Has anyone thought of a name for the girl on the app who tells us our speed.
Does any one know what the timerange speed does/means?
I think that's for the average speed readout. Sets the time the speed is averaged over. And I think that display is immediately above the 2s on the main page.
How do I download a version which lasts more than one day?
Easy, download it 6 days earlier!
I expect tomorrows version will last till next Sunday, unless Manfred has finished the testing phase, then you can pay for a version that should last until you ditch your computer.
How do I download a version which lasts more than one day?
Easy, download it 6 days earlier!
I expect tomorrows version will last till next Sunday, unless Manfred has finished the testing phase, then you can pay for a version that should last until you ditch your computer.
The two versions I have downloaded have only been valid for the date of the download. The one I downloaded yesterday has expired already.
How do I download a version which lasts more than one day?
Easy, download it 6 days earlier!
I expect tomorrows version will last till next Sunday, unless Manfred has finished the testing phase, then you can pay for a version that should last until you ditch your computer.
The two versions I have downloaded have only been valid for the date of the download. The one I downloaded yesterday has expired already.
Well that's just bad timing on your part, each version seems to have a life of one week, but not from the day you install it, from the day Manfed releases it. If you install it on it's release date you'll get a week out of it. But more than likely, there'll be no wind for all that week except for the last day.
I thought there's be a new release today, but last I heard Manfred was in La Franqui, so he may be otherwise engaged, getting his priorities right!
Had an email from Manfred after his return from LaFranqui. He had the same problem I did on Sunday, display turned off after a dunking. Manfred thinks it's the water pressure on the bag activating random buttons, so he's going to use a hard case to stop this happening.
I'm thinking very much along the same lines.
Beat me to it Elmo, you are one fast muppet.
Have asked Manfred to incorporate a countdown function for racing. Will read out the time to the start gun/flag so you can time it perfectly then maximise your speeds on each leg by using the Speedchat feedback. Eventually the live timing feature could be used for real time feedback to the race committee/shore location for live race positions etc.
Or "Countdown" and get Molly Meldrum to do the voice
You wouldn't be able to understand him
Or "Countdown" and get Molly Meldrum to do the voice
You wouldn't be able to understand him
Errrr ummmm Go
Tried out my modified Ferrero Roche chocolate box lid as a phone cover today.
Perhaps not the best test as conditions were mild to say the least, but the display did stay where I'd set it for the whole session.
Thanks Decrepit, I had found that on Manfred's site, but when you google 400*800 pixels you end up with plenty of different size phones....
Would a 4.5 screen fit or need to be bigger ?
I think you should check with the phone's specs though. If it's an old phone it's possible it's got a lower resolution, even though it's 4.5"
It's not the physical size that counts, it's the actual number of pixels that's important.
It's not the physical size that counts, it's the actual number of pixels that's important.
That's what I keep telling my wife !!!
Actually asking cause I am looking at a phone I can use just for sailing, so it would be new. I'll still check the pixels.. thanks !
Received my US$46 water proof blue tooth earphones from Amazon today. They seem to work quite well, yet to try them on the water.
The $13 Chinese waterproof pouch and phones, also worked well in the water, but those welded seams are very small and I don't trust it long term.
I'll be much happier using the paqua!
It's not the physical size that counts, it's the actual number of pixels that's important.
That's what I keep telling my wife !!!
Actually asking cause I am looking at a phone I can use just for sailing, so it would be new. I'll still check the pixels.. thanks !
Fin says he's ordered one from China for $20, not sure if it's arrived yet, very good deal if it works.
I used the Sony Experia E1 today with GPS-Logit V1.18 for the first time on the water in real conditions.
I packed in in the H2O Audio pack recommended by Roo earlier in this thread.
I am very impressed with the arm pack! It has a very clear cover and it is easy to manipulate the screen though it. The screen is bright and easy to see.
It is a tight fit getting the Phone in the bag but not hard to do. Getting it pot again is a bit tricky because the screen sticks on the plastic cover. Be gentle and don't force it. Unstick the screen and it will slide out. The lock latch is easy to open but thee door is very tight to open, but do-able. Be careful not to force it the wrong way.
Mat lent me a set of waterproof earphones to try. I found there are two rubber boots that can be used for the headphone plug, presumably to seal it better. I can see they will be easy to loose so I will have to watch out for that.
The disappointing thing was the earphones were silent on the water. But luckily, I could easily hear the phone talking to me on my upper right bicep anyhow!
So the first good observation is that I could easily use the Audio feedback without the earphones. However, if doing this one will have to find a nice soft rubber cap to seal the empty headphone socket!
After the first few runs I stopped and tried to find if there was a setting I had to use to turn the earphones on. In doing this I closed the Logit screen and lost the accumulated averages and top speeds. Something to remember not to do. Of course, the logger kept logging in the same file so no problem there when I downloaded. I did not find any setting to solve the issue so continued as it was.
Back home, with Mat's help, we found the earphones work but had to be connected in a certain way to make a connection. The headphone plug must be inserted in the case before the internal plug is inserted into the phone. Done that way the phone recognises the plug and activates the connection with the earphones. Good to find out for the next session!
The audio feedback was, as expected, a huge advantage. In the past I have work my GPS where I could easily glance at it and read it while sailing. Not always a distraction you need when a bit on the edge! Now with the Audio feedback I can concentrate fully on looking ahead and keeping everything perfectly trimmed.
I compared the results with a GT-31 and GX-52 worn on my head inside my helmet. The Phone with 'Logit gave results for the Max 2 sec, Max 10 sec, and 5 x 10 sec ave. that were very close to the other two and well within the error margins reported by the other two.
For the Alpha it was not so close being a bit faster and just outside the error margin on the GT-31 and right on the top side of the error margin reported by the GW-52. Acceptable in this case but I will need to monitor future sessions closely to see how it goes.
GT-31 = 25.219 +/- .190
GW-52 = 25.368 +/- .234
GPSLogit= 25.607 ??
Of the top 10 Alpha, all over 21.5kts, GPSLogit was between the other two on 4, at the top of the error margin on 4 and near the bottom of the error margins on 2.
Probably a pretty good results but, as I said, worth further observation.
I am pretty pleased with the Sony/Logit combo and the configuration I used today will probably become my standard setup. ie. Sony/GPSLogit on arm with headphones inside helmet for the Audio and screen feedback, and the GT-31/GW-52's in my helmet for best precision.
Welcome to the future Daffy, GPSLogit and phone GPS are the way forward. Speedchat is revolutionary and changes the game significantly. I have a few more ideas for Manfred to incorporate into the app to make it better.
P.S. If you lose the app on the screen just press the lower right hand button that looks like a rectangle on top of another rectangle. It shows you what apps are running in the background, select the one to open by tapping it and voila back in business.