Just got the first test production run of the New Maui Ultra Fins Delta XT. Looks interesting and I can't wait to get it on the water to see how it goes. The surface area of the New Delta XT is about the same as the Original MUF Delta but they have move it from the front to the back. The Delta XT has less rake than the MUF Delta. The Delta XT has been designed to have more grip and get up and go than a MUF Delta and fingers crossed it will be lighting fast. Unfortunately the first test production run was only power box but that's good for me with my Twin Fin power box boards. Also only in sizes 18,20 and 22 the next production run should include 16, 24 and 26
That low depth twin fin setup may be the perfect combo for Pt Grey where the acres of hard packed sand usually mean if you misjudge the depth and touch when planning with a normal tip fin, you will have to walk a long way to get enough water to get going again. Large tip stops digging in. Twin shortens length.
Whilst in theory low aspects are not as efficient hydrodynamically from experience we have found flat water trumps everything (now there is a word that is getting a new meaning).
Yes. I have found any sort of Delta is a severe compromise but anything that can get you into really flat shallow water is great.
When a board is drawn up for placement of the fins, a line is usually drawn from a point on the nose as in the case of thrusters and twin fins. I was wondering whether the angle of attack on both fins would be the same (for speed sailing), or whether, whilst one fin was tracking true the other was actually inducing drag by being slightly off kilter? Or does it have negligible effect on tracking, being purposefully built for waves?
Nice looking boards legless. Can you tell me if the fin boxes are perpendicular or slightly canted towards the nose?
In the photo, rake looks to be approx 45 degrees, which previously has not been enough to cope with the weed here. So I am wondering, is our weed unusually thick, or are the fins aimed at the shallow sandy runs, rather than weedy runs?
I tried one of these deltas yesterday at Budgy. I have always been underfinned with a 20cm original delta on my 75cm wide freemove with the 7.8m. I demoed a 22cm one and loved it! Budgy is still high but it has dropped a fairbit.
I spun out a few times but that was in overpowering gusts I wasn't ready for. I loved the fact that for once I could actually trust the fin and press against it and felt really comfortable sailing it.
I must have been using a fair bit of pressure as when I came in and tried to walk my ankle ( still recovering with torn scar tissue) gave me grief and was very painful..That generally only happens after being out in chop and pressing against decent fins .
No hassles with the weed although it isn't as shallow as usual but if they are 50 degrees I can't see them having any issues.
Bought it.. I don't often use the big board at Budgy as it's really slow but I am looking forward to just having some fun lightwind sessions now I have a decent fin!
Had my first run on the Delta XT 20 and then the 18. in a choppy gusty 16-24 knot at canton. I was very impressed with the fins. Loads of grip the fins did not let go. Them seemed to go up wind better to. if I had been using my Delta 19 or Delta Speed 18's in those conditions they would have been slipping out. The water is not very shallow at the moment but there was thick clumps of floating weed I hit a few and the fins went through them with only a mild tug. Can't wait to try the fins in flat water when the water drops at Budgie. I did notice the fins whistled when powered up.
If there are any SA sailors with this product, then I would like to have a few runs on your fin before deciding to order one.