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Fangy 5x10 Trophy Competition announcement

Created by fangman > 9 months ago, 11 Aug 2014
WA, 2031 posts
7 Oct 2014 10:13AM
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fangman said..
Trophy update : On the weekend JJ was looking good for a very sweet 5 x 10 at Fangy's, the first being 37.85 knots. Unfortunately he then decided to be JJ Von Hidenburg and crashed and burned in Oscar winning performance. So the official speed to beat is still walking pace. ( of course JJ has not chance of getting the trophy because his Nanna chair is rubbish - but don't tell him that because he is very good entertainment when he is trying)

Happy to have made an attempt at the FF 5x10 even though I got a DNF

My guess is if we get 28 knot gusts like last Sunday in summer when it's flat, Slowy and Stroppo will be nudging 40knots for the 5x10...

It's a sweet looking trophy - credit to both Anita and Fangy.

Not sure about the chair thing, any reference to Nannas at my age is a bit too close to home


WA, 4014 posts
7 Oct 2014 11:47AM
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fangman said..
Trophy update : On the weekend JJ was looking good for a very sweet 5 x 10 at Fangy's, the first being 37.85 knots. Unfortunately he then decided to be JJ Von Hidenburg and crashed and burned in Oscar winning performance. So the official speed to beat is still walking pace. ( of course JJ has not chance of getting the trophy because his Nanna chair is rubbish - but don't tell him that because he is very good entertainment when he is trying)

The chook pond doesn't count as Fangy's then? I was wondering just where the limits of Fangy's were...

WA, 1562 posts
7 Oct 2014 12:41PM
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No I feel the chook pond is a separate spot discovered by Hardie. I think that Fangy's is where I sail in summer, which is pretty much in front of Peel Parade on the Coodanup foreshore. Wamba,S bend and Nairns would all qualify.

WA, 1562 posts
19 Oct 2014 1:27AM
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The new leader and with one hand on the trophy already is JJ with an impressive 34.18 Knots. It's just a damn shame the judges were not at all impressed with his chair - it could cost him dearly ( or at least a decent bribe)

WA, 1562 posts
9 Nov 2014 7:33PM
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UPDATE: after the week's fun and games our new leader is STROPOO with a cracking 34.6 set on Thursday arvo.

WA, 4014 posts
10 Nov 2014 9:29AM
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fangman said..
UPDATE: after the week's fun and games our new leader is STROPOO with a cracking 34.6 set on Thursday arvo.

He is the odds on favourite...

WA, 1562 posts
25 Nov 2014 10:29AM
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New leader - I now have my hands on my own trophy with 34.74, plus awesome chair work. Probably a good time to finish the comp. :-)

WA, 4014 posts
25 Nov 2014 10:56AM
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fangman said..
New leader - I now have my hands on my own trophy with 34.74, plus awesome chair work. Probably a good time to finish the comp. :-)

Well done Fangy! I know you would like to keep that trophy. If you add in a multiplyer for number of sessions at Fangyland you should win hands down!

WA, 1562 posts
8 Dec 2014 7:40PM
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Update: I just want to quickly post that I have cemented my grasp on my trophy with a 36.320. Unfortunately I think the cement I have used is Clag. In the next few minutes Stroppo will post. Then I will be kissing it farewell. He was freaky fast out at Fangy's today

WA, 472 posts
8 Dec 2014 10:14PM
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nothin freaky about it the bugger is just fasssst
huge respect..well done stroppo

WA, 1562 posts
9 Dec 2014 9:50AM
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Until I can think of some reason to disqualify him, Stroppo has his hands on the trophy with a awesome 5x10 of 38.72 knots!

WA, 46 posts
9 Dec 2014 11:09AM
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fangman said..
Until I can think of some reason to disqualify him, Stroppo has his hands on the trophy with a awesome 5x10 of 38.72 knots!

And well earned I think. An amazing effort yesterday

WA, 1562 posts
13 Dec 2014 11:02AM
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Update: after yesterday's enthusiastic sea breeze, Stroppo has superglued his hands on the trophy posting a completely mental 40.2 knots 5x10 at Fangy's. I really need someone to roll up with a really brilliant Nanna chair to counter that sort of speed( remember Stroppo's chair is completely rubbish- so a good Nanna chair plus a decent speed could be the kryptonite we need) C'mon people, you can't expect me to give away such an artwork to Strop! Make an effort...please?

WA, 728 posts
13 Dec 2014 1:31PM
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Not bad hey Ross but its a 40.60 i will blame it on your xmas party hangover

NSW, 2016 posts
13 Dec 2014 9:52PM
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nice going stroppo and a huge NM merry xmas

WA, 1562 posts
13 Dec 2014 11:51PM
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Sorry Stroppo, you are right. 40.6 knots it is. Your chair is still rubbish tho

NSW, 3075 posts
14 Dec 2014 11:52AM
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That is amazing sailing Stroppo, sweet as!!

WA, 1562 posts
27 Mar 2015 4:30PM
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Fangy 5x10 Trophy presentation: This is a Preliminary notice only for two reasons; The first is that I havent cleared it with the Director of Social Engagements here on the estate and the second is there may be some other reason that I don't know about.
But if all is well, I plan to have the Trophy Presentation on the weekend of 2nd or 3rd of May. It will be held at the BBQ's at Wamba Rd near the new playground at Coodanup foreshore.
Tentatively perhaps a BBQ and quiet celebration depending on weather and wind.
I have delayed the date until after the Easter Camping Store Sales in the hope that someone will come up with a brilliant Nanna chair that will trump Stroppo's.
Alternatively, a Nanna worthy bribe on the day will be enough to sway the judge! Anyone who tries to pass off their left-over Easter Eggs will be disqualified after I have tested them. Anyone who is clever enough to turn up with an ice cream cake is well in contention for the trophy,Nanna chair or not.
I will confirm details closer to the date but keep it free for the time being and hopefully if you have had your fill of Groove in the Smooth this season we will see you there.

WA, 1562 posts
21 Apr 2015 4:13PM
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The Fangy 5x10 Trophy Presentation has been cleared by the Minister for Social Engagements on Sunday 3 rd of May. As mentioned above, it will be a BBQ at Wamba St next to the swings (so the Coastal Nannas can keep themselves entertained). The weather will determine whether it is a lunchtime BBQ or later in the afternoon.
Hopefully someone has had a chairworthy win over Easter, but failing that, bribes will be accepted right up to the presentation itself. Important- do be careful about trying top pass off left-over Easter eggs ( see above).
I will post any changes to plan but at this stage: All welcome, so I hope to see you there.

WA, 3145 posts
22 Apr 2015 10:01PM
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I'm a gona crash ya party Franga

WA, 1562 posts
23 Apr 2015 1:12PM
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Brilliant news Firie. Thanks for the letting me know - I will make sure we have a St John's Ambulance first aid crew in attendance to look after you.

QLD, 110 posts
23 Apr 2015 9:18PM
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firiebob said..
I'm a gona crash ya party Franga

Way to early for Santa isnt it Firie

WA, 4564 posts
23 Apr 2015 7:47PM
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Parentalrite said..

firiebob said..
I'm a gona crash ya party Franga

Way to early for Santa isnt it Firie

Need to get him down there, gotta wash all that Biatnams orf him

WA, 1562 posts
29 Apr 2015 3:05PM
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Happily it looks as though we might score a decent Southerly breeze for the Trophy presentation BBQ. The current forecast has it coming in fairly quickly around lunchtime. Can I have some feedback as to whether people prefer: Early lunch/ BBQ (set up Trophy winning Nanna chair/bribe judge) and Trophy presentation OR
Late afternoon beer oclock with BBQ after the sailing session?
Tell me what you think and I will organise it for the majority vote. Thanks everyone:-)
PS Bring your most comfy Nanna chair as Wazza will be fresh out having another limb sewn back on and looking for somewhere to sit down.

WA, 4014 posts
29 Apr 2015 3:27PM
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fangman said..
Happily it looks as though we might score a decent Southerly breeze for the Trophy presentation BBQ. The current forecast has it coming in fairly quickly around lunchtime. Can I have some feedback as to whether people prefer: Early lunch/ BBQ (set up Trophy winning Nanna chair/bribe judge) and Trophy presentation OR
Late afternoon beer oclock with BBQ after the sailing session?
Tell me what you think and I will organise it for the majority vote. Thanks everyone:-)
PS Bring your most comfy Nanna chair as Wazza will be fresh out having another limb sewn back on and looking for somewhere to sit down.

The wind will be frontal so probably brief. The timing of the front will change between now and Sunday, so it is too early to say which BBQ time would be better, but I am sure all of us would prefer BBQ and a sail, so which ever way will allow us to do both will be great. Decide on the time for the BBQ on Saturday night when the timing of the front should be more accurate.
If wind is early - mid afternoon I would prefer BBQ after rather than before. If wind is going to be late afternoon a late lunchtime BBQ may be better given that it gets dark early these days.
Looking forward to it. I must start working on my chair...

NSW, 8019 posts
29 Apr 2015 5:49PM
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Windxtasy said..

fangman said..
Happily it looks as though we might score a decent Southerly breeze for the Trophy presentation BBQ. The current forecast has it coming in fairly quickly around lunchtime. Can I have some feedback as to whether people prefer: Early lunch/ BBQ (set up Trophy winning Nanna chair/bribe judge) and Trophy presentation OR
Late afternoon beer oclock with BBQ after the sailing session?
Tell me what you think and I will organise it for the majority vote. Thanks everyone:-)
PS Bring your most comfy Nanna chair as Wazza will be fresh out having another limb sewn back on and looking for somewhere to sit down.

The wind will be frontal so probably brief. The timing of the front will change between now and Sunday, so it is too early to say which BBQ time would be better, but I am sure all of us would prefer BBQ and a sail, so which ever way will allow us to do both will be great. Decide on the time for the BBQ on Saturday night when the timing of the front should be more accurate.
If wind is early - mid afternoon I would prefer BBQ after rather than before. If wind is going to be late afternoon a late lunchtime BBQ may be better given that it gets dark early these days.
Looking forward to it. I must start working on my chair...

What's with the chair idea? That's an amazing 5 x 10 Stroppo!

WA, 1562 posts
29 Apr 2015 3:50PM
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Windxtasy said..
"... but I am sure all of us would prefer BBQ and a sail, so which ever way will allow us to do both will be great. '

Sorry Windxtasy I should have made that clearer. If there is wind, the sailing is the priority - I was concerned about the Coastal Nannas having a big BBQ and then having to wait for a long while to let all their tucker go down - I didnt want them to miss out on sailing time.

WA, 1562 posts
29 Apr 2015 4:22PM
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sboardcrazy said..
What's with the chair idea? That's an amazing 5 x 10 Stroppo!

The Nanna chair backstory sboardcrazy is this: Last year during winter it was discovered that all the Coastal crew all had secretly stashed chairs to use for rigging on wet grass. The chairs meant they didnt aggravate their piles by sitting on cold wet ground and served as a handy spot to do some crochet work when waiting for the wind.Not wanting to make fun of them because of their 'age related health issues' the Manbra boys decided that they would try to help them overcome the social stigma of their condition and we would get a Nanna chair as well. I felt it was a heartwarming gesture of solidarity in support of the more,shall we say 'compromised', sailing team team in our district. So as to not draw attention to their predicament in any way, we decided to celebrate the Nanna chair for what it is. Hence Fangy 5x10 relies on the winner having a worthy Nanna chair.

WA, 728 posts
29 Apr 2015 4:55PM
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Yes I have a chair and was the first. Then the manbra quilt club copied because they kept droping there neadles in the grass while they were debating on a new patten for there quilts

WA, 1562 posts
29 Apr 2015 5:04PM
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stroppo said..
Yes I have a chair and was the first. Then the manbra quilt club copied because they kept droping there neadles in the grass while they were debating on a new patten for there quilts

C'mon Stroppo you know thats not true. We dropped the sticks for controlling Elmo's arms, not our needles.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Fangy 5x10 Trophy Competition announcement" started by fangman