Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

FangyFin DIY help, hints and show us ya fin page

Created by fangman > 9 months ago, 29 Oct 2017
WA, 1550 posts
4 Oct 2023 6:23PM
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Imax1 said..
What's with the little squared to the board radius at the front instead of a blended front ?

I am blaming Flexafario for printing a dummy fin file. In truth, the code being used to develop the fin shape still needs quite some refinement. ATM this little problem is easier to fix after manufacturing with a piece of sandpaper than it is to get the code sorted. Hopefully we will get the broken nose bump code sorted soon, and I will also learn not to tempt Flex with immature design ideas.

WA, 302 posts
4 Oct 2023 7:35PM
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Imax1 said..
That spin out shot , showing lots of air . I've always imagined a huge amount of air to spin out . It would be interesting to actually know where the air comes from . That way we could counteract it. Do we know if the huge amount of air sucks from the front , side or rear of the fin / board ?
Im sure flex could build a glass bottom , rear third of a board with a camera pointing down above the fin.
That would give information on where the air comes from.
Its strange that we can get complete air under the board with no problems, and then it does it's funky spin out thing on solid water.

Pretty sure from fin testing on the fin spinner, spinout occurs for only two reasons. Via "ventilation" from surface turbulence trailing the fin reaching the tip vortex or 2) air coming out of the water itself due to pressure drop on low pressure side (cavitation) which in turn helps the surface air reach the tip vortex. Once the tip vortex finds the surface it is all over unless you have a bulb at the bottom of fin. Any air at front or side of fin doesn't do anything otherwise every fin would always spin out all the time as there is gazillions of air traveling under the board hitting the fin at all times even at chug speeds. Already built the glass bottom board (well polycarb) with two inbuilt cameras, maybe you missed those vids. As mentioned, didn't use that board here as this fin smaller than a FF20 (According to Fangy).

Video below was the first test with an annular weedy and the board with 2 built in cameras if you missed it, there are others

WA, 302 posts
4 Oct 2023 11:17PM
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this is old but best pic showing a near perfect 15 year old iSonic 111 someone threw out with 2 fin cams embedded. Hoping someone will throw out a smaller donor board. PM me if you want to donate board to the cause. Ideally would have camera on either side of fin looking down but with foot straps and fin all in same position is non trivial to do this.

54 posts
4 Oct 2023 11:31PM
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The video footage is from that board? It looks like it was meant to have a clear window attached to prevent water from sloshing around inside the camera well.

WA, 302 posts
5 Oct 2023 6:54AM
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ozzimark said..
The video footage is from that board? It looks like it was meant to have a clear window attached to prevent water from sloshing around inside the camera well.

Footage is from that board (both cameras). Yes, there is clear polycarb window over the rear facing camera held in place with 6 screws. Originally (this test) I tried to keep the camera dry but water slowly seeps in. By keep ing it dry it appears to work great when the fin is in air but as soon as it hits water the angle of refraction makes the fin go out of frame. Thus next test I filled the cavity with water before putting the cover on. Not much footage and water isn't clear but here it another fin filmed with cavity full of the same water sailing in (very salty).

The downward (rear camera) is cut into the tail of the board with a poly carb window to keep the board shape. Remarkably, someone overnight has donated a board which I will do my best to put a camera(s) on side of fin (in position roughly where the circles are in this pic. (unless someone has better idea where to mount a camera)

Edit: Also over night got a test pilot to test fins when conditions are outside my ability. (this need will become apparent in next vid)

QLD, 4679 posts
5 Oct 2023 9:47AM
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Do you have a small lipstick camera? Possibly mount it on the outside of the lid of the camera box pointing rearwards. I remember years ago buying a spy camera in a pen. It was for the kids, it was cheap, had a wide field of view and worked really well. Ebay. Mounting it into a small cigar tube kind of housing. Could even be blended in. It was a regular sized pen, so maybee10mm diameter and a few inches long. Being small and a foot in front of the fin would that be too much disruption?
1200TVL HD DIY Silver screw Covert mini smallest Video nanny Tiny Pinhole camera | eBay $11 delivered.

WA, 1550 posts
5 Oct 2023 8:03AM
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Flex2 said..

The downward (rear camera) is cut into the tail of the board with a poly carb window to keep the board shape. Remarkably, someone overnight has donated a board which I will do my best to put a camera(s) on side of fin (in position roughly where the circles are in this pic. (unless someone has better idea where to mount a camera)

Fabulous work peeps. It's always best to keep Flexafario very busy as I fear he is only 30 minutes of twiddling his thumbs away from building a nuclear reactor in his pool.

WA, 302 posts
5 Oct 2023 5:25PM
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Not a Fangy fin but certainly the inspiration came from Fangy waffling on about annular fins and bulbs. I added weed, a 3D printer and this is the result. Considering the tiny size wasn't really expecting it to work at all. Finally got some wind to test it but with 20-40 kts it probably wasn't a good day to test. Not only did it work, it felt stable and pointed upwind fine. Video of its maiden voyage below (plus mostly padding by proper sailors Slowy, Boz and Antman). No fin cam as blew that up the day before.

Skip to time stamp 37s if you don't want to read the drivel about the theory. Turn up the volume.

WA, 302 posts
5 Oct 2023 9:17PM
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Forgot the polar plot showing this fin can point upwind. I uploaded the design and print 6 months ago but only the bots have been interested so far.

Probably not practical for anyone to print themselves but the general idea and build concept of the tuttle transfer plate may be of interest to someone to make your own fins. Next fin will combine the Fangulator build technique with the Enterprise design only smaller.

Print here

NSW, 312 posts
13 Oct 2023 7:55PM
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I think this photo shows the fangy 28 lifting me JP SLW 165 a bit aye?
Still figuring it out.
I thought i need to move footstraps inboard for it on this wide board but this day i don't think i did and it was ok.
Looks like i had the mast track forward that day too. I get confused if i am ment to be moving it back or forward or what..

I find it tricky to get a comfortable stance, cant straighten the front leg. It's a battle to not go upwind, but a fun one to play with.

QLD, 4679 posts
13 Oct 2023 9:02PM
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Those big Fangys are a beast. I just bash through chop with gay abandon with a heavy foot massive sail and average skill. They don't spin out . Apparently they handle weed also , not that I would know.

WA, 1550 posts
13 Oct 2023 8:38PM
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MobZ said..
I think this photo shows the fangy 28 lifting me JP SLW 165 a bit aye?

Just to clarify, do you mean lifting vertically - tail up, pushing the nose down, Or railing up sideways?

NSW, 312 posts
14 Oct 2023 8:56AM
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Lifting vertically i think
I am used to the 60cm pointer lifting and railing the board. That gets the board up on what feels like an extreme angle at times.
That is with the 60cm fin. With the 66 it went wild one day and definitely the whole board came out so i went in and got the 60.

The fangy is different. As air can be seen under alot of the board and there is evidently no chop to bounce off. I guess it doesn't rail but stays flat and lifts
I don't know, i'm a newbie to this. Whatever it is it is fun.
I'm glad i have it as an option for something different and to go into the shallows where disaster has struck with big fin before.

I guess it is also an option to de-power the board when pointer is too much. Summer seabreeze was here providing abundant testing opportunities but winter seems to have rolled back in now.
Hopefully test it out again soon and apply imax's 'with gay abandon' technique with big sail in stronger winds on flatwater and see what happens.

NSW, 312 posts
14 Oct 2023 9:38AM
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I'm not sure what happened here.
From memory, i think maybe wind got under there going into upwind tack, or it was just honking and i was too scared to hook in.
Maybe that was the point i decided to come in and get the fangy.

NSW, 312 posts
14 Oct 2023 10:41AM
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Imax1 said..
Apparently they handle weed also , not that I would know.

Me niether.
Although any time i smoke mobdog on his big board with the fangy on mine he claims weed on fin.
But there is no weed here.

WA, 12111 posts
14 Oct 2023 9:00AM
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OK, here's a theory, I've no idea how relevant.
A big difference between a pointer and the fangy, is the center of lateral resistance.
It's no longer straight underneath the feet, but behind the back foot.
Your pic shows your front foot getting lifted, and all the weight on the back foot.
That is why the nose is lifting.
This also means the center of effort of the sail no longer easily lines up with the center of lateral resistance of the fin. Which also means you have to rake the sail back and lean backwards with it.
Moving the mast all the way back, should help with that, not sure about boom, I suspect lowering it.

I can no longer visualise all the forces and how to adjust them, it's trial and error for me these days

WA, 1550 posts
14 Oct 2023 11:04AM
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I would suggest dropping Kato a msg, he has done a lot of km's on a FF28 and is able to tune and trim to perfection. In the meantime, I agree with Decrepit, the mast track has to come back; probably as far as it will go.
The fin itself is designed to give some vertical lift. Board drag at low speeds is substantial, so getting the fin to lift gets the board out of the water sooner. The penalty is fin drag, which becomes more pronounced at high speeds. If the amount of vertical lift is too great, it can be reduced with some mods to the fin. However, in its current form it will give you some practise at the essential skill of 'flying the fin' at lower speeds; so I think if you can get your stance and rig sorted first, that would be of the most benefit.

NSW, 312 posts
14 Oct 2023 11:13PM
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The first photo; i posted thinking it's good. Doing what it is ment to. I remember it feeling that way, it was sweet.
Seems i must try with mast back and it could be sweeter. Will do.

The second photo; the wheelie, i went back to the footage to confirm, indeed that was the 60cm pointer. I went out with it and felt like there was too much wind so came in and got the fangy (i've answered one of my own questions there i think - more wind can be handled with the fangy than the big pointer. )
Then the session was nice, as shown in first photo, and again, looking forward to the possibility of it being even better than nice after applying above advice.
Exciting. Rather than say thanks now i'll put it to the test and say it later.

QLD, 4679 posts
15 Oct 2023 6:14AM
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What's wrong with the top pic ? It looks good.

NSW, 312 posts
15 Oct 2023 8:00AM
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Imax1 said..
What's wrong with the top pic ? It looks good.

Yeah yeah. That's what I'm saying. I felt it was going really nice and wondering if it could get any nicer. Maybe. I'll play with it.
No problem there other than slightly uncomfortable stance.
It's a bit of a calf burner on the 92cm wide board.
I think top pic the fin is flying nicely, yeeeew!

NSW, 312 posts
15 Oct 2023 8:42AM
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In my limited newbie knowledge, I believe the board is made to ride with pointer and rail on the leeward side. I get that much. With fangy fin, it is a different world where the board stays flat and goes about the same speed I go with pointer on it. If windsurfing is a drug, then having this fangy fin is another concoction to add and get high AF trying it. I'm stoked to have it.

QLD, 4679 posts
15 Oct 2023 9:09AM
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MobZ said..
If windsurfing is a drug, then having this fangy fin is another concoction to add and get high AF trying it. I'm stoked to have it.

I think the guy who came up with the idea may have first visualized it during an acid trip.

VIC, 3399 posts
15 Oct 2023 11:03AM
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MobZ said..
In my limited newbie knowledge, I believe the board is made to ride with pointer and rail on the leeward side. I get that much. With fangy fin, it is a different world where the board stays flat and goes about the same speed I go with pointer on it. If windsurfing is a drug, then having this fangy fin is another concoction to add and get high AF trying it. I'm stoked to have it.

PM sent

NSW, 312 posts
15 Oct 2023 4:28PM
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I think the guy who came up with the idea may have first visualized it during an acid trip.

Windsurfing? Had to have been that.
That acid mustn't be around anymore because nothing else like it has come along.
If anything, someone was having a bad trip to invent a windsurfer with no pole.
The whole world is tripping now so it would probably make sense we'll all migrate back to windsurfing, with a pole.

162 posts
16 Oct 2023 11:08AM
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MobZ said..
I'm not sure what happened here.
From memory, i think maybe wind got under there going into upwind tack, or it was just honking and i was too scared to hook in.
Maybe that was the point i decided to come in and get the fangy.

This is the wind getting under....

NSW, 312 posts
16 Oct 2023 4:50PM
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looking back at my little bunny hop above it was just a bounce as I came out of harness. I'll work on getting enough speed to get lifted like that ausbinny

WA, 1550 posts
16 Oct 2023 5:04PM
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I had a go at my first Flexafario, 3D printed resin-infused fin. I followed Flex's instructions, filled it with West Systems resin, with not much of a problem with air bubbles, and all was looking pretty damn good. Popped it on the back verandah to cure. I forgot about it. and it suffered a bit of a hyperthermic curing reaction. Just too damn hot on the back verandah today. And now I know how Flex felt when he vapourised an aluminium fin in his thermonuclear pizza oven.

WA, 2682 posts
16 Oct 2023 6:08PM
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MobZ said..
I'm not sure what happened here.
From memory, i think maybe wind got under there going into upwind tack, or it was just honking and i was too scared to hook in.
Maybe that was the point i decided to come in and get the fangy.

This photo reminds me of the first time I went speed sailing in weed. I was on a 68 wide Magic Ride 104 with a normal 28 weed fin. It was collecting football sized blobs of weed, but when I got going fast it cut through the weed. I was straining lifting my front foot against the strap to stop it railing up, I then got up to 35 knots and it started tail-walking like that. It was terrifying. Decrepit sailed up turned his board over and said, "You need one of these", and showed me a delta fin. I got a Fangyfin 24 and the difference in that weedy smoothness was amazing.

NSW, 312 posts
28 Oct 2023 11:46PM
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Ok, advice taken, mast track back. Getting comfortable. Feeling some magic. Thanks.

Here is some footage of me using the FF28 here on the JP SLW 165ltr. 7.4 KA and 8.5 Cheetah.
The orange sail is old footage, before moving mast back. Green blue Ezzy sail is recent and mast all the way back.

But mostly it is just me saying f**k alot. I had no idea i swore so much. Maybe it is the sailor coming out in me. Sorry if the kids hear it or anyone is offended.
I have channeled my inner Spielberg and having alot of fun making vids.

The journey around getting this fin has been a big thing for me.
I did not know that shallow water speed stuff existed before getting it.
It allowed me to get a go at Green Island, i'll never forget that.
And now i have it, although i never planned to go sail anywhere else, i feel i have to take it where it belongs, weedy shallow lakes. Can't wait!

Also, it is not real shallow where i am sailing here, Jimmies Beach nsw. But shallow enough that i did hit with the 60cm pointer and that was bad. FF lets me go there now and not worry so it opens up use for the board.
I'm thinking it will make the big board easier in stronger winds too

So far i go pretty much the same speed with pointer or FF on same kit. About 22kts.
I'll get to work on beating Kato to 40kts with it, maybe in the next life

WA, 12111 posts
28 Oct 2023 10:09PM
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You look a lot more comfortable with the mast back, nice going!
But I get the feeling you could use a smaller board.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"FangyFin DIY help, hints and show us ya fin page" started by fangman