Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

GPSTC T-shirts

Created by lao shi > 9 months ago, 16 Jun 2013
TAS, 2342 posts
14 Aug 2013 9:58AM
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Just got Pinnaroo's and Perth Southsiders to get their orders in.

lao shi
SA, 1293 posts
14 Aug 2013 10:05AM
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Kazza said..

Just got Pinnaroo's and Perth Southsiders to get their orders in.

I thought they are all in the Google spreadsheet or do you need payment now?

TAS, 2342 posts
14 Aug 2013 2:41PM
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Just need someone to say from each team that their orders are complete. Then I'll send an invoice to that team for payment. Payment needs to be made before I order any t.shirts in from the t.shirt company I purchase them from.

WA, 4014 posts
14 Aug 2013 3:16PM
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Kazza said..

Just need someone to say from each team that their orders are complete. Then I'll send an invoice to that team for payment. Payment needs to be made before I order any t.shirts in from the t.shirt company I purchase them from.

Re Pinnaroos -
They have all had a couple of reminders that Wednesday was the cut off for ordering, so I assume all the orders are in. Please invoice us.

NSW, 1600 posts
15 Aug 2013 12:05PM
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Ok, a heads up on orders. So far I have team orders from the following;
Double Demerits, Burrum Heads MOB, The Southerly Busters, Illawarra Speedsters, FNQ Mob and some individuals from The Cockroaches but not many at really (Larko????????)
Teams I am waiting on are as follows;
Connewarre Cremasters
Board Crazy Boys
Board Crazy girls
Ballarat Bastards
ACT Gustbusters
Bonno Blasters
Sunshine Coast Vikings
The Pit Crew
Moreton Bay Mob
I have had emails from the following teams that they are just waiting on final numbers- Lake Macquarie, SA Speed Demons and the Mid North Coast Marauders so I expect them today or tomorrow.
If ANYONE from any of the non ordered teams sees this post and wants a shirt please let your respective captains know that you want one and ask them to contact either myself or Suasage to place said orders. Tomorrow night is cut off. If you don't get the order in by then, then you won't be getting a shirt.

NSW, 3074 posts
15 Aug 2013 1:22PM
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Oops, Im on it mate.

WA, 12093 posts
15 Aug 2013 7:02PM
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Young Alex below sounds very keen and he's in ACT gustbusters, I've PMd him and emailed keef.
I'll have a go at a couple in the Pit crew as well.

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AUS2001 said..

I have won T-shirts in competitions,shops have given me shirts as gifts and Starboard,Severne and Makani have sent T-shirts and my dad loves them.
Can you please,please print a few in kids sizes so I can wear a windsurfing T-shirt. I'm size 12 and my sister size 8,maybe a 14 and a 10 also so we can have a windsurfing T-shirt for next year as well.

TAS, 2342 posts
20 Aug 2013 9:54AM
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2 teams to go to deposit their teams payments then it's full steam ahead to get all these tees printed. Yerhar!!

WA, 12093 posts
20 Aug 2013 7:55PM
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Karen, can you give us an estimate of how long it will take you to do them once all the money is in?

TAS, 2342 posts
21 Aug 2013 10:23AM
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Once I get all payments in I'll order the t.shirts. Usually takes a week for them to get to me. Hard to say exact times for completion as I have other work to do as well so I'll be printing the GPSTC tees and other jobs at the same time. So I would say it will take me 2 weeks to print them all but could be sooner. Then I'll freight them out to WA so that will probably take a week to get to you guys. So the sooner I can get all payments in the sooner I can get onto them.

WA, 12093 posts
21 Aug 2013 6:27PM
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Thanks Karen that gives us a good idea, not going to be any sooner than 4 weeks.

TAS, 2342 posts
23 Aug 2013 2:05PM
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All payments are in and I've just ordered all the t.shirts, so they'll arrive to me next week sometime then it's all go to get them printed. Thanks everyone.

NSW, 1600 posts
23 Aug 2013 5:51PM
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Heads up for my teams....I have the shirts here now. Will be spending the weekend putting them all in their correct team piles then off to the printer with them next week. I'll be in touch to the team Captains re payments and delivery details etc shortly.

WA, 3145 posts
23 Aug 2013 6:32PM
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sick_em_rex said..

Heads up for my teams....I have the shirts here now. Will be spending the weekend putting them all in their correct team piles then off to the printer with them next week. I'll be in touch to the team Captains re payments and delivery details etc shortly.

Thanks Rex

VIC, 3398 posts
23 Aug 2013 10:04PM
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sick_em_rex said..

Heads up for my teams....I have the shirts here now. Will be spending the weekend putting them all in their correct team piles then off to the printer with them next week. I'll be in touch to the team Captains re payments and delivery details etc shortly.


QLD, 167 posts
23 Aug 2013 11:17PM
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sick_em_rex said..

Heads up for my teams....I have the shirts here now. Will be spending the weekend putting them all in their correct team piles then off to the printer with them next week. I'll be in touch to the team Captains re payments and delivery details etc shortly.

Can't wait, hope you do them in alphbetical order so we get ours first

VIC, 1619 posts
24 Aug 2013 5:54PM
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sick_em_rex said..

Heads up for my teams....I have the shirts here now. Will be spending the weekend putting them all in their correct team piles then off to the printer with them next week. I'll be in touch to the team Captains re payments and delivery details etc shortly.


Maybe I can sneak a run down the channel at Luderitz in mine and see how fast they make you go

TAS, 2342 posts
8 Sep 2013 5:23PM
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Hi WA teams. Should have your tees finished by the middle of this week so will be sending them off either Weds or Thurs. That means you should have them by the middle of the following week.

WA, 12093 posts
10 Sep 2013 7:54PM
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Well done Kazza! Thanks a lot.
That means they'll beat me home.
The shirts will go to Avalon Sail Co. in Mandurah, (3 teams are represented on their staff)
Cheryl is picking up the Perth shirts from there.

Bender, can you organise your mobs?

looking forward to picking mine up when we get back.

WA, 2223 posts
10 Sep 2013 10:27PM
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Easy done Mike. I'm up to Perth next friday so i can grab the shirts on the way home in the arvo.

TAS, 2342 posts
11 Sep 2013 2:57PM
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They're on the way, so should arrive next Wednesday.

NSW, 1600 posts
17 Sep 2013 4:45PM
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I'm picking up the shirts from my printer on Friday for my teams. Can all Captains please message me with details for delivery if going to 1 address or if not can individuals let me know what your addresses are so I can organise couriers/postage. I'll then reply with my bank account details for payment.

Thanks, Andrew.

WA, 11 posts
19 Sep 2013 8:45PM
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WA T Shirts have arrived and are ready for pick up at Avalon Sail Co

WA, 728 posts
20 Sep 2013 12:05AM
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Thanks Kazza and all of the other people involved with making the tee shirts happen they look great ive got mine and are very happy thanks once again to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TAS, 2342 posts
20 Sep 2013 10:10AM
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Great they have arrived, goooooo GPSTC!!

WA, 12093 posts
20 Sep 2013 3:50PM
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Yep, they sure look good. They beat me here by a day. I've picked up all Mandurah Mob's shirts. I've left the others at Avalon sail co in case I cause confusion.

Thanks Karren for taking the trouble to label them all with the owners name, that makes it much easier this end.

TAS, 2342 posts
20 Sep 2013 5:57PM
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No worries, made it much easier my end too. Years of practice.

WA, 1730 posts
20 Sep 2013 5:31PM
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Cheryl has picked up the other WA shirts and there on the way back to Perth as I post this.
I will leave it to her to post pick up details for the other team captains.
I will prob grab the SRM ones.
Many Thanks to Kazza.

TAS, 1992 posts
20 Sep 2013 9:05PM
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Yep, thanks Kazza, t-shirts are great!!!

Paul Kelf
WA, 678 posts
23 Sep 2013 10:24AM
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Team t-shirts look great, Eric loves his

Couldn't link directly to the photo, internet nazis at work


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"GPSTC T-shirts" started by lao shi