What about 'Aust vs England GPSTC Windsurfing Ashes Series' as a promotion for the sport?
The Poms are coming out for the cricket Ashes this summer.
5 Test series:
Brisbane 25-29 Nov
Adelaide 3-7 Dec
Perth 16-20 Dec
Melb 26-30 Dec
Sydney 2-7 Jan
For the "GPSTC Windsurfing Ashes Series 2010"
England have 5 teams of 10, 5, 12, 9 & 12 members
Aust has 21 teams 5-26 members.
Run it on same categories as at present over best of 5 (months) , but Aust selects 5 different teams (on a rotation) for a each particular month July to Dec, allow a discard month for the Poms.
Trophy - ashes of a teak boom!!! in appropriate vessel.
Presentation - lunch at first day of Sydney test (start of new year).
Get ABC cricket involved, Barmy army etc
Needs work & refinement. Appreciate your thoughts & comments
Yes....lack of wind & TOW.
Who's in?
Lol !! ... Nice idea Peter BUT .....Siince the Uk and Eire signed up for the GTC there has been a strange absence of wind over here. The current thoughts for this coming UK Winter are another cold one, which would suggest a blocking high setup as per last winters windless affair.
Perhaps the term "Sledging" would be more appropriate in the context of the white stuff and not the verbal abuse type that runs hand in hand with the Ashes, and that Mr. "25" appears to have adopted.
"Lets hope all of Europe has a long freezing winter so these pricks can sit on their hands whilst we cut loose!!! "
Still ... you know us Brits are up for anything that involves destroying the Aussies!
Yeah, well sledging is always a good place to start any sporting venture
be it sailing, cricket or footie
At the moment you appear to be batting & bowling, or is that an own-goal
You've always got to bring up the bleedin cricket...... Lol
I think it's a great idea..... But as oph states we need some wind too lol
Nice of our esteemed speed bros in Aus to offer up a comp that involves them windsurfing during the hot sunny summer, whilst we'll be in the depths of sub 10degc water temps and probably sub zero windchill.
In fairness our scores should have a built in hardcore factor . say x2
Having whinged mate, it's just dawned on me that you guys should have the x2 hardcore factor .... I most definately prefer sailing in cold than having to run the gauntlet with all land and water based nasties you boyz have to endure ... respect!
Analagus to us poms playing cricket in Hyde Park, whilst you guys set up stumps in the Helmand Valley
Despite the current wind drought in the southern states, I also think this idea has potential for a bit of fun.
To be fair, is the next 5 months normally a reasonable time for wind in the UK? (Your summer/autumn into early winter.)
We usually struggle for much in August but from then on it should be pretty good through spring. The last few years have been pretty ordinary in December here but it could easily be different this year.
Australian Teams for the Ashes Windsurfing Series
waiting for results of toss, then all will be revealed
Team Name / (Number of members) / Team ID (order is state then numerical - not ability)
ACT Gustbusters (8) A1
Board Crazy Boys (11) Q1
Board Crazy Girls (1) Oz1
Burrum Heads M.O.B. (14) Q2
Cockroaches (26) N1
Connewarre Cremasters (13) V1
Double Demerits (8) N2
FNQ Mob (23) Q3
Lake Macquarie (4) N3
Mandurah Mob (16) W1
Mid-North Coast Marauders (8) N4
Moreton Bay Mob (22) Q4
Perth Southsiders (17) W2
Pinnaroos (20) W3
SA Speed Demons (22) S1
Sunshine Coast Sailboards Vikings (10) Q5
Swan River Mob (14) W4
Tassie Speed Seekers (22) T1
The Pit Crew (14) V2
The Sailfish (5) Oz1
The Southerly Busters (14) V3
The Wannabees (7) W5
WestozWind's Divas & Warriors (14) W6
Ahhhhh Mark .....bad luck, Tails (as witnessed by a Justice of the Piece)
So, we send you in to bat & here are the bowling teams for August!
Good winds to all (& may it blow its bits off in West Kirby)
Same scoring as GPS TC - although to even up, we may make it top 4 scores per team. Open to suggestions
Series 1
Month Aug ‘10
Oz Teams
N4 - Mid-Coast Marauders (counter to Portland Pirates aaarrrruuhh!)
Q3 - FNQ Mob
W2 - Perth Southsiders
T1 - Tassie Speed Seekers (their current winter = GB summer)
vs GB (All teams each month)
Result .... TBA
Ashes Windsurfing Series
Series 2
Month - Sept ‘10
Oz Teams
N2 - Double Demerits
Q2 - Burrum Heads Mob
W4 - Swan River Mob
V1 - Coonewarre Cremasters
A1 - ACT Gustbusters
vs GB (All teams each month)
Ashes Windsurfing Series
Series 3
Month - Oct ‘10
Oz Teams
N1 - Cockroaches
Q5 - Sunshine Coast Sailboard Vikings
W3 - Pinnaroos
V2 - The Pit Crew
Oz1 - Sailfish & Board Cazy Girls
vs GB (All teams each month)
Ashes Windsurfing Series
Series 4
Month - Nov ‘10
Oz Teams
N3 - Lake Macquarie
Q4 - Moreton Bay Mob
W1 - mandurah Mob
V3 - The Southerly Busters
vs GB (All teams each month)
Ashes Windsurfing Series
Series 5
Month - Dec ‘10
Oz Teams
Q1 - Board Crazy Boys
W5 - The Wannabees
W6 - WestozWind's Divas & Warriors
S1 - SA Speed Demons
vs GB (All teams each month)