got worse and worse, and wouldn't go away, so I got out of the water and walked home to get ready to go out for Christmas lunch with a workmate's family. (I was very single-divorced at this time) By the time Jenny came to pick me up I was almost unconscious with the pain in my side, so she took me straight to Gosford hospital ER.

The doctor took my shirt off and ran his fingers down my right side ribs...
"This one's broken, the one under it's broken in 2 places, the one under that in 3, the one under that is also broken in 2 places and the next one's broken too." Christmas lunch that day was a stale meat pie in the ER department while they strapped up my 5 smashed ribs and dosed me with horse-pill sized painkillers.

There is a good side to this story however... I had to go 'cold turkey' for 10 weeks, no surfing, no drinking, no partying, no misbehaving whatsoever, a dramatic change for me at the time, and a forced opportunity foe me to dry out. The first night I was allowed back out on the town, a mate took me to the Leagues Club Sunday night disco, and introduced a (very sober) me to a delightful young lady who's actually now been my wife for the last 33 years.

Best accident, and best Christmas present I ever had!

Cheers, Glen.

great story

NSW, 8016 posts
22 Oct 2013 3:56PM
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windsufering said..

Pride !

+ 1..
Also stuffed a gybe and the boom got my mouth and broke a tooth off. Cried my eyes out while I sat in the water.. Not from pain but from fear of the dentist bill! Got a cheapie repair for $300 odd - it fell out and got another gratis and so far so good..

NSW, 8016 posts
22 Oct 2013 3:57PM
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boardboy said..

Hit the Wellington Point Sandbank at speed and then catapulted shoulder first into the ground.

Was a slow process to find a doctor who could resolve all issues. TIP: See a specialist ASAP. Save time and agony.

1. Torn trapezius (just had to wait for this to heal - thought my neck was broke)
2. Ruptured Subacromial Bursa (2 injections to re-inflate)
3. Acromialclavicular (AC) joint destroyed (awaiting surgery to remove, currently treated with cortisone injections and other stuff)
5. Bone edemas on clavicle and acromium
Didnt know my body even had all this stuff in it till they broke.

Have been off the water for nearly 9 months so far (apart from a couple of very painful and short attempts).
Most of the time off is a result of seeing the wrong doctors who either didn't care or didn't know what was going on.
Got a surgeon on the case now - good pain relief and a plan of action.

So true..!

WA, 899 posts
22 Oct 2013 1:06PM
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Mobydisc said..

Got sunburnt once.

HAHA bought the same for me, took some skin off the bottom of my foot but thats it so far


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Worst windsurfing injuries" started by Sputnik11